All you can eat!

Elizabeth Benivieni

Mom of twins | Joker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Leo <3
Knotted 15 Inch, Sturdy Blackthorn wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Elizabeth was in a rebellious mood. She wanted to do something were she was not allowed too. It was early in the morning, and she was one of the first to wake up. So she sneaked from out of the Gryffindor dorm and put on her clothes quietly. She didn't wanted to be found if she was going to be found by a professor or somebody else in her pyjama, that would be really akward. When she put on her clothes she grabbed her wand with her in case of she will need it. Not that she could do much with it, but when there was a big scary thing she could always put it in the eyes of something to protect herself. When she came out of the Gryffindor Common room and walked down the stairs she thought about were she wanted to go. The one thing what she wanted now was chocolate. She heard from some other students that The Kitchen was downstairs in the vicinity of the Great Hall so Elizabeth was on her way to there. The young Gryffindor spoke just to a few students who told her that the kitchen was off limits for students. But that was just an invitation for Elizabeth. And she wouldn't be Elizabeth if she didn't wanted to check out were the the off limit places were.

When she arrived at the lower levels she walked to some different doors and looked what was behind them. When she got to the last door were she didn't had looked before, she smelled something delicious. When she entered the door she came into the Kitchens. She wanted to walk straight ahead but then she stumbled about something and felt on the ground. '' Autsj.'' She felt at her back were she just had fell on. When she wanted to stand up she saw what made her stumble. It was a boy who was sitting against the wall there. After the pain of her fall Elizabeth burst out laughing and couldn't help it. This was quit a surprise, who would expect to walk in a kitchen that was off limits for students to find a person sitting there.
Maddie had told Aaron she had in first year and he couldn't wait to make some memories of his own. he had always wanted to explore the infamous kitchens and he thought the best time for that would be early morning when most of the Prefects and Professors would be asleep. Unfortunately, he had not shared this plan with any of his Gryffindor friends and he couldn't very well wake them up at this time in the morning so he decided to go on his own and just find out where the kitchens were and get a friend to go with him next time so they could go inside the Kitchen properly. He put his robes on top of his pyjamas and set off from the Gryffindor Common Room to where he thought the Kitchens might be.

He soon reached where he thought the Kitchens might be without encountering a single person, which he counted as a victory. However, he had reached an unsuspecting bump in the road. It wasn't as easy to get into the Kitchens as he had first thought. There was no simple door just paintings along the corridor and he couldn't see any way in. He sighed and slid down the wall outside a large painting with his head in his hands and wondered what he should do next. Well, that was until he felt someone fall over him. He rubbed his knee and looked up at the person who had stumbled over him. It was a young girl dressed in Gryffindor robes. Aaron recognised her a little but he didn't know her name. He stood up to face the girl and smiled sheepsihly at her "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you fall over" he said looking at the floor.

Sorry this is so late!
Elizabeth didn't really expect to fall over somebody here in the Kitchens, but it did happen. But Elizabeth could only laugh about this and she would laugh very long and hard so that's what she did. This was another adventure that she was dying to tell her brother Riley. Elizabeth had a good relationship with her brother, but Elizabeth was the wilder version of her brother. For Riley it was sometimes enough and for Elizabeth was it just never enough. The brown haired Gryffindor saw that it was a boy where she fell over. He said that he didn't ment to make her fall and Elizabeth was sure of it that, that wasn't his plan. So she got up again and stood before the boy in front of him. '' It's no problem. I didn't expect somebody in here honestly, so it was a nice suprise.'' Elizabeth gave the boy a smile. He had a famillar face, she saw him in the Gryffindor common room and with the sorting. And Gryffindor students were famous by getting on adventure so it was possible that he had the same idea as Elizabeth.

But still Elizabeth didn't knew the name of the boy so she thought of it as normal to introduce herself first. '' The clumsy girl that felt over you is Elizabeth by the way, that's me.'' Elizabeth looked around the Kitchens. She didn't knew where to look because there were so many nice things. Could she really just grab things and start eating or maybe they were jinxed with some spells when you start eating that you got something weird on your tongue, like a blue or purple one. Well she had all the time to enjoy this perhaps together with this boy.

I'm much more later. I'm sorry
Aaron laughed along with the girl that had tripped over him. He was lucky to find that the girl had a good sense of humour, he guessed that she was in Hufflepuff or Gryffindor because of the way she reacted when she tripped over. Most people would probably rage at Aaron for making them trip over, but not this girl and Aaron liked that. He stood up and faced the girl and offered his hand for her to shake hey, Elizabeth. My name is Aaron" he said to the girl. Now that he could see her properly he recognised her face as a girl that he had seen in his classes. "What house are you in Elizabeth?" he asked the brunette girl "I think I recognise you but I'm not sure where from?"

