Always with the I'm sorry

Alexei Vetrov

Active Member
OOC First Name
Birch Wand 14 1/4 essence of dragonstone
Alexei was fully decked out in his lovely Durmstrang uniform. It was a particularly cold day, even with the charmed windows, the glass was beginning to freeze over into the inside warmth of the Durmstrang institute and as Alexei sat on a very comfortable chair, staring out over the grounds, it occurred to Alexei that there was so much more he could be doing. He could be starting a bonfire, throwing Andrei in the lake, hiding in a classroom with some girl, who ever he happened to grab on the way, or annoying Alissa, because that was always entertaining, such a mother hen she was. She was also beginning to attract the attention of boys, which was completely out of the question. If he had to threaten one more boy today, there would be curses flying in and out of this room, he just knew it. Speaking of curses, Alexei cast a quite Tempus and discovered that it was almost past curfew and he had yet to run into his little curse of a brother. Curse on the family was more likely. Alexei grinned to himself as he moved away from the window and went immediately to the dorms in search of the worm. He was definitely a little like a leech, that was the truth, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't want him around, well, sort of. Having Andrei around was rather entertaining, Alexei could tease and bully the smaller boy all he wanted and then as long as he said sorry, Andrei would immediately forgive him, it was basically a win-win. Pulling open the dormroom door and peering inside, Alexei called out Andrei's name and was instantly greeted with a slew of voices telling him that his brother was not yet back from the corridors. This meant only one thing to Alexei. "Be cool my brothers, I'm going on a hunt!"

Alexei, upon leaving the dorms and ensuring that he was appropriately dressed in a manner that would allow him both to slink out of sight of the professors and to stay warm even if his ventures took him outside. This was usually what happened. However, today he had the feeling he might already know where his brother was. He almost had a pattern to his hiding places, Alexei was getting close to figuring it out, because he knew it was there, even if it was subconscious in Andrei, he knew it was there. Alexei used narrow corridors and shadows to get past the patrolling student body as well as those darned professors. Coming up to the only place Andrei could be at this point, Alexei opened the door of the store room and slid inside, closing it behind him. As he suspected, his brother was propped up against the wall, nose buried in a book. Pathetic. Alexei was convinced that Andrei was switched at birth, because neither himself or Alissa, or many of the other siblings were interested in books or learning really, so why was Andrei. It was just stupid. Alexei stepped up to his brother and dropped down in front of him. "Quick! Shock me, say something smart!"
Andrei had just started his third year, as was already in love with his classes. Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Care of Magical Creatures were all really interesting, even if he suspected that he would probably drop one as time went on. Not only because of the clash in times, which had to be creatively avoided, but simply the workload. It was enormous. Then again, Andrei had no social life to worry about, so that was a definite plus. Except for his family, everything was perfect. He had to hide from his own siblings because they were both so far up themselves that he was surprised they could still breathe. The amount of things Alexei alone had done to him, he was grateful that Alissa was slightly easier to hide from, she was meaner. So, he was out of bed at an unspeakable hour, and wandering the halls. He was small and quiet, and well liked among professors and prefects, so he could simply maneuver around them without them even paying much attention to him. It was good to be the silent type.

Andy slide into the store room, hearing the door click behind him, and lent against the wall. He laid his book against his thighs, and opened it. It was a Potions book, and he liked Potions, but needed to brush up more. There was no better place than the store room, where it was dark and secluded, but no so dark that he could not see - especially when he put on Lumos. He was absorbed into his readings, failing to hear the door, he continued to read, and gasped when Alexei suddenly appeared, putting him right on the spot. He hated when his older brother did stuff like this. "I-ermm... hi?" he whispered, his mouth being covered by his book, which he had clutched onto so fast he nearly bent it out of shape.

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