Almost at the End... or is it the Beginning?

Aubrey Miller

Stubborn- 'Bree' - Daring- Independent
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 9 Inch Unyielding Willow Wand with Vampire Blood Core
5/12/2039 (22)
Aubrey couldn't take it anymore. She hadn't seen Nikko over the break, and it had killed her. She knew he'd been busy, away from the country perhaps, but she couldn't take another semester just waiting around for him to write to her. Fed up with it, and tired of pretending she wasn't missing him. She sat down at the desk in their dorm, drafting up the same letter maybe a dozen time before throwing it away completely and just starting over.


It's been a bit. How's life out there? School's been boring without you. I tried the ball, but I've decided not to go to the Valentines dance. Were you wanting to come to graduation? I could save you a seat. I've not really got a lot to write about... I've been looking into different colleges, not really sure where I should go. Why don't you tell me about the outside world and we could riff on that? I'm doing alright, just bored mostly. Got any fun stories?

Nikko was tired. Practice was great and he was finally feeling like he was getting the hang of things. Even if he still felt sick before every game. He got home later than usual and he was desperate for a shower. Pop greeted him eagerly and nearly knocked him over as he begged for dinner. He reached down to pet the purring cat that had jumped onto the kitchen counter. Nikko was about to tell him off when he noticed the letter addressed to him that his cat just so happened to be sitting on. For a second he thought it might be from Harper but the handwriting was off. He reached for it eagerly and his heart did a little flip when he saw it was from Aubrey and he tore it open.


It's so good to hear from you. I'm glad to hear you're surviving without me, I knew you would. I'm sorry you missed the Valentine's dance. Hopefully I can make it up to you next year. I hope I'm not assuming too much by saying that... I would love to come to graduation! If you can spare the ticket. I know you probably have family to invite.

I don't know too much about colleges but if you need help deciding I can try and help. As for the outside world, it's been fine. I always knew transitioning to real life would be a big change but sometimes it feels like I'm constantly trying to keep up. But there are good things too. The team has been great and we've actually won a few games. It's weird to be on a team with people I played with and against in school. Blake Irons is nicer than I remembered.

That's all I have for now. I miss you.

Aubrey had been laying in her bed, flipping through a magazine when Nikko's letter arrived. She snatched it up eagerly, smiling brightly. She bit her lip, reading over his letter a few times. She set it down, moving to give the owl treats and attention before moving back to her bed. She took out her notebook and started to right down a response.


Hey, no worries. It was my choice not to go to the Valentines dance. I'm not sure how you'd make up for it, but I'm willing to see how you try it. And as far as tickets, my brothers are busy and my parents have plans. If you do take the ticket, you'd be my only guest currently. There'll be a party later on with the whole family, if you want to come along.

I've been thinking of taking a year off after school, honestly. Take time to really research where I want to go and adjust to life outside of the school. You're playing with Blake Irons? He was that Slytherin Keeper, wasn't he? I'm sorry, I didn't keep up much with the other Quidditch players. I suppose you could say I only really paid attention to the keepers.

I've been hanging out with Valeria a lot, she's been a good friend. We had a sleepover, chatted about nothing and everything and all the usual girly things. She's started seeing a Hufflepuff, one that works on the school paper. He's a sweet kid.

I hope things are going well. I'm around if you're ever bored and looking for company.

Ever since hearing from Aubrey, Nikko had checked the mail almost religiously as he waited to hear back from her. He had been sitting on the front porch on his day off when the letter form her arrived and he had to resist the urge to run up and down the street to burn off some of his excitement. But he was tired from a particularly rough work out the day before so he was able to contain himself. Despite that he did get to writing a reply right away.


I'm sorry everyone's busy. But I'm glad they'll get to celebrate with you later. In that case I would be happy to come.

That's probably a good idea. Most of the time I can hardly believe my luck that I managed got get a starting position on a team right out of school. But there also times when I think I would have liked to spend some time working with my parents before I got thrown into the real world. And Blake's actually a seeker. But you had good taste when it comes to keepers though.

And that's good! I'm glad you have someone to keep you company. How has the paper been? Hope who ever took over as photographer is doing a good job.

But things are good with me, although we did lose recently. It always stings a bit but I have a good feeling about our next game. I'm so happy to hear from you and will always look forward to anything you have to say. I hope I'll get to see you soon.

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Aubrey had taken up reading in the windowsill of the dorm as a purely recreational habit. She wasn't waiting for any letters- not at all. She was just enjoying a good book. Or at least, that was the story she was going to be sticking to if anyone asked her. She was flipping idly through a fashion magazine when she heard a tapping at the window. She sat up immediately, magazine lost, and took the letter from the owl with a giggle to herself. She settled in again, reading over Nikkos words a few times. She ran her fingers over the page before pulling over her notebook and writing out a reply.

Hey, I'm counting on you to be my date to that party, mister. We'll call that payback for Valentines. You can plan whatever you'd like to make up for that boring Yule Ball I had to suffer without you.

As far as your Quidditch, I'm not surprised you jumped right into being a grown up. You've always been too serious for your own good. That includes doing the sensible thing and rushing into a career right after graduation. But hey, it works for you. And that's a good thing, right?

I'll just have to remind you how to have fun once I'm out of here.

I have good taste in cute keepers, thank you.

The paper is as strong as ever, I hear Accio was taken over by a younger Hufflepuff kid. I think Hufflepuffs are running most of the clubs right now... I forget the name of the girl running the arts club, but I'm pretty sure the curly haired chaser boy from Hufflepuff is in charge of the Brotherhood right now.

As for your recent loss, well, you can't win everything, now can you? The game wouldn't be any fun- or any challenge- if you just won every game you played. Once I'm free from here we'll have to put in place a movie night for when you lose a game. Snacks, chill out on the couch, throw in a few movies, maybe have a few drinks.

Which reminds me, have you gone out drinking yet? I'm thinking of trying a club or a bar after graduation. I don't think I'll be much of a party type, but I would like to test out the experience at least a little before I dismiss it. You'd better come with me, save me the trouble of stopping by drunk.

Write back soon, mmkay?

🎔 Aubrey
Nikko had slept in a lot later than he meant to and came down to the kitchen for a drink of water to shake off the last bit of grogginess that was still clinging to him. He hadn’t been expecting a letter but the sight of it in the middle of the table made him nearly choke. He was fully awake now and wasn’t sure how he hadn’t heard the mail come. But he sat down and started to read.


You can always count on me. I’ll be there.

I can’t really argue that. But my options were, work for my parents or quidditch. As much as I love my parents, it doesn’t really compare. But you’re right, I could use that reminder from time to time.

Wow does seem to be the reign of Hufflepuff. But let's see if they can win the house cup or quidditch cup one of these days.

And that does sound nice. How long till graduation again? But I’ll be fine. I’ve never been great at losing even though I’ve done it plenty of times.

I’ll have you know I go out plenty. Usually with the team but I have gone to at least one party too. Which doesn’t sound that impressive as I write it out but I’ve never been the party type either.


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