Amelia Monksford

Amelia Monksford

New Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wood, Meteorite Dust Core, Twelve Inches, Slightly Flexible.
The Basics
Character's Name: Amelia Jane Monksford
Character's Birthdate: 12/04/2015
Hometown: , New Zealand
Blood Status: Half Blood

Wand: Pear Wood, Meteorite Dust Core, Twelve Inches, Slightly Flexible.

Educated At: Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Hair: Chestnut brown, but likes to experiment with other colours.
Eyes: Hazel, but on the bluer end of the green spectrum, due to age.
Height: Five feet and nine inches.
Style: Amelia tends towards modestly modern, or 'cottagecore' fashion.
Other Distinguishing Features: Amelia has a large scar across her chest as a result of the 'jaws of life', after experiencing a cardiac episode while on holiday in Scotland, in a muggle community.

A Little Deeper

(Psychoanalyze your character. How do they act? Why do they act that way?)
Special Talents/Abilities:

(Does your character have an approved special ability/condition/race? Do they have a unique talent or extraordinary skill? Explain it all here.)

History: Amelia was born in New Zealand, in 2015, to Elsie Ruskin and James Monksford. Both her parents moved to New Zealand in 2010, as an intended retirement plan. Elsie was forty-six at the time, and James was fifty-eight. Both parents believed they could no longer have children, and neither wanted more children, as they already had four sons. However, upon discovering her surprise pregnancy, Elsie decided that it was the workings of fate, so she decided do keep the pregnancy, and was over the moon when Amelia was born. James showered his only daughter with affection, and her (now adult) brothers all made frequent trips from the United Kingdom to visit their baby sister.

Amelia attended Hogwarts New Zealand- the first member of her family to do so- and was sorted into Hufflepuff. She achieved a majority of Outstanding, and Exceeds Expectations grades, in most of her classes. As an extra curricular activity, she was a member of the Frog Choir. Amelia did spend a year on the house Quidditch team as a keeper, but found this too much on top of all her studies, so spent a second year as a reserve keeper, before quitting the team to focus exclusively on passing all her classes.

During her teenage years, Amelia was particularly popular with regards to having a wealth of friends. However, she always struggled when it came to forming romantic relationships. Her first relationship was with a man name Devon, who she dated for several months when she was fifteen. This was a pleasant enough relationship, but Amelia found difficulty in balancing her education with giving her boyfriend the attention she felt he needed. Amelia ultimately ended the relationship, and wouldn't go on to pursue romantic relationships for the next six years.

Adrian Harper was born in New Zealand on the 5th of June, 2013. He attended Hogwarts New Zealand as a Ravenclaw, and bore quite the superiority complex. He achieved high grades at school, before going on to work at the Ministry of Magic, working security themed jobs, and falling in with a hush-hush crowd. Amelia and Adrian started dating when Amelia was twenty-one. She'd just started working at the Ministry in the Department of Magical Creatures, and she encountered Adrian during one of her lunch breaks. The two started talking, and hit it off. They began dating, and when Amelia was twenty-three, they began living together. When Amelia turned twenty-six, Adrian proposed, and the couple wed on the 17th of July, 2043.

Amelia's life had it all; the job, the husband, the close-knit friends, the owned home, the supportive family. But this beautiful world began to shatter and splinter when Amelia and Adrian began trying for a baby in the months after their marriage. The months then turned to years. As Amelia turned thirty, she began to focus more on becoming a mother, and put more time and energy into finding out why she wasn't able to conceive. On her thirty-first birthday, Amelia finally received the news that she would never be able to conceive. This devastated both Amelia, and Adrian, who felt as though their life together could never fully tick all the planned boxes. Amelia did suggest adoption, but Adrian rejected this idea, feeling that he could not love a child that wasn't his by blood. This was the beginning of the rift, as Amelia had always had a rescuer complex, and the idea of rejecting a child for not being a blood relative, deeply wounded her.

After tolerating the petering out of their relationship for a further eight years, in which they rescued a dog (Burton, a black Labrador-cross-goodness-knows-what) that Adrian failed to bond with, but Amelia adored like a child, the two agreed to a divorce. The divorce became official in December of 2054, and Amelia found herself moving into a rental home, after Adrian refused to sell the house. She and Burton began their cosy life together, and Amelia left her job at the Ministry, after Adrian continued to make rude and aggressive comments to her in passing at work.


(Include any relatives your character has [parents, siblings, children etc.] and some on them [A mini bio, if you will {Age, occupation, blood status, a little history}])
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