Amber Marina Wilson.

Amber Wilson

Well-Known Member

Seemed to stop my breath, My head on your chest. Waiting to cave in.
From the bottom of my... Hear your voice again, could we dim the sun,
and wonder where we've been. Maybe you and me.

NAME: Amber Marina Wilson.
AGE: Fourteen.
BIRTHDAY: 28th August.
GENDER: Female.
SCHOOL: Hogwarts New Zealand.
BLOOD STATUS: Half blood.
BLOOD TYPE: A positive.
HERATIGE: French and New Zealand.
DIET: Vegetarian.
ALLERGIES: None as of yet.
FAVOURITE COLOURS: Anything earthy.
PETS: None currently.




HEIGHT Amber has an average height for a healthy fourteen year old girl, she has always been of an average height for her age, and doesn't take much, if any notice to her height at all, as her height has never been a problem, and has never caused her so stick out like a sore thumb like other people.
WEIGHT: Since Amber keeps up a vegetarian diet, she is slim, but healthy. At a first glance Amber appears like a normal girl, with an average weight, she doesn't look unhealthily thin, nor does she look overweight, she just looks average for a person who is considered slim.
COMPLEXION: Amber's complexion is slightly tanned, since she spends a lot of her time outside, during the school year she is significantly pale than in the holidays because she is pent up inside with school work, whereas during the winter break and summer holidays, Amber spends almost her whole day outside.
HAIR: Amber has chestnut brown long hair that sometimes looks dark brown depending on the light she is in. Her hair is naturally wavy with choppy layers and a slightly long fringe with bangs that she usually wears to the side or out of her face. She usually wears her hair out. When she is exercising, Amber puts her hair into a ponytail. For formal occasions, Amber styles her hair into a neat bun.
EYES: Her eyes are a shade of honey brown, matching her hair colour. Amber is glad she doesn't have an eye colour that is bright, like blue or grey as it means she doesn't need to spend time highlighting her eye colour because it's not something unique to highlight.
BODY: Amber has a slim yet curvy shaped body, her hips and thighs carrying slightly more weight than the rest of her body. Overall Amber's build is proportioned and hourglass shaped, the extra thickness on her hips and thighs being balanced out after her chest started to develop during her second year.
STYLE: Amber takes pride in the clothing she wears, her style changing throughout the year to match the seasons. In warmer weather, Amber will usually be found in clothing where she can soak up the sun's warmth, such as summer dresses, shorts and girly tops, with sandals or flats, and a hat to match. When the weather is colder and more chilly, Amber wears jeans with coats, scarfs, blouses, anything to keep herself war, in winter or autumn weather. Example.




EDUCATED AT: Before starting Hogwarts New Zealand, Amber was privately taught by a tutor hired by her parents, as they were always away working where she learnt the basics of the muggle world, things a muggle would learn in elementary school, and how to blend into crowds so when she as older she wouldn't stand out in ridiculous clothing like other witches and wizards did.
FAVOURITE SUBJECT: While being tutored, Amber did not have a favourite subject, as she preferred it when she had breaks from learning, so she had the chance to go outside and play in her mansion grounds. At one point Amber suggested being taught outside, but this suggestion was rejected by her strict tutor, meaning her breaks were her favourite part of the day.
LEAST FAVOURITE SUBJECT: Amber did not take kindly to learning anything when she was a child, she did not like being cooped up inside all day when she could be sitting under a tree peacefully reading, and teaching herself rather than being taught by a strict tutor, so Amber disliked all the subjects she was being taught, out of the environment she was in.
FAVOURITE PLACE: Amber's favourite place while being tutored at home was outside, in her family's grounds, walking, relaxing, just anything which involved being outside, and having fun. More particularly, Amber liked reading in her family's rose garden, she loved the smell of the flowers and how peaceful the atmosphere was.
LEAST FAVOURITE PLACE: Since she was being taught at home, Amber did not have any place she disliked, she loves every single part of her home, however if she had the choice, being inside wouldn't be it.

