Always awake

Axelle Lorine

Well-Known Member
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Axelle was walking around late at night, humming 'Let's be Mates' By Lady Sovereign. She usually didn't like that type of music, but right now she just needed something different. She walked out into the yard and smiled as the moonlight hit her in the face. the silver light glinted off her pale skin, making her look twice as pale as normal. She smiled and sat down, her back against the wall, no all she needed was a friend.
Yakov had left the boys dormitories to have a midnight walk.
It was a clear night and Yakov managed to avoid being caught by any Professors on his way to the grounds.
It was a few moments before Yakov realized that he was not alone in the darkness.
He turned his blue eyes to a girl he vaguely recognized.
"Nice night." He said suddenly from the darkness only penetrated by the occasional beam of moonlight.
She was sitting there in silence, when a voice was heard. She smiled, the voice was familiar. "Well hello there. It is nice, isn't it?" She asked, smiling widely. Seh stood up to look for him, spotting his eyes in the dark. "Yakov right?"
"Correct," he said, walking into the rays of moonlight.
This girl was quite pretty. There were only two things stopping Yakov from asking her out and one of those was he had a feeling she was taken.
"How have things been for you lately?" Yakov asked softly, his hands in his pockets as he stared up at the moon.
She smiled at him and watched him moving. "Oh I'm okay, got the smell of dirt and dung of of me finally." She said. "How did getting in trouble go?" She asked. She felt horrible that no body had picked her to go down, only her friends.
"Well," Yakov shrugged, he brushed his hand back through his hair. "It went ok. We're not getting expelled. They just decided to hang us upside-down and drip dung over us." Yakov was joking of course. His sense of humor was ever present.
"Well at least you aren't expelled. it would be terribly boring if you were." She said with a smile. "And I'm sure the dung wasn't so bad." She laughed a bit and looked at him. "I can't believe i have never seen you around before."
"No, same.." He avoided adding a rather cheesy comment but held his tongue.
"Have you been here the full five years? There used to be more students.. The traitors transferred." He rolled his eyes.
He'd lost a lot of his male friends to Hogwarts.
She smiled at him. "Yeah, but only did i come out of the shadows this year." She said smiling. It was true, she used to be a girl who would blend in with the area, never talking, never raising her hands in class. "I like it here though."
Yakov moved ever so slightly closer. "Yeah, me too."
The situation was increasing in awkwardness. Yakov couldn't help but think how beautiful Axelle looked in the moonlight.
"So.. Do you have any single friends?" He asked, avoiding skipping straight to asking her.
She heard a rustle, and could tell he was moving closer. She smiled as he asked if she had any single friends. She knew a few people, but not enough to call them friends. "I don't really... have any friends." She said looking down, her crystalline green eyes, pointing at the ground. "Sorry."
Yakov decided to play his corny line.
"Pretty girl like you being friendless? I don't believe it." He shook his head and looked to her eyes.
"I only seem to be able to get female friends.. I think that might be something to do with my fantastic looks."
Yakov held out his arm and tensed it so his muscles showed.
He was not that vain though. He had very low self esteem which he'd big-up to make himself feel confident.
She smiled at him and blushed. "I'm hearing that more increasingly. But I'll only believe it when i see it." She said to his comment about her being pretty. Axelle had never liked the way she looked. She thought she was too small, and her hair wasn't the right shade, and she hated her eyes. She smiled as he said he attracted Females. "Well, That must be pretty darn cool." She said grinning. She laughed as he flexed his muscles.
"I'll be your friend." Yakov said before slapping his palm to his forehead, "Wow that sounded lame."
He smiled. "I take it you're dating someone?" he asked with on eyebrow raised.
She laughed at his comment, and laughed harder when she heard the thud of him hitting his forehead. "A little bit." She said. He then asked if she was seeing someone. "What makes you say that?" She asked. it wasn't that it wasn't true, because it was, it was just that she wondered how he knew.
"Oh come on," he said, looking at her with rolling eyes.
"Good looking people are never single."
"Well, it's true." She said smiling. "If you had caught me a day ago, you would have had a chance." She said. "But Ashton, he goes here, asked me out." She said almost apologetically. The boy was quite the looker, but she was already claimed by her musician.
Yakov nodded. "Well, it's a pity I missed the chance but if he's treating you well then I suppose I can life with it."
He smiled. They could still be friends. Yakov needed some of those.
She smiled at him. At least he wasn't like some of the boys she had known before, competitive and jealous. She was glad that they could be friends at least. "So, what are you doing out this late?" She asked, adjusting her black plaid shirt, making sure that it was the right length.

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