Amauri Patrice Chevalier

Amauri Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Holly 14 3/5" Core of Phoenix Talon
"Guilty as charged but damn it, it ain't right...

there is someone else controlling me..."

lDeath in the air, strapped in the electric chair
And the road becomes my bride, I have stripped of all but pride
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[name] Amauri Patrice Chevalier
[etymology] The first name Amauri means power, working. It would give off the impression of a noble, hard-working man. The middle name Patrice means patrician, of noble descent and it would give off the impression of a leader. The surname Chevalier means knight and it comes from France. The whole name itself is rather fits Amauri and his character.
[origin] The Chevalier's are a French family with a noble name, and they are also a family full of Aurors. However, due to their danger to the world, there are not many of them left. However they are slowly coming back. If one did enough research, one would see that they were once pure-bloods that have mixed with other bloods, and not a single pure-blood Chevalier lives anymore. However some were also put in Hogwarts Scotland at one point, and they were mostly Gryffindors, with a spare Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw here and there. There had also been one Slytherin, but that was in the late 1600s. To date, they still prove to be a strong, loyal family and known to be Aurors.
[nicknames] Amauri does not have any sort of nicknames at all.
[alliance] He has his alliance toward the Aurors, and is against the dark wizards and whatnot.
[birthdate] Amauri was born on February 22nd, 1987 in a hospital in Roucen, France. He was born around three in the morning, and it was an emergency birth because his mother had high blood pressure. He was born two months early.
[age] He is currently forty-nine-years-old.
[gender] Amauri is a male.
[sexual orientation] Heterosexual means that Amauri is attracted only to the opposite sex which would be females. He has no interest in males in that manner at all. It used to be a debate because he appeared to be asexual, but he does still hold attraction to females.
[dialects] Amauri's first language is French, but he does speak English, and has since mastered both languages. He is more often found speaking in English.
[hometown] Amauri was born in Roucen, France, and was raised there for most of his life. He still remembers the childhood that he had with his brother, and both have sold the house long ago after the parents died.
[residency] Amauri lives in Hastings, New Zealand, in a rather nice house. It is small, and two bedroom. He lives alone, and prefers to have his privacy.
[heritage] Because both of Amauri's parents are French, it makes him completely French as well.
[blood status] Amauri is a half-blood, and he is not really biased on blood types. He doesn't really care at all.
[blood type] Amauri has the blood type of B positive. There is a belief in Japan when it comes to blood types and personalities. With type B, the best traits are wild, a doer and cheerful while the bad traits are selfish, irresponsible and arrogant. This is definitely not related to his character.
[wand] The wand that Amauri has would be the Holly 14 3/5" Core of Phoenix Talon. The holly wood is considered to be protective, and bonds well to those that are in dangerous situations. The wood will react to whatever the core would be. The Phoenix core is one of the rarest core types. Phoenixes give off some of the greatest range of magic, and may take longer than some cores to develop the magic. Sometimes the cores will act on their own accord. The alliance can never change.
[occupation] He is working in New Zealand as an Auror.
[health status] Amauri suffers from depression, but he is currently getting over that.
[allergies] He does not have any allergies.
[pet] Amauri does not own any pets.
This can't be happening to me
So in her I do confide and she keeps me satisfied
[five words] Quiet, Serious, Devoted, Intelligent, Loyal
[personality] Amauri is quite the complex person. While he is very much the quiet type, he is also soft when he is around those that he does care about, even if there are some that he couldn't care less about. When one looks at him, they would see someone that does not have a sense of humor, and tends to take everything in life seriously. He usually expresses hatred in his job but feels that he is among one of the worst types of monsters there were ou there in the world since he has taken apart so many lives. However when he is out being an Auror, he appears to be cold-hearted and not express any sort of emotions, due to him bottling them up only to deal with at his home. He feels that this would be the only way to do so without going crazy. Amauri however can show a kind side when he is around his son and those that he cares about. He will continue to be like that but he shows concern because he doesn't think that just anyone is made for the Auror job.
[beliefs] He believes that Aurors are no different from criminals and can't pretend like they are.
