Amaya Yamamoto

Amaya Yamamoto

OOC First Name
Lemon & Cherry Pizza


Now What Shall We Call Her?:

First It Shall Be: Amaya
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning: Night Rain
Second, Maybe: Hana
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning: Flower
Finally, She Shall Be: Yamamoto
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning:Base of the Mountain
A Rose By Any Other Name: Ama, May, Amy.

And When Did She Come To Be?

Of The Twelve Months: June
The Number Being: 20
Making Her Star Sign: Gemini
Significance Of Her Star Sign: Traditionally people with the Gemini sign have positive and negative traits.
Positive: Adaptable, witty, intelligent and lively.
Negative: Nervous, superficial and cunning

She Comes From: Amaya is three-quarters Japanese and one quarter Korean. She lives in New Zealand with her mother, but often stays with her Aunt in Japan. Her father is currently living in Japan.

When She Smiles At The Mirror, Does The Mirror Smile Back?

She'll Stare At You With Her: Brown eyes. Her eyes are very expressive, and you can easily tell what she is feeling if you look at her eyes.
Her Wild Locks, Blowing In The Wind Are: Naturally black, but Amaya tends to dye her hair a lot. Her hair has a natural wave in it.
So, What Shape Is Her Face: Heart-shaped, though Amaya straightens it sometimes.
Tall? Short? Stand On Your Tiptoes: Amaya is very short, standing at 4"2.
You Look Like You Robbed A Department Store: Amaya is often seen wearing skinny jeans with holes in the knee, as she cannot be bothered sewing. She adores neon clothing and bright jewellery. She regularly dresses like she should be living in the 1980's, even though she obviously wasn’t even born then. She also likes girly clothing and pretty dresses.

Other Features We Should Know About: Amaya cannot stand having anything near her eyes, so she never wears mascara or eyeliner. Sometimes she may wear eye shadow if it is a special occasion.

Amaya needs to wear glasses, but she won’t wear them unless she absolutely has no choice. She is short-sighted, meaning she can’t see very far away. Her glasses have purple frames and she refuses to wear them because she thinks that they make her look stupid. She can see without her glasses, not well, but just enough to get by. Amaya wears her glasses during class, when she’s paying attention, that is.

Amaya has a slim figure, but she is not scrawny. She has a ballerina’s build and is constantly worrying about getting fat. Her fingernails are always short, as she has a habit of biting them when she’s nervous.

If You Met Her, What Would You Think?

At First She Seems: Kind and cheerful, but vaguely ditzy
But Then You Befriend Her And She's: So much smarter than you thought.
But Make An Enemy Of Her And: Amaya isn’t afraid to fight, and she knows how to punch. Hard.

Inside Her Mind: To her friends, Amaya is simply a nice person, or at least tries to be. She is brave to the point of recklessness and fiercely loyal to her friends. She would die to protect someone she cared about. She has an irritating habit of acting first and thinking later and is not the most sensible person in the world. She is also extremely unorganized, though she tries hard to change that. To her enemies, and certain friends, Amaya is one of the meanest people ever. She never backs down from a fight and is very good at getting her own way.

Amaya is very intelligent, though she is lazy when it comes to school. She has a ‘don’t care’ attitude towards most aspects of her life, as she is terrified of being embarrassed or hurt. If she fails at something, she pretends not to be bothered about it, even if it was the most important thing to her. Amaya is also very impatient and cannot make up her mind about anything

Amaya tries to stay out of trouble, and is very good at it. She is a rebel, and has a way of bending the rules just enough to stay out of trouble. She will lie to get out of trouble. Amaya likes to pretend that she can’t speak English to get out of trouble, and it usually works. Amaya is also very good at holding a grudge against people. Once she doesn’t like you, nothing you do can make her like you again. Or can it…? (to be continued…)

Also, Amaya is a little insecure about herself. She is a little paranoid about people and always wonders if they actually like her. She can be a little possessive over people, which can get somewhat annoying.

Love It? Hate It?:

She Likes:

Neon: It’s bright and pretty! Amaya owns far too many neon clothes that she finds in the second hand stores.

Music: Amaya should have been born in the 1980’s, as it is her favourite music. She especially loves 80’s pop. She also has a love for theatre music. As well as that, Amaya knows every song from every Disney movie ever made. Amaya plays the guitar. She can play the piano too, but not well. Amaya has mad triangle-playing skilz.

