+ Amberly Chang

Amberly Chang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Full Name:
Amber Leigh Chang, combines her first and middle name so she goes by Amberly
Korean name: Miyoung

Date of Birth:
January 18, 2016

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Amberly is a small Asian girl with a naturally bright appearance. She has a really big smile and whenever she smiles her eyes form "eye smiles" which make her pupils really small. She is somewhat self-conscious about this because Asians are normally made fun of for their "small" eyes, so when she eye-smiles, her eyes get even smaller. Currently Amberly has a short, "mushroom" style haircut, but she has grown it longer before - Amberly loves her hair. She loves changing it and styling it and stuff.

Amberly is definitely a bright and bubbly person. She loves to think positive and always gives people the benefit of the doubt. She loves making friends and exploring and just generally having fun and can be obnoxious because some people are not used to her energy. She loves singing and dancing and performing for people (she's gotta do something with all her energy) and she loves when she's the center of attention (though not in a conceited type of way). She wants to be a performer so she does think that school is a bit of a waste of time because she doesn't see how it'll help her be a performer.

Father: David (Kyuhyun) Chang

47, CEO of a moving company, Korean - born in Seoul, Korea, moved to L.A. in his mid-twenties to study and work on his English, met his wife there

Mother: Lily (Yuri) Kang

37, manager of a cosmetics and spa store, Korean-American - born in Los Angeles, California, moved to Seoul with her husband at 26

2 sisters - An older sister Lizzy, and a younger sister Sarah (9)

Elizabeth (Lizzy) Darla Chang, Korean name: Sooyoung, 13, is very smart and seems reserved but isn't really
Sarah Nicole Chang, Korean name: Kyuyoung, 9, has so much annoying aegyo (cuteness) but her looks are deceiving because she uses her aegyo to get away with things or get out of situations

Her parents won't let her have pets but she really wants a bunny and might buy one behind her parents' backs when she gets to Hogwarts

Area of Residence:
Seoul, South Korea

Blood Status:
Muggle born


Special Abilities:
None that she knows of yet

Interests or Hobbies:
looooves singing and dancing, playing sports like soccer, baseball, kickball, swimming, etc., changing her hair style, her favorite color is pink,

Additional Skills:
can pick up instruments quickly, has never even heard of Quidditch but since she's athletic she'd probably be good at it

once again, can learn instruments quickly and has a great memory for things, especially music, but does not apply it to schoolwork, gives everyone a second chance, is very positive and can brighten up someone's day

her lack of focus in school because she thinks it's a waste, she trusts people too easily because she likes to think the best of them but sometimes it'll backfire on her, is a little too dependent on people currently

Describe your character in three words:
bubbly, positive, charming

Favourite place to be:
in the spotlight

Amberly has had a very best friend from the moment she was born named Minerva (Korean name: Minhwa) but she calls her Minzy for short. The two of them enjoy putting on performances for their families. ^_^

Hogwarts House:
Gryffindor :D

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Since Amberly isn't very studious and doesn't care too much for school, she just hopes to learn some cool magic tricks and join the glee club and stuff like that.

Best school subjects:
Hmmm health/P.E. if there is a magical equivalent (flying once she takes it)

Worst school subjects:
I guess the worst would be history of magic because it is a lot of writing and listening to boring professors

Extracurricular Activities:
She would love to join the glee club or any type of music program that HNZ has to offer her as well as any sports because she loves letting out her energy on them.

Not yet

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
Be a famous performer worldwide!

Your Patronus:
Panda bear

Your Patronus memory:
Her and Minzy coming up with their very own songs and performing it for their families for the first time. It's such a significant moment because instead of just singing covers, they actually wrote them themselves, and one was even a ballad type of song so she felt proud that she wrote an upbeat one and a ballad.

Your Boggart:
Losing her voice; and having tomatoes thrown at her if she were performing hehe

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
being up on stage, probably with Minzy, and having her family cheering for her and somehow having all this magical knowledge without needing to go to school lol

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,

I got my letter for a witch school just like Lizzy did two years ago. I'm going to a different school though, not to America, instead New Zealand. They speak English there too so I'll have to make sure I'm really good at it. Omma says she might make Lizzy come so I won't be alone, even though I got mad I'm kinda glad she might be coming 'cause I was scared a little.
Minzy is really sad that I'm going to a different school now. She said she would try to convince her parents to let her go to the same school but I know they would never let her do that. Plus she can't come. I really hate it cuz she's mad at me and I can't tell her that it's a witch school cuz Omma says she's can't know that. I hate it! I hate her being mad at me but they said I will get in big trouble if I tell her. I've never kept a secret from her but I'm scared to get in trouble...maybe if I just leave her a note somewhere that way I didn't *really* tell her, she just happened to find the note? Oh well, I guess I'll think it over a little bit.


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