Amélie Hennion

Amelie Hennion

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OOC First Name
Willow Wand 14" Unicorn Tail Hair
Am?lie Hennion

<t>Full Name:<br/>
- Amélie Hennion<br/>
I'm French and was supposed to do my 1st year in Beauxbâtons but my parents moved here so I'll attend HNZ. <br/>
((I'm actually French and I thought it would be a good idea that my character was too, so if my grammar is lousy, it has a good reason))<br/>
Date of Birth:<br/>
- February 9th 2013<br/>
Current Age:<br/>
- 11<br/>
Basic Appearance:<br/>
- My hair are dark blonde (or light brown, depending on the person you ask) but anyway, I dyed it with henne, so I'm more of a red-head now. I have green/brown eyes, the ratio depends on the light. I have a rather pale skin so people often ask me if I'm feeling OK.<br/>
- I'm a quiet person, rather shy, I don't see myself as a leader in a group. But if you give me responsibilities or if I'm really into what we are talking about, I can be someone completely different.<br/>
- I'm muggle born. I don't know if there is/was other wizards in my family but I never heard of the Wizarding world before my acceptance letter. My parents were astonished when I got it (and so was I, I thought it was a prank), but they are trying to adapt to the situation, even though they don't know exactly what to do. We are quite close.<br/>
I have 2 younger brothers: Nils is 8 and Quentin 5, I love them a lot. Sure they annoy me a lot too, but when I'm away from home, I miss them and realize how awesome they are and how much I love them. They don't know about Hogwarts and anything related to the Wizarding world because my parents don't want them to be disappointed if they don't receive a letter for their 11th birthday. It's hard for me not to tell them because the more they grow up, the more we share and I hate hiding this enormous part of my life from them.<br/>
- I own a white mice named Plasmide, she's always with me, in my pocket, in my sleeves, on my shoulder... You might hear me randomly apologising, it's probably because I forgot she was there and hit her (not intentionally of course).<br/>
Of course, she'll be coming to Hogwarts with me, even if she wasn't allowed, she's so discreet nobody would have noticed her.<br/>
I had a dog at home but she died and I'm still very sad about that.<br/>
Area of Residence:<br/>
- I was born in Orléans (France), then lived in Tours, France . We moved here very recently, my family live in Collingwood. I was directed to this school by the headmistress of Beauxbâtons.<br/>
Blood Status:<br/>
-As I said earlier, I'm a muggle born.<br/>
- My whole family is French even though some of them have travelled a lot.<br/>
Special Abilities:<br/>
- None<br/>
Interests or Hobbies:<br/>
- I love reading, music (I play the flute but won't bring it to Hogwarts, I'm too shy so I don't want people hearing me practice), and I love games. I also like animals but hate arthropods (Insects doesn't include centipedes and spiders and I'm veeeeeery scared of spiders)<br/>
I like having my own space where I can do what I want and not having to justify myself but I fear loneliness.<br/>
Additional Skills:<br/>
- Um... I'm not very skilled, mostly because I am scared of failing so it's easier not to try.<br/>
I never took broom riding lessons, I hope it's more like riding a horse than a bike because I hate bike riding. (Hey I just thought of a skill: I've practised horse riding since I was 6)<br/>
- ... I don't know<br/>
- I lack self confidence<br/>
I have a strong tendency to procrastinate. <br/>
I used to be selfish but I've been working on that for years.<br/>
Describe your character in three words:<br/>
- Shy, clever but lazy<br/>
Favourite place to be:<br/>
- I'd say: my room. It's safe, it's with my family.<br/>
- Even though I'm shy, I always had friends. But sadly they're all in France.<br/>
Hogwarts House:<br/>
- I think Hufflepuff would be best fit for me. I'm not brave like a Gryffindor, I'm not hard-working like a Ravenclaw and being a muggle-born in Slytherin would be weird.<br/>
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:<br/>
- I hope I'll make new friends to help me through all this. <br/>
I also want to make my parents proud<br/>
Best school subjects:<br/>
- I love animals so I like Care of Magical Creatures<br/>
My mother is a botanist so I know a few things but unfortunately, only about "muggle plants"<br/>
My parents are both scientists and I feel like one too, that's why I think I'll enjoy Potions<br/>
I'll probably ace Muggle studies since I grew up as one.<br/>
Worst school subjects:<br/>
- I don't "believe" in divination but I take it as a game so I find it quite funny<br/>
- I hate Astronomy. I mean, the stars are pretty but there are so many things to learn about our planet, I can't learn about other ones.<br/>
Extracurricular Activities:<br/>
- I don't have any. Maybe I'll join a group at Hogwarts because it's a good way to meet people and make friends.<br/>
- I'm supposed to graduate in 2031, if I'm not held back.<br/>
Current Job:<br/>
- I don't have one and I don't know what I want to be later. All of this is fairly new to me.<br/>
Plans for your future:<br/>
- I don't have plans. I'd like to have a job I like and a loving family<br/>
Your Patronus:<br/>
- I never produced on. According to my personality, it would be a mouse, but I'm afraid it won't protect me from anything except maybe cheese.<br/>
Your Patronus memory:<br/>
- I'll try a family memory.<br/>
Your Boggart:<br/>
- It's probably going to be a spider. I don't know why they scare me that much but it drives me crazy sometimes.<br/>
Could also be one of my brother dead<br/>
Your Animagus:<br/>
- I honestly don't know. I'd love to turn into so many animals...<br/>
Mirror of Erised:<br/>
- Me, grown up with a husband and 3 kids playing in the yard of a big house with all kind of animals.<br/>
A page from your diary:<br/>
- Dear diary, I know I only write every now and then. But today I learned we're moving to New Zealand. I had to look at a map, and yes, that's what I thought, it's exactly on the other side of the world.<br/>
I should be excited because I always wanted to go to Oceania but all I can think about is leaving my friends here and being the new kid there. And the most terrifying thing is: I'll attend Hogwarts New Zealand and I don't know anything about magic! (Except for what I gathered in the books I found in the Chemin de Traverse.)<br/>
okay here are some...
Do you think you will join your house quidditch team it you are okay with flying?
Do you want your brothers to turn out as wizards too?if yes,why?if no,why not?
You said you love animals?Is Amelie a vegetarian?If not,will she ever consider being one?
Do you think you will join your house quidditch team it you are okay with flying?
I don't think so. I'm not at all into competition, I always feel like other people want to win more than I do, so why bother. But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching ^^
Do you want your brothers to turn out as wizards too?if yes,why?if no,why not?
I really hope they will. I have always been used to share most of the things I do with them and I enjoy the wizardry world so much I want them to experience it too.
You said you love animals?Is Amelie a vegetarian?If not,will she ever consider being one?
Yes, I am, since I was 9. It was not an easy decision, mostly because I love French charcuterie (I believe it is called "delicatessen" in English). I choose to become a vegetarian because I don't want to eat other mammals, but also because the way livestock is transported are most of the time awfully cruel, and because the breeding and transportation of livestock cause a lot of pollution.
That being said, I consider it as a personal choice, so I don't go around telling people they shouldn't eat meat and won't leave the table if you enjoy a nice rare steak.

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