[boggart] Seeing his son as a Scitorari member and killing Alyssa and their children.
[fears] There isn't much that Amauri fears because he keeps it hidden. He does however fear that one day, long ahead in the future that the dark deeds of hte Aurors that he had carried out that involved killing a person, no matter who htey were, would eventually change him into a killer without a reason. He also doesn't appear to appreciate trains or anything that travels underground. That does not include basements though.
[likes] Amauri actually enjoys having some time to himself and reading older books. He also tends to watch TV as well. He likes to sit back and relax, since he does not get much time to do that. He also enjoys talking walks and drives when he drives a car. He likes spending time with his family which would be with Julien, his brother, and his son's family. He loves being a grandfather even if he thinks that he is a bit too young to be one. Amauri does like doing the job of an Auror, and protecting those that mean something to him, as well as other people out there to prevent their family from being broken. Something that he had once suffered. He also likes cooking to some degree, but mostly meat. He does not fix much else.
[dislikes] He also dislikes his job at the same time as likes it. The reason would be because when one strikes down a killer or a criminal, they could have just been mislead and they had a family of their own that is now broken. Amauri dislikes it when people still have those prejudice views, seeing as his own family never thought about those views at all. He hates it when people think that the Aurors were these good guys that never got hurt, or never done anything wrong, but he knows better. He hates having the permission to cast the darker spells, even though sometimes it is needed for criminals.
[goals] His goals is to become a good grandfather to Chacen, and a better father for Alyssa.
[good habits] He has good habits of putting things away.
[bad habits] When Amauri is nervous, he kind of chews on his nails, but is trying to reduce that.
[strengths] Amauri has many strengths, but the one that appears to be the strongest would be his mind. He uses it quite often and can analyze many things without much study. He also has this strength to suppress his emotions strictly to do with his job so that he doesn't have to deal with the stress and pressures it can give. Amauri has great strength in his protectiveness of his family, and will remain that way perhaps for the rest of his life. He can normally tell when things are wrong, and he can also tell when someone lies to him if he has known them for an extended amount of time. When it comes down to magic, Amauri proves himself to be a worthy opponent while dueling. He is very strong in his charms and hexes. He knows a fair bit of Dark Magic as well as defenses against it. He is extremely strong in nonverbal spells, and it is tricky to know what he will cast before it is too late.
[weaknesses] Of course when there are strengths present, there would also be weaknesses. His number one weakness would be the love he has for his family. If one found out about his family, they could use it against him. After he lost Cyrille and his parents, he does not want to lose anyone else. His family could bring him down too if they were to ever turn evil, since he would never fight against them. Another weakness he has would be when he brings someone to justice, he buries his emotions and deals with them years later after he has a break down. The mental pressures of knowing what he is doing, and the wrongs of casting dark spells when the need calls for it takes a toll on him. Amauri also is not very strong with his healing, and he does not know how to heal himself that well. He has to depend on someone else to do the healing for him after he goes through a duel or something equivalent.
[loyalties] His loyalties rest strictly with his family and the Aurors.
[magical talents] Amauri has a vast amount of magical talents. Most of which would be his charms and the defensive spells that he can cast. He is also extremely talented in nonverbal magic, but not as much in wandless magic. As much as he would hate to say it, he is also talented in the Dark Arts, when he has to cast it, as in he can summon that much hatred and negatively to make the spells effective. He can also create curses and hexes up when he needs to, and he can apparate very well.
[other talents] He actually does not have many other talents other than from magic. He can solve puzzles and mysteries rather well, and he can solve a clever murder case effectively. He can also bury his emotions for long periods of time, and he can harden everything kind there is about him to take someone to justice.
[patronus form] His patronus form takes the form of a large wolf.
[annoyances] The only thing that is known to annoy Amauri is when people tend to make themselves the victim, and go to a place where they know that they would get hurt or in a situation that could have been avoided easily.