Daydreaming: Amaya spends the majority of her days daydreaming. Most of the time during class, she will be daydreaming instead of paying attention. She carries around a notebook to write about her daydreams.

Stationary: Amaya loves to collect pens, pencils and erasers. She will not write with normal black or blue ink, she only writes in purple, pink or other ‘exotic’ colours. She also loves notebooks, and has far too many. Amaya buys more notebooks than she will ever write in and attempts to write in them all. Most of her notebooks have a few pages written on and the rest is blank.

Capoeira: Not many people know that Amaya is trained in capoeira. It is a type of martial arts originated from South America. Amaya began learning it as a dance form, then moved to combat. Amaya is very good.

Ballet: She used to take ballet classes.

Rebelling: Breaking rules. If it will irritate a teacher, Amaya will do it. She particularly likes graffiti. Amaya is not really a bad person, and would never steal or bully. She only spray paints walls and does anything to breach the school uniform code.

Parties: If there is music and people, Amaya will be there. She loves to meet new people and socialize.

Singing/Music: Amaya doesn’t think that she’s any good at singing, but she still loves it. Her voice is soprano (high, for all you non-musical folk). Her friends think her music taste is weird. She hates ‘popular’ songs, rap and R&B, though most people don’t know this. She likes rock, techno, 1980’s music and songs from musical theatre. There are also some pop songs that she likes. Amaya doesn’t complain about other people’s tastes in music and will happily listen to anything. There are just some music types she doesn’t particularly like.

Fire: Amaya is fascinated by fire and could sit for hours in front of the fireplace. She loves fireworks too, but hates the noise.

Eating Raw Noodles: Instant noodles are supposed to be cooked. Amaya either does not know this or is too lazy to cook them. Most likely the latter. Either way, she always has a stash of raw noodles in her dorm room which her mother sends her.

Sports: Amaya likes sports. That is most definitely not the same as being good at sports. Noelle is possibly the world’s biggest klutz, though she is okay at soccer. She does not like netball at all, whatsoever. The sports she does like are dance, karate, soccer, rugby and surfing. She is brilliant at surfing.

She Hates:

Wannabes: People who act like they are totally awesome when they are not. They’re annoying.

Cooking: She is afraid of burning herself, and will not go near the kitchen.

Walls: She keeps walking into them when she doesn’t wear her glasses. A little annoying

Her Dad: Amaya doesn’t remember her dad much, but she remembers a lot of yelling between her parents.

Photos: Only ones of herself. Amaya isn’t confident about her appearance and hates photos. She loves taking photos of other people though.

Awards: Amaya hates trophies and certificates. She doesn’t know why, but it has something to do with her name. She doesn’t have anything against her name, but Amaya doesn’t like seeing her name in print. Amaya has quite a few trophies and certificates, but she hates them.

Facts You Need To Know, And Some You Don't

Her Achilles Heel(s):

Allergies: Amaya is mildly allergic to tomatoes. She can eat tomato sauce and things containing tomato paste. She can’t eat straight tomatoes, but she can eat them if they are processed. There are tablets that Amaya takes when she eats tomatoes. She always has them with her, but they are rarely needed as Amaya doesn’t like tomatoes.

She is extremely allergic to pumpkin. She can’t even touch pumpkin without getting very sick. In the event of Amaya touching pumpkin, she must be taken to the hospital immediately! The scent of pumpkin doesn’t hurt Amaya too much, but she does develop a headache and feel a little ill.

She is also allergic to apricots and shellfish.

Because most of her allergies are vegetables, she always has a pair of gloves with her in Herbology (and sometimes during meals).

Physical Flaws: She has weak ankles, which cause her to collapse at any given time. Her ankles have always been weak, but they got worse as she got older. Because of this, she can’t dance very often anymore, but not for lack of trying. Amaya dances whenever she thinks people aren’t watching. Amaya has fallen down the stairs many times because of her ankles.

- Fear of not being accepted by peers. Rather obvious.
- Dogs. Amaya was attacked by a dog when she was seven. She is now terrified of dogs. Small dogs she doesn’t mind so much.
- Water. Amaya almost drowned in a lake when she was six. Amaya loves water, but also fears it.

- Amaya is double jointed
-Amaya is not afraid of death, in fact she is quite curious about what happens when you die. She has many theories.
- She writes with her left hand.

They Love You, Or Do They?