After they had exchanged pleasantries, Aaron returned his focus to getting into the Kitchens. Well, that was until Elizabeth seemed to know how to get in and he followed her inside the portrait hole and emerged out the other side. The Kitchens were astounding, it was all Aaron dreamed and more. Little creatures were dotted around the room, cleaning and preparing dishes. He headed straight towards one of the counter tops that had a cake on top of it. "Hey Lizzie, look at this!" he said pointing at the cake. "Shall we?"
Elizabeth smiled at the boy when he offered his hand for her. She was glad that he wasn't mad that she was so clumsy to not look to the ground and fall over him. '' Hi Aaron, Nice to meet you in this weird situation.'' She literally fell for him, but that was just a inside joke. The boy had a famillar face, but so many students had on this school. She heard the name Aaron before in lessons so he must had been in the same classroom as she was. '' I'm in Gryffindor, and you?'' She was curious because this boy seemed like a lot of fun and she could really use somebody with a lot of humor. '' You also have a famillar face, I think we are in same classes.'' She said friendly to Aaron.

Elizabeth started to get a bit hungry from all those things around her. And just right on time she heard her name but then shortened. Lizzie.. that one she never heard before. Mostly it was Beth and she liked if people called her Beth, but Lizzie was also a nice one. It was nice to hear that Aaron had the feeling that he could name her that way. '' I'm coming!'' she yelled and walked in the direction of Aaron. When she came there she saw a delicious cake. '' Oh Merlin! This looks amazing.'' 'She just went for it and put a piece with her fingers. '' Tfis is so deflisus'' She said with her mouth full, so that it wasn't really good to hear what she was actually say.
"Ditto" he agreed laughing at the oddness of the situation that the two young Gryffindor's found themselves in. "At least we have a good story to tell when people ask how we met" he chuckled. "I'm in Gryffindor too" he said nodding at Elizabeth. "That's definitely how we recognise each other then. Shame it took us this long to actually speak" he said smiling at the girl.

Aaron grinned when Elizabeth agreed to come over and eat the cake with him. She didn't say anything about the nickname that he had given so he hoped that she liked it and that he could continue using it. He found full first names oddly formal and he loved the informality and warmth that nicknames attached to people and their relationships. Unfotunately, Aaron couldn't be shortened so he had no such luck with him own name. He laughed as she grabbed pieces of cake with her bare hands. He shrugged his shoulders and decided to do the exact same thing. He slid his finger around the top of the cake collecting all of the icing as he did so and quickly shoved it in his mouth "mmmmmm, wis is incwedible" he said (although a little muffled) agreeing with Lizzie who also had her mouthful.
Elizabeth nodded when Aaron said that they would have a good story to tell. She agreed with him, it was like they knew eachother way longer than only today. Aaron was confident that they will become friends Elizabeth thought he gave her that impression and she liked it. She loved it when people were just open about theirself and talk to her like they knew her already for a long time. '' Yes, I like those story's the most!'' she chuckled. Aaron was also in Gryffindor! That was awesome, Elizabeth already saw the adventures that they could have in her mind. '' So cool! It's pretty weird exactly! But I'm glad that I've met you today.'' She gave Aaron a friendly smile. Elizabeth always played with boys when she was younger, she played with her brother and his friends and they were her friends also. But Elizabeth also liked to chat with girls, but not every girl liked the fact that Elizabeth always wanted to do pranks.

Aaron followed her example to just eat the cake with his hands. Elizabeth started to laugh really hard about how Aaron talked with his cake in his mouth. But than again she also did it, but the look of it was just very funny. '' Aaron I have a crazy idea, and I hope you don't hate me after it.'' Elizabeth saw on the other side of where the cake was standing a big cake with whipped cream on it. She run towards it and grabbed a piece with her hands and trew it in the direction of Aaron. ''Cake fight!''
Aaron nodded in agreement with Elizabeth's statement "me too! Those kinds of stories can be really interesting" he replied. He loved making and collecting stories of his own but Aaron also loved hearing about other people's experiences. "I've liked meeting you too" he said to the Gryffindor girl "especially under these weird circumstances" he finished, laughing.

After Aaron had recovered from his laughing fit over the state of the two young Gryffindors stuffing their faces with cake, Elizabeth mentioned that she was about to do something crazy. Aaron barely had time to register what that meant when a piece of cake hit him right between the eyes. He wiped the remnants off his face and laughed heartily "oh my... Nice shot" he said smiling at Lizzie. "Would be a shame if someone were to..." before finishing his sentence he grabbed a handful of what remained of the cake and threw it in the direction of Elizabeth. He grabbed another piece of cake in preparation for a full scale food fight.
Elizabeth was wondering if they would be good friends when they would grow older. It was just as Aaron said a nice story to tell others. A smile appeared on Elizabeth's face when Aaron said that he liked meeting her. Elizabeth always had a lot of boy friends, she and her brother had practically the same friends. It was always lots of fun with the boys and Elizabeth wasn't a standard girl she liked doing a lot of things that boys also did. She nodded at Aaron agreeing with the weird circumstances. The Gryffindor was happy that Aaron didn't hate her for starting a cake fight. She was in the mood for some fun, she had a lot of joy in her pranks that she already did. But it was almost always something the she did alone, so it was nice that she could do something crazy with Aaron today.