Who made you God to say "I'll take your life from you!"
Gives me all I need...and with dust in throat I crave
[chinese year] Being born in 1987 makes Amauri a Rabbit. People born in the Year of the Rabbit are articulate, talented, and ambitious. They are virtuous, reserved, and have excellent taste. Rabbit people are admired, trusted, and are often financially lucky. They are fond of gossip but are tactful and generally kind. Rabbit people seldom lose their temper. They are clever at business and being conscientious, never back out of a contract. They would make good gamblers for they have the uncanny gift of choosing the right thing. However, they seldom gamble, as they are conservative and wise. They are most compatible with those born in the years of the Sheep, Pig, and Dog.
[zodiac sign] Amauri is a Pisces, the fish. Being a Pisces makes him imaginative, sensitive, compassionate, kind, selfless, unworldly, intuitive and sympathetic. Most of these traits associate with him. However on the downside, it makes him an escapist, idealistic, secretive, vague, weak-willed and easily led. What a Pisces likes are solitude to dream in, mystery in all its guises, anything discarded to stay discarded, the ridiculous, and like to get 'lost' and they also dislike the obvious, being criticized, feeling all at sea about something, know-it-alls, and pedantry. The color that associate with a Pisces is a soft seagreen, and it is one of Amauri's favorite colors, from what others know of that is. The starstone of the Pisces is a moonstone.
[mutable sign] A Pisces is a mutable sign, and a person that is associated with this sign is associated with adaptability, service-providing and expansion This is perfect for Amauri.
[transpersonal sign] Also being a Pisces makes them have a transpersonal sign which makes them principally aware of and concerned with humanitarian and existential concerns. This is also very true to his character also.
[planet] The planet that rules the Pisces sign is Neptune. The planet Neptune bears its closest association with Pisces, the most watery of all the signs, and is particularly concerned with dancing and poetry. Neptune encourages imagination, sensitivity and idealism. If they are unable to pierce its mysteries there will be confusion, dishonesty, martyrdom, and indecisiveness. The good sides of being ruled under this planet is sensitivity to the needs of others and idealism. However on the downsides, there are dishonesty, martyrdom, and indecisiveness in most affairs. These traits seem to align with Amauri's character
[element] Being a Pisces, his element is Water. When the water element is emphasised in a person's natal chart they are usually quite emotional - even if they don't show it (still waters run deep). Confinement is not something these people deal well with, they are usually quite resourceful. On a positive level watery people are caring, emotional and artistic, but can also tend to exaggerate feelings out of proportion and live in a fantasy world. When a person's chart lacks water, there is the tendency for them to find it difficult to understand the feeling side of life and to show compassion to those around them. Someone having the element of water makes a person emotionally reserved, mysterious, devoted to love, psychic and artistic, with the downside of having him very sensitive, enough to the point that it would make him highly aggressive and can withdraw emotions.
[birthstone] Being born in February, makes his birthstone an Amethyst. The folklore attached to the amethyst associates it with sobriety, tranquility, protection and peace. This birthstone as also been linked to improving the skin and preventing baldness, as well as protection from deceit.
Flash before my eyes, now it's time to die
Only knowledge will I save to the game you stay a slave
[martial status] Amauri is currently seeing someone, and she is Desdemona Romanes, a former Auror and a werewolf. He is very happy with her.
[when] They officially started dating about six months after he first asked her out on a date. Their anniversary would be February 28th, 2032.
[amauri chevalier and cyrille laurent] Amauri met Cyrille when he was in school, as they were sorted in the same year. However she was a Gryffindor and he was a Ravenclaw. As soon as both became prefects, did Amauri gain the courage to come forth and talk to her. They ended up becoming friends, and soon enough, she was crushing on him and he was crushing on her. They became a couple, and then ended up marrying her as soon as they were graduated in 2005. Just a year later, she was pregnant with their firstborn son, Vincent. However while the couple were in love, something tragic hit. While Cyrille was an Auror, she found a rogue set of Death Eaters, something extremely rare. They were vengeful upon the Aurors, and she met her end by the female, and the most ruthless of the small set. Her name was Raisa. Amauri was devastated when he heard this news, and proceeded to raise Vincent alone.
