All Turned Around

Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Having class in Beauxbatons was one thing but finding her way around was quite another. Zazuka was turned around for the seventh time that day and things were not getting any better. She felt about as stupid as a first year and twice as shaky. She was here to represent Hogwarts and all she was doing now was being awkward. Zazuka stopped trying to find her way outside and leaned against one wall. "B I miss you." She sighed. She wanted one face that she knew who wasn't as twisted as Link or as faulsly nice as Mike and her. Mike was a good guy but taking with him seemed to scripted and polight that Zazuka wanted to scream.
((hope you don't mind ^_^ ))

Sergei was, quite frankly, enjoying his time at Beauxbatons. Sure, he wasn't the Durmstrang champion, but that meant he had more leisure time - outside of classes, that is. He was only a 6th year, too, so the workload wasn't quite as much as it would be for a 7th year. And by then he'd be back home in Russia, and not have the novelty of living in Beauxbatons. So by then, he'd be fine.
Being the only sixth year from Durmstrang - and the only boy, for that matter - had both its advantages and its disadvantages. For one thing, being the only male on the ship was hard. Sometimes he just wanted another guy to talk to, and while he was used to female presences (having grown up with both his mother and with Katerina), sometimes it just got a little lonely. And he didn't really know anyone else in classes, either. While that meant there were more people to know (and hearing the Beauxbatons girls giggle when they looked at him, and seeing their blushes did swell his ego quite a bit), he just wished for a familiar face to sit in class with.
Walking around the school, Sergei stopped as he saw a girl in a Hogwarts uniform looking a little lost. She was in his classes too, he was sure - maybe this was an opportunity to make a new friend. Even though she had a classmate from her school, he was the champion so no doubt she felt a little lonely, just like he did. "Hello," Sergei began, in tentative English. "You are from Hogwarts, yes?"
Zazuka had allowed her mind to wonder for a bit so when she had been spoken to by the Drumstrang boy she jumped slightly, gasped then let go of all her books. "Oh my." She said taking out her wand to pick them up. She liked her school uniform but it was the style of most older girls to leave one extra botton undone at the top. With it came a more careful method of bending down if you where to bend down at all which Zazuka would not. Not at this school any way. "Sorry about that It was me just being silly." She said with a bright giggle. "I've seen you in class before haven't I? Zazuka Bones." She said offering the boy her hand. She was happy to meet someone that probobly felt as out of place as she did.

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