Open Alone Again

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Kanako Kurosawa

Determined | Fair-weather | Composed
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Kanako was a little frustrated, and even though she knew her brother would be there she'd elected to go to the yule ball anyway. She was curious more than anything - what was a ball like? Was it as magical as it sounded? - and the answer was it was decent. Kanako couldn't help but admire the decorations, the bright moon, and the laden snack tables. She was intrigued by the ice-skating area but knew she couldn't ice skate very well. Perhaps she'd learn over the break and then come back next year for it. Instead, Kanako drifted to the snack table, wary of the punch bowl, which she didn't quite trust. She was somewhat deep in thought, hoping that at last she'd manage to make a friend - someone who could be entertaining, because so far Hogwarts had been rather lonely. Kanako would be the last to admit that, however, and her pride prevented her from going up to anyone already at the ball. Counterproductively, she stood and waited.
Jasper enjoyed the winter decorations even if it did feel like a fever dream being here. The snow covered floor and the towering trees all contrasted the heatwave they were having outside quite spectacularly, but he liked it and he felt happy just being here. As he made his way over to the snack table, he glanced at the punch bowl, eyeing it suspiciously. “I bet that’s spiked,” he muttered to himself. You could never be too sure at Hogwarts. He quickly decided he wanted to try it anyway. If the punch was spiked it might be fun to try it out. He scooped himself a cup, gave it a sniff, then glanced at Kanako nearby, and asked her, "Oh sorry, I forgot my manners. Would you like one too?" He offered to pour her a cup.
Kanako looked over at the boy addressing her. She remembered him, of course, from the train ride and from their classes. Gryffindor, she thought he was. She wasn't quite sure how she felt about Gryffindors. She raised an eyebrow at the offer of the punch. "You're welcome to try it, but I think I'll pass," she said, though now she was curious. If someone had spiked it, it might be entertaining to see if anything happened, so she neglected to mention her reservations. Then she thought of something. "Actually, why don't you let me know what it's like first? Then I'll see if I want any," she said with a sweet smile that didn't quite meet her eyes.
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