[amauri chevalier and desdemona romanes] It was ironic that Amauri and Desdemona did not become friends in school since they were in the same year, and house, and she was prefect and Head Girl. However it was not until her relocation to New Zealand and getting a job as an Auror did they reunite. They became quick friends, and soon enough they had one romantic night, but both thought it was merely a dream. As the years progressed, he started to become fond of her, especially once he started dealing with his depression. One day in 2031, the two were had so much built up tension, they slept together. This only made things more complicated, and he liked her even more. He asked her out, and then six months later, in February of 2032, they began seeing each other regularly.
[past relationships] Cyrille Chevalier (Laurent), Nastasia Caliburn
[innocence] Cyrille claimed Amauri's innocence while they were in their seventh year, while she was over at his house.
[past sexual partners] Cyrille Chevalier (Laurent), Desdemona Romanes
[turn ons] Lightly scented perfume, caring, soft hands
[turn offs] Body odor, Scitorari, dark witches, prejudice views
[aphrodisiacs] White chocolate and truffles
[the perfect female] His ideal female would be someone that is very caring, and willing to accept him and his issues. Someone that could be his rock when he is dealing with problems.
[the perfect date] His ideal date would be candlelight dinner, and cuddling by the fireplace.
Burning in my brain, I can feel the flames
Rover wanderer, nomad vagabond, call me what you will
[playby] Jensen Ross Ackles
[ages used] Ages thirty-six to present
[natural hair] His natural hair is a sandy brown, which is actually normal. He keeps it trimmed short, but not too short. It stands up naturally, and it is soft when he does not have anything styling it. Amauri does not do much to his hair, but he hates it when it is too short or too long, where it is covering his ears.
[eyes] Amauri's eyes are a cold, vividly dark blue. It was a rare gene he managed to pick up from his father's side. When one looks into his eyes, they will see seriousness, coldness and sometimes they even look sad. Amauri can send out powerful emotions from his eyes, or they can be as silent as the grave. Blue is an intense and energetic color that has connotations of the wide-open sky, sun energy, electricity, the power of conscious thought, and that which is direct and unhidden. Blue eyes may indicate a forceful, direct person who has an immense vitality and a gift for insight and observation.
[height] He stands at a height of six feet three inches.
[weight] Amauri weighs about one hundred and eighty-three pounds. It is average for his body height and build, and a good portion of that is muscle.
[complexion] Amauri's skin tone is a medium beige, which is not too dark or pale. He has a couple of freckles here and there though. His skin feels a little rough around his hands, but smoother around his arms and face.
[scars] Amauri has several scars going around his arms, torso and back. Most of them were from battles. He also has a thin scar on his cheek from Raisa Zhefarovich.
[birthmark] He no longer has one.
[smile] His smile is small, although he is rather gentle with it. Sometimes, it is a rare sight.
[body build] His body build is pretty stout. He has broad shoulders and he is muscular but not overly so.
[body modifications] He does not have any tattoos or piercings.
[dominant hand] Amauri's dominant hand is his right hand.
[style] Amauri's style is rather casual. He hardly ever wears robes anymore unless the work calls for it. Only then he will wear black robes, which are rather basic. Mostly, one would find him in a pair of jeans, a pair of brown or black boots, basic tee shirts of all colors, or long sleeves as well, and a leather jacket. He might actually be compared to a biker, but not as extreme.
Wait for the sign to flick the switch of death
But I'll take my time anywhere, free to speak my mind anywhere
[school] Amauri attended Hogwarts Scotland for all seven years of his learning.
[hogwarts house] Amauri was sorted in the house of Rowena Ravenclaw.
[special titles and awards] The only special titles that Amauri received while in school was getting the title of Prefect, and then Head Boy.
[extracurricular activities] He did not have any activities that he participated in.
[favorite subject] Defence Against the Dark Arts
[best subject] Defence Against the Dark Arts
[loathed subject] Astronomy
[worst subject] Astronomy
[favorite professor] Professor Flickwick
[loathed professor] Professor Binns
[grade average] Exceeding Expectations
[owl grades]
Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Exceeds Expectations
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Exceeds Expectations; Exam: Exceeds Expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Exceeds Expectations; Exam: Exceeds Expectations
Astronomy: Outstanding; Exam: Exceeds Expectations
Herbology: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Arithmancy: Exceeds Expectations; Exam: Exceeds Expectations
Divination: Exceeds Expectations; Exam: Outstanding
Care of Magical Creatures: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding

[newt grades]
Potions: Exceeds Expectations; Exam: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Exceeds Expectations
History of Magic: Exceeds Expectations; Exam: Exceeds Expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Exceeds Expectations; Exam: Exceeds Expectations
Astronomy: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Herbology: Exceeds Expectations; Exam: Exceeds Expectations
Arithmancy: Acceptable; Exam: Exceeds Expectations
Divination: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Care of Magical Creatures: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding

[graduated] June of 2005

-----Too be continued on the next post
"It's the beginning of the end, sweat, chilling cold...

as I watch death unfold, consciousness my only friend..."

My fingers grip with fear, what I am doing here?
And I'll redefine anywhere, anywhere I may roam
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[son] Vincent Avery Chevalier
[born] November 14th, 2006
[blood status] Mixed-blood
[heritage] French
[seeing] Alyssa Christelle Snow-Chevalier
[occupation] Auror
[education] Beauxbatons Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Leonardo DiCaprio
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[daughter-in-law] Alyssa Christelle Snow-Chevalier
[born] December 12th, 2008
[blood status] Mixed-blood; Half-Veela
[heritage] French
[seeing] Vincent Avery Chevalier
[occupation] Saint Mungo's Healer
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin Alumni
[playby] Christina Aguilera
[roleplayer] Jessye


[mother] Tatienne Noemi Prideux-Chevalier
[born] August 16th, 1963
[died] December 22nd, 2004
[blood status] Muggle-born
[heritage] French
[seeing] Nihel Laurence Chevalier
[occupation] Auror
[education] Beauxbatons Alumni
[playby] Jennifer Garner


[father] Nihel Laurence Chevalier
[born] January 7th, 1961
[died] March 29th, 1995
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] French
[seeing] Tatienne Noemi Prideux-Chevalier
[occupation] Auror and Saint Mungo's Healer
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Eric Dane


[younger twin brother] Julien Pierre Chevalier
[born] February 22nd, 1987
[blood status] Half-blood
[heritage] French
[seeing] Aurora Isabeau Desmarais-Chevalier
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Hufflepuff Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Eric Dane
[roleplayer] Jessye


[sister-in-law] Aurora Isabeau Desmarais-Chevalier
[born] April 29th, 1987
[blood status] Half-blood
[heritage] French
[seeing] Julien Pierre Chevalier
[occupation] Coach of the Holyhead Harpies
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Hufflepuff Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Rose Huntington-Whiteley
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn
Someone help me, oh please God help me
Where I lay my head is home...and the earth becomes my throne
Despite all odds, Nihel, a Durmstrang Alumni whom hated that school with a passion, and Tatienne, a muggle-born from Beauxbatons, met in France. It was like love at first sight between the two as they met while applying to be Aurors. Nihel was already working as a Saint Mungo's Healer. They married within six months of meeting. They tried for a couple of years to have a baby, but just as soon as they were going to give up all hope, Tatienne discovered she was pregnant, with twins. They decided to wait and be surprised. The months passed and she gave birth during the eighth month to beautiful twin boys. It was announced that they were not identical, while one looked more like the father and the other looked more like the mother. Amauri looked more like his mother. Julien was the second born and the youngest of the two. They were the only children that the two could have. In 1995, when the twin boys were just eight, their father was killed in the war when the Dark Lord had risen to power. Tatienne was pregnant with the third, but because of the loss of Nihel, she miscarried in her second month. She continued to work as an Auror, while keeping her children safe. Amauri and Julien were soon shipped off to Hogwarts, where Amauri was immediately sorted into Ravenclaw, and Julien was sorted into Hufflepuff. Amauri was a quiet one, but eventually he befriended a Slytherin named Alphonse, whom soon became his best friend throughout the years of being at school. Julien seemed to have picked up a few of his own, and even meeting his future wife, Aurora. In his fifth year, he and his brother both became Prefects of their respected houses, and then he laid his eyes on the new prefects of Gryffindor, one being Cyrille, the one that he admired from afar. This gave him the excuse to talk to her every now and then. It was apparent that they were soon in love, and right after graduating as Head Boy, he married Cyrille Laurent. Not long after that, he became an Auror like his mother and father were, as his mom passed after dying in battle. He ended up becoming a father to Vincent Avery Chevalier. They remained in France, and both of the Aurors raised their son to be a good force of good. However the happy family was struck with tragedy when a small group of rogue Death Eaters attacked and killed Cyrille. Amauri was not able to stop it in time, and he forever remembered the date of that terrible day. January the fourteenth of 2009. Amauri came home in tears, and he cuddled with his son the entire night, not knowing what to do about the loss. However he knew that he could not live in that town of Vesoul anymore, and he bought another house in Paris, France.