Her Mother Happens To Be:
Kimiko Yamamoto: witch. She ran away from her husband, hoping he would never find her and her family. Kimiko wanted to be a dancer, but settled down to have a family. She now works as a teacher at a small school for witches. Technically, she is still married as her husband refused to sign the divorce papers. She finds it hard to care for her family, as she doesn’t earn very much money. She has relatives in Japan who always send her some money at Christmas. Her Japanese relatives own her current house in New Zealand, but allow her to live in it free of rent. She worries about everything and is very nervous. Kimiko is very shy and talks to children more easily than to adults. Amaya and her mother have a good relationship. They rarely fight.

Her Father, Who Is He:
Someone: muggle. Amaya’s family left him when she was eight. He is not very nice. He was rude to his children and treated them with no respect. He hated them because they were witches.

Friends Leave, Sisters Stay:

Michiko Yamamoto: elder sister. She is a witch and lives in New Zealand. Michiko and Amaya are quite close. Michiko can be very mean, but rarely to her family. Michiko is very rebellious, and her Kimiko banned her from going to HNZ. She is fifteen years old. Michiko likes to dance, but is not into it as much as Amaya. Michiko loves to sketch.

Sakura Yamamoto: elder sister. Sakura is witch, and is home-schooled with Michiko. Sakura is very kind and has a bubbly personality. Amaya is close to her sister, but she is beginning to drift away from her. Sakura is thirteen years old.

Megumi Yamamoto : younger sister. She is a witch and will attend HNZ. Megumi and Amaya are very close. They share a love of ballet and 80’s music. Megumi is a really nice person, though she does have a totally-out-of-control-crazy-psycho side. The share the same birthday, though Megumi is two years younger.

My Home Away From Home
Sorted Into:
Best Subject:
Worst Subject:
Favourite Place In School:
Least Favourite Place In School:

Template made by Elphie.

I would really appreciate questions!

The set up is wonderful and beautiful and you are a gifted writer. Shall we begin:

Why does Amaya live with he aunt more than her mother? how close is she with her aunt? How close is she with her mother?

Amaya at a glance seems shy but at a second glance she is very outgoing, Is this transistion a hard process? What must be done to allow Amaya to truely open up to those around her?

Amaya seems skilled in many different things, so what made her want to do ballet? What made her want to learn that particular fighting style? How did her family feel about her pursuits? how did they feel after she gave up on ballet?

Amaya is so delicate and small, how does she ahandle these shortcomings? Has she ever had any problems such as bullies or a history of being picked on? How does she handle conflict?
Thank you very much :)

Why does Amaya live with he aunt more than her mother? how close is she with her aunt? How close is she with her mother?
Amaya's mother runs a small school for witches that either don't want to go to a "big" school such as Hogwarts or Beauxbatons, or has personality issues that need to be worked out. As Kimiko is busy with her students, Amaya feels that she isn't given enough attention. Amaya and her mother are not very close, which is why she lives with her aunt. Amaya and her aunt Chikako are very close, and Chikako pays more attention to Amaya than her mother does to her.

Amaya at a glance seems shy but at a second glance she is very outgoing, Is this transistion a hard process? What must be done to allow Amaya to truely open up to those around her?
When a person first meets Amaya, they must take the time to get to know it. Depending on the person and situation, it can be very long transition from shy to outgoing. Amaya often makes her mind about a person once she has met them, and acts accordingly. She is very shy around teachers and most adults, and is more comfortable around people of her own age.

Amaya seems skilled in many different things, so what made her want to do ballet? What made her want to learn that particular fighting style? How did her family feel about her pursuits? how did they feel after she gave up on ballet?
When Amaya was very young, her aunt took her to a ballet of Swan Lake. Her aunt encouraged Amaya and her sisters to learn ballet. Amaya's eldest sister Michiko gave up on ballet first, and began to lean capoeira instead. Amaya wanted to be like her sister, as Amaya is young and impressionable. Amaya didn't completely give up on ballet, she just stopped taking classes as she felt that she didn't have enough time. She still loves ballet.

Amaya is so delicate and small, how does she ahandle these shortcomings? Has she ever had any problems such as bullies or a history of being picked on? How does she handle conflict?
Amaya uses her size to her advantage, mainly to get away from people. She is always being bullied, but she always has her sisters to protect her and Amaya knows how to defend herself. When she goes to Hogwarts, she will become more aggressive towards bullies, as her sisters can't do anything to help.
What does Chikako do for a living? Where about does she live? How will be going to school in which you will be surrounded by strange new people in a strange new place?

What are you looking foward to the most about your new school? what about the least?

What do you wish to be after school? Where will you go, if you leave new zealand?

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