EDUCATED AT: At the age of eleven, Amber received a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts New Zealand to no surprise, Amber's grandmother protested she attend Beauxbatons like her mother, and her grandmother herself, but this protest failed and she has been attending Hogwarts New Zealand ever since, she is now in her fourth year.
HOUSE: At the sorting ceremony, the sorting hat appropriately placed Amber in Hufflepuff, a house she is happy to be in, and a house she is proud of.
FAVOURITE SUBJECT: Since being in in magical school for a few years, Amber has taken a liking to Herbology, it quickly became her favourite subject, not because it was the easiest for her, but because of her love of the environment and anything to do with nature. Amber loves everything about nature and wants to do the best to keep the environment clean and healthy.
LEAST FAVOURITE SUBJECT: Amber does not have a least favourite magical subject, every single one of her subjects she sees as equal, and doesn't really dislike anything to do with magic, even if I is difficult and she doesn't have talents in certain areas, she is still willing to try anything magical with an unbiased opinion.
FAVOURITE PLACE: Her favourite place in the Castle grounds is a tie between the lakefront, the great lawn, the rose garden and the Herbology greenhouse. Amber likes spending time in all of these places, the reasoning varying but in short it is because she loves herbology and nature. Amber spends time in the rose garden because it reminds her of home when she's got a case of homesickness, and in the lakefront because it is very peaceful and relaxing when she's having, or has had a hard day.
LEAST FAVOURITE PLACE: The dungeons. Amber dislikes dark, damp and cold places, and the air of the dungeons frightens her, luckily for Amber she doesn't have any need to go there except for classes, however even then she hates the place. She does her best to avoid going near the dungeons unless it is completely necessary.
CURRENTLY EDUCATED AT: Amber is currently being educated at Hogwarts New Zealand and is in her fourth year.




LIKES: Nature, being outside, herbology, summer weather, kind professors, having new experiences.
DISLIKES: Restriction, judgemental people, darkness, horror movies, violence, close-mindedness.
WAND: Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather - Oak has always been respected by nearly all world cultures. Admired for its strength and size it represents strength, endurance and power. Oak helps promote both observation and intuition. Oak provides a very balanced energy and is skewed neither toward the light or the darkness.
VERITISERUM: On the outside, Amber hides how the absence of having her parents in her life affects her. She pretends like she is okay with hardly ever seeing her mother and father, but she honestly hates it, and she constantly feels lonely without being able to spend time with her family.
BOGGART: Amber's biggest fear is being alone for eternity, her Boggart would be her as a lonely old woman, taunting her and making her believe she will spend her future years alone, and without any form of comfort for the loneliness.
AMORTENTIA: Roses, summer breeze, old books, the wilderness, fresh air.
MIRROR OF ERISED: If Amber had the chance to glance into the mirror of Erised, she would see herself married, and with a family who would give her unconditional love for eternity. Her goal in life is to love and be loved, and that is what she would see in her reflection in the mirror, love and nothing but it.
OVERALL PERSONALITY: Amber is kind and loyal. She treasures the friends she has like family and would do what she can to make them happy. Amber is generous; she will go out of her way to help people in need. She can be too generous at times and can easily become used and betrayed by somebody once they have gained her trust. She is very trusting towards somebody she has known for a short amount of time, since she trusts people too quickly, she can be backstabbed easily. She doesn't judge people by wealth, family, appearance or rumours that may be going around; she likes to make up her own mind about people she meets depending on how they act towards her. Amber is polite and will do her best to tolerate people that are being rude or insulting to her and other people around her. She will stand up for herself and people she cares about if they are being bullied or insulted, as she was taught this from a young age. Amber knows how rich she is, and she wants to give back, and not appear conceited like many other rich teenagers she has met. Amber is rather confident; however she is constantly plagued with a fear of being alone, and doesn't know how to keep any relationship for too long because she doesn't have a stable relationship with her parents, although there are one or two exceptions. The absence of having family constantly in her life has been very daunting on Amber, she has no idea how to open up completely and share her feelings to somebody because she does not know how. Although she hardly has any relationship with her family, Amber has a strong motherly side to her personality, wanting to help people in need and make the world a better place, since she has not experienced this herself.
FIVE WORDS: Motherly, kind, insecure, worried, scared, generous.




RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single (not looking).
TO WHOM: n/a.
IDEAL PARTNER: Athletic, loving, affectionate, level headed, generous, funny.
TO WHOM: n/a.
MARITAL STATUS: Never married.
TO WHOM: n/a.
TURN ONS: Humour, dark eyes, athleticism, rebellion, unpredictability, intelligence.
TURN OFFS: Lethargy, conformity, ignorance, vanity, violence, conceit.



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HISTORY: Amber Marina Wilson was born on August 28th, 2016 to parents April Adele Wilson and Joseph Lewis Wilson in New Zealand. Born into an extremely wealthy family, Amber was well looked after since she was brought home from the hospital. Her first five years of life were spent close with her mother and father, who had taken five years off working to watch their daughter grow up, they were there for her first steps, her first words, and she spent most of her day with her mother and father, who treated her like a princess. However once Amber turned five and started being taught by a private tutor, her father started work again, meaning he spent a lot less time with his daughter. This lasted around a year up until Amber had just turned six, when her mother decided to start working again after Amber reluctantly settled into a regular school schedule. The supervision from the tutor and the housekeeper meant she could return to work knowing her daughter was well taken care of. Her father returning to work a year earlier and her mother starting work again meant Amber missed them greatly, and although her parents also missed their daughter, the hectic work schedules they returned to forced them from keeping contact with Amber.

For the next few years, Amber spent her time alone, learning from her tutor, and travelling to France every year to visit her old fashioned grandmother to learn proper etiquette, and how to behave appropriately and give her family a good name. A child like Amber found these lessons tedious, however she still conformed, and since she craved spending time with anybody she could call family. Amber learned how to treat the staff that worked at her home in New Zealand, how to be formal, well-mannered and appropriate towards people. She didn't put much of this into practice, as no family was ever at home to judge whether or not she was treating the staff like staff, and not friends, Amber had created her own mild form of rebellion. Through being tutored at home, Amber quickly took a liking to spending time outside, and would sit outside, or walk for hours when she had the chance, because nature temporarily distracted her from her loneliness. One day at the age of eleven while outside walking, Amber came across a pair of hedge trimmers in the middle of a path in the rose garden. They had been left by a recently hired gardener named Finnian, the two were off to a rocky start, but quickly overcame that and started to get along. After another month or so of her regular schedule, until she received her letter of acceptance to Hogwarts New Zealand. Amber rejoiced at receiving her letter, and embraced the whole new experience wizarding school would provide for her.

Amber was sorted into Hufflepuff at the sorting ceremony, and quickly began classes, quickly falling in love with herbology, as it stood out from the rest of her subjects. Amber's first year went by hastily, she was enthusiastic and eager to learn everything there was to know about magic. It was to her surprise to see Finnian within the castle walls one day, where he was lost trying to look for the Hufflepuff common room. Amber was surprised to find out Finnian was also a wizard, and after seeing him that day the two did not keep in contact, she hardly saw him around. Amber's second year went by a lot quicker than her first, as she mainly focused on her studies and wanted to do better in school, however one day while taking a walk outside, she met a first year named Katie Swan, after their first meeting, the two quickly became close friends, and spent a lot of their time together. Also in her second year at magical school, Amber met a fellow second year Hufflepuff named Warren Hewitt, they got along well and adventured to the lakefront one day, to swim and examine the underwater plant life in the lake, quite a change in scenery after meeting for the first time in the Hufflepuff common room.

The witches' third year went by differently from her second year, she did not make any new friends, and became closer to Katie through spending time with each other frequently, apart from that, her third year went by as a blur. This changed for her fourth year, as in the holidays Amber and Katie met for a sleepover, and spent the whole time playing games and eating masses of junk food, which put Amber in a positive mood for her fourth year. Amber is currently in the second semester of her fourth year, hanging out with Katie as usual, and attempting to focus on her school work although recently she has found herself distracted from her work by other things.

no image available.
RELATIONSHIP: Grandmother.
AGE: 77
BLOOD STATUS: Pure blood.
PLAYBY: not available.

AGE: 49.
PLAYBY: George Clooney.

AGE: 43.
BLOOD STATUS: Pure blood.
PLAYBY: Amy Acker.


When will this boredom end?
Tomorrow is always better.
The freedom I longed for.
Don't have a cow.
Don't have a drowning incident, K?
Staying over.

<SIZE size="50">coding by me, images by me, steal and Santa will give you coal.

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