Elizabeth had threw right in the middle between Aarons eyes. She didn't knew if she would threw the cake in the good direction. It would be stupid if she had threw the cake towards the ground. '' Thanks! You can taste the cake now far more easier.'' She chuckled. Elizabeth was ready for Aarons shot so she just stood so he could have a fair chance. And he threw and.... scored! The piece of cake came right in her face. She saw almost nothing but cake, so she went with her fingers over the whipped cream and put it in her mouth. '' Good job! We are even now. '' Elizabeth run towards another cake and grabbed with both of her hands a big piece. '' How does it taste? I've heard that here are House elves. Have you already seen one?'' she said, taking a break from the cake fight.
Aaron was glad that he could share in this adventure with Elizabeth. She was the perfect companion to cause mischief with. She seemed to mirror his thoughts and even seemed to be ahead of him by starting the food fight which was an ingenious idea. Although, he did feel bad for making a mess in the kitchens that the house elves would most likely have to clean up but he decided that he would worry about that later. For now, he was having fun with his new friend and that was all that mattered in that moment.

Aaron let out a hearty belly laugh as Elizabeth commented how much easier it was to taste the cake when it was on your face. "Well... you're not wrong" he said wiping some icing off of his face and then eating it. "Even? Not for long!" he said quickly as he grabbed another handful of cake and launched it towards Elizabeth once more. "It tastes good, all the food here does. It's incredible isn't it?" he exclaimed. If there was one thing Aaron was passionate about, it was food. He shook his head at Elizabeth's question "No, I have never seen a House elf actually. I had no idea the school had them until someone told me. Have you seen one?" he asked, returning the question.
Aaron was the first person that liked her jokes and that was really special. Elizabeth directly felt that this was a boy that she didn't need to lose out of her eye. Not all the people liked her jokes, such as Riley he had enough of it already here at Hogwarts. And Elizabeth was getting bored and if she was getting bored she was very annoying for especially her brother. She started to laugh when Aaron said that he liked the cake. Elizabeth wasn't really ready for the next cake in her face so she was suprised when Aaron threw another piece. '' Oh you bastard! Look out Wespurt power!!'' She ran towards Aaron but the ground was a bit slippery from the cake and whipped cream on the floor. So before she knew it she felt on the ground just in front of Aaron. When she looked at Aaron's face with her whole face covered in cake and cream she started to laugh. It was such an action for Elizabeth to fall again. She had so many bruises from falling, she lost count sometimes. The young Gryffindor went sitting again and went with her fingers towards the cake in her face and put them into her mouth.
'' I didn't see one either. But we can call them perhaps?'' But before she did that she took a piece of cake from the ground and pushed it into Aaron his face.
'' 2-2'' she said smiling.
Aaron laughed when the second piece of cake hit his target, Lizzie's face. He mocked being scared as she decided to retaliate. Well, that was until she slipped on the floor that was covered with cake. Aaron instinctively threw his arms out to try and grab her but he wasn't quick enough and she fell on the floor. Unable to stop himself he started laughing "are you okay?" he managed to squeeze out. He offered her his hand to help her up "did you have a nice trip?" he asked her jokingly referencing to the fact that she fell on the floor. Instead of taking his hand, Lizzie pushed a fistful of cake back in Aaron's face. He laughed some more and put his hands up to show that he had finished "I give up!" he grinned with cake all over his face still.

He nodded at Lizzie's suggestion "yeah, lets call one". However, the only problem was that he didn't know any of their names. "Er..." he mumbled "is there anyone there? Anyone that could bring us... I don't know... juice?" he suggested, wondering if that would work.
Elizabeth was having a great time together with her friend. She was curious what their next adventure would be. When Aaron offered his hand to help up she smiled. When she went with her hand to give the impression that she was taking it to stand up she got a nice idea. She took the hand of Aaron while sitting and pulled him over to her so that he fell to the front of the ground. '' Now I'm ok.'' she joked while pulling her hand out with the friendly intention to help him this time. She enthusiasticly put her both hands in the air when Aaron said that he gave up.

While looking around to find a elf she heard Aaron asking if there would be one that could bring them juice she smiled. '' Maybe they don't speak our language?'' she said while still sitting on the ground. '' Elves, we really want to help you cleaning this mess that we made, we are sorry about that.'' The young Gryffindor really wanted to see a house elf she would love to meet one.

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