Allayah Rayne

Allayah Rayne

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
The Stephanie. :)
8.5" Mahogany, Dragon Heartstring
Character's Name: Allayah Rayne
Character's Birthdate: . . . (huh..) 15/5/2007
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Educated At: Home. Taught by Aunt.
Occupation: Ollivanders Wand Shop.
Country of Origin: Australia.
Currently Located: Anywhere and Everywhere
Appearance: Her long black hair was just one aspect of her beauty. With jade green eyes that peirced into the hearts of men, her body was one that attracted them. She has a few scars on her body, but nothing that stood out to much, and ofcourse, the Death Eater mark on her arm. :).
Personality: When you walk up to her, she seems abit scary, but as soon as you start talking to her, she actually isnt too bad. When you get on her bad side though. Run. Fast. She is protective over her freinds (if she had any) and is even more protective of her lovers, not afraid to break the law or to kill people if thats what kept them safe.
Family:Her aunt is the only true family she knows, but she died, so she is alone; Apart from her cat, Lily, who seems to follow her around everywhere. Her cat is a goregous creamy coloured little kitten, who never seems to stop rubbing up against her face for pats.
History: After discovering her parents adopted her at a young age, she found a note and her true mothers wand at the age of 11, sending her to her aunt. From there she learnt magic, and when her aunt died, she left to explore the world, with her cat as her only compainion. She wandered the world, traveling from place to place, buying houses with her aunts small fortune. Two years ago she lost most of her money and had to sell all of her houses, par one. Just a little ways out of the gold coast in queensland, she lived in the forests there. She may be based in Australia but she spends most of her time at Ollivanders now, where she works for the owners, selling wands to young and old, whoever walks in the door. Her Deatheater roots are still strong, but for the sake of her job, and her live, she kept her alleigence from her workmates, and they only knew her as the happy young girl who danced around the shop to her music.

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