He moved his son over there, and every night he would catch his son looking out the window when he was coming home from work. He was worried about his son, but knew that the adjustment would take place. Vincent was aging fast, while Amauri was fighting depression. He told stories of the Chevalier family, how they all were Aurors or healers, and how they all died with honor. However he knew that Vincent wanted to be an Auror one day, and warned him that there would be a chance that his life would be in danger. His son had his mother's spirit, and did not care. Once Vincent was at Beauxbatons, Amauri could be at ease a little more, and worked more during the day time and did not have to go out much as night. Amauri decided that it would be a good time to start making sure that Vincent had the best education. He researched some in Beauxbatons, and found that it was a good school for him, and was sure that he would enjoy it there. He was surprised that he had befriended a Snow, named Xavier, which turned out to be the son of Alphonse. Amauri did not know that, but he was starting to see his son living in a similar life that he did. He started to work a little more, not wanting to do much else with his life. He noticed that his son was doing an awful lot of visiting to New Zealand, and bought a house there. Amauri started working in New Zealand as an Auror, and when he arrived there, his son took an interest and was dating Alyssa Snow, someone that he managed to see a couple of times, before meeting with Alphonse once more. Amauri was disappointed that everything had changed for the two, and he regretted ever associating himself with Alphonse. Amauri was very proud of his son when he graduated from Beauxbatons, but did not really want him becoming an Auror, which he did. He noticed the resignation of the Minister, and he stood there with his son, watching the former Minister. Amauri was not assigned to guard anyone, but Vincent was, and Amauri almost laughed at the situation there. He also tried dating again, with a woman named Nastasia. However when he found out she was related to the notorious killer, Thorine Dolohov, then he broke it off with her, and he remained single. It was also a sweet revenge when he battled with the woman that took the life of Cyrille, and she died in combat. He was lucky to have gotten out alive. However it did not fix his troubles. Amauri attended Vincent's wedding to Alyssa, a bit mortified that he would be marrying so soon, but it appeared that he was deeply in love, and he could not say anything against that since that was what he had done. He appeared cold for a little while.

Then while working at the Auror's office, he met with Desdemona Romanes, someone he graduated with, and she was the former Head Girl. He immediately befriended her. At the end of that year, he got drunk with a few guys, and Desdemona. He had a romantic night with her, but he thought that it was all a dream. They continued to be friends, but it was becoming apparent that he was getting sicker. He was started to feel less and less. When he was assaulted by a bunch of muggles, she treated him after he came in and passed out. She was trying to remove his shirt when Vincent and Alyssa came in, the latter whom was very pregnant at the time. Amauri ignored Alyssa and went to his bedroom where his son yelled at him. It did not bother him that much. He was soon receiving help to deal with his depression, and then Desdemona informed him that her ex-husband, who mistreated her, was out of Azkaban, and she was scared that she would go after him. Amauri got upset, and she left the office. He ended up apologizing, and they were back to normal. When she was turned into a werewolf and fired, he was very upset about that, and soon went over to her house to talk. However the two ended up sleeping together instead. He believed that she liked Grezhen, but he only liked her more after that. However thanks to his medicine, he was back to normal, and no longer needing it as much. He proves to be a great grandfather to Chacen, and hopes to have more grandchildren one day. Amauri started dating Desdemona in February of 2032, and then afterward, he became a grandfather again with the birth of his granddaughter.
"They are trying to take it all away...

I don't want to die, time moving slowly..."

The minutes seem like hours, the final curtain call I see
I adapt to the unknown, under wandering stars I've grown

none in this year
Good things come to those Who wait
Department Meeting
A Midnight Summer's Dream
Do I know you?
Darkness Falls
The Whispers of the Waves Speak Sweet Melodies
A Difficult Decision to Come to
The Dawn
Sin Deep My Wicked Angel
Trial of Chase Blade
The Perfect Cinderella Wedding
Ugly Duckling on Patrol
Graduation 2027: Guests
This Veela Outta here!
A Drunken Good Time
Aurors Meeting
Are you ready to Live?
Brother to Brother
Ministry Meeting
Something's Wrong
none in this year
First Masquerade Ball
Still Waiting
none in this year
none in this year</FONT></SIZE>
How true is this? Just get it over with
By myself but not alone, I ask no one

<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times new roman">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Blue - Ride the Lightning by artist; Black - Wherever I May Roam by artist
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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