Closed all these little things

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Lumos Walden-Cade

are🫵🏻ready? Inquestigator
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Swishy Dogwood Wand with Mermaid Scale Core (Aqua Vespera)
Lumos had asked Jonah to the Yule ball and he'd said he would meet him up at the Hufflepuff common room, mostly because he wanted to check in with Nox about whether he was going or not. He'd been surprised that his brother wasn't attending with Tori, whom he'd gone with last year, but he hadn't spoken to Tori at all since the incident with Demi, so he supposed he wasn't all that surprised. He was going to ask Demi to attend with him this year too, but then he'd asked Jonah and he felt good about that decision. His friend had seemed so down recently and he wanted to try and cheer him up if he could. He wan't sure if it was really going to work out too well, but he would try anyway. He waited outside the common room, leaning against the wall - Nox had said Jonah would be out soon and it wasn't like they were going to run out of time, they had hours ahead of them yet.

@Jonah Edogawa
Jonah didn't have anything to wear. He didn't know why he didn't just tell Lumos that when he'd agreed to go with him to the Yule Ball. Before the school year started, he didn't really have any plans of going to any of the school events - Halloween or Yule. He didn't regret not going to Halloween at all, instead spending all that time baking cupcakes in the Kitchens for Lumos' birthday. And then Yule came around, and Lumos asked him to go, and Jonah just agreed, and he'd forgotten he hadn't really packed clothes for such an occasion to school. He knew he could have just gone to his dad, or Hinata, or wrote home. But he didn't want to. So, he'd ended up asking his friends for help, and all they'd managed was a spare jacket. Which was fine. It was a little big on Jonah, but it was at least the same color as his pants. He threw on a nicer shirt to go with it since he didn't have anything more formal aside from his school uniform and he didn't want to wear that. He'd decided his hair was a lost cause after spending time trying to tame it, and he'd really kept waiting Lumos long enough. As soon as he caught sight of the Slytherin, Jonah had to blink. He could feel himself get nervous as he approached because Lumos looked really nice and Jonah didn't have anything to wear. "You look really nice," he said, though his eyes widened because he didn't really intend to say it out loud. But it was true, so he didn't take it back and decided to change the subject really quickly. "Should we go?"
Lumos grinned when he saw Jonah, and even though he did indeed look like he’d just slapped something together, it didn’t look bad but he didn’t want to say that it didn’t look bad or good, though boosting Jonah’s confidence was something he wanted to do. “I think you also look good Jonah, and thanks for agreeing to come with me. I didn’t want to come alone and you’re the only person I thought I wanted to come with.” Somehow he only ever wanted to spend most of his time with Jonah and that was okay because he liked Jonah anyway and spending time with him was fun. “Come on, I want to get to the Great Hall before all the good food is gone.” he says, grabbing Jonah’s hand in his own and tugging him towards the hall.​
Jonah wouldn't have been able to keep the small smile off his face even if he tried. He knew he couldn't have looked anywhere as good as Lumos did, but to hear Lumos say that he thought Jonah looked good felt nice. Even more so the fact that it was Jonah who he wanted to come with and no one else. It felt... nice. Like he was being seen in a way that didn't make his skin crawl. "I... thanks for asking me," he said with a small smile directed at him before he was being pulled by the hand towards the Great Hall. They'd even passed Will and Eurydice. Just in time to see Will kiss Eurydice on the cheek, which made Jonah blush before resolutely following Lumos. When they'd arrived at the Great Hall, Jonah had to blink at the explosion of winter that was present in the Hall when it was supposed to be summer in New Zealand. It was nothing short of to know that it was summer but have winter. Magic really. Still, he supposed it couldn't be bad. It would be winter in Japan anyway once they all went home for the holidays, so it wouldn't be so bad to get used to all the white again. "I hope they have fried chicken."
Lumos kind of liked the way that it felt when he complimented Jonah. He didn’t know why he liked the feeling, but the point was to make Jonah feel nice and if it made himself feel nice in the process, well wasn’t that a good thing too? “Of course I asked you, I wouldn’t have come at all if not with you, unless maybe Nox came with Tori, I might have tagged along, only to keep Nox company,” he was trying not to admit that the whole Tori situation was actually making him sad. They’d all practically grown up together so it kind of hurt that she had thought so little of him and was now completely avoiding him. He supposed it was for the best, Demi was his best friend and Tori and Jonah weren’t overly fond of each other anyway. Maybe it was right they sort of had this break. As they headed into the Great Hall he wasn’t sure how he felt about the whole Winter thing. One of the benefits of being in New Zealand was that it was warm at the times when it should be cold, and he kind of liked the contrast, it meant he could put his school life and his home life in nice and neat little boxes, which was a little harder to do when they were the same. “I’m sure they have a lot of fried food, that’s what you eat for Christmas right?”
Jonah couldn't help but squeeze Lumos' hand when he assured him that he was really only interested in going to the Ball with him. Though he supposed it was also for that thing with Tori. It wasn't exactly hard to hear all about what happened between Demi and Tori - both girls weren't exactly people that Jonah was friends with, but he knew that Lumos was friends with both. Anyway, considering it was his dad who caught the altercation and even handled both girls' detentions, it was pretty easy to learn about it. He'd even heard how Tori was supposedly mad at Lumos, and that couldn't have been easy for his Slytherin friend. "Are you and her okay now? I heard about what happened," he asked softly. He'd never really mentioned it until now, figuring Lumos would tell him about it when he felt like it, and this seemed like an opportunity to let Lumos know that Jonah would listen if he wanted to talk about it. "Maybe they'll have some fries and ice cream too then," he said before nodding, trying to think of holidays back home. He couldn't remember much from last year, it felt like a blur, but he could remember holidays from before Hogwarts. "Well, technically, we have whatever Dad would feel like cooking. Sometimes, we get sushi. I think he did turkey one time? Fried chicken's nice though, especially if they're a little spicy."
Lumos looked down at his hand when Jonah squeezed it and then sighed when he asked about Tori. Truthfully he hadn’t spoken to her since the other week when she’d yelled at him. He didn’t really know how to approach the situation and he didn’t want to make it worse either, so he didn’t really know what to say. He was Demi’s best friend, or Demi was his and he was ride or die for her, so he didn’t want to really be involved in whatever feud she had with Tori, but that was apparently impossible now. She wouldn’t even talk to him, but what was he supposed to say to her anyway honestly? He didn’t know, and he wasn’t going to ask Nox to talk to her on his behalf, that was just cowardly. “I don’t know, I don’t think so, but there isn’t much I can do about it. I wouldn’t know what to say even if she let me get close enough to talk to her,” he said with a sigh. But he didn’t want things to be on the downer whilst they were at the Yule ball, that wouldn’t be right. “OOh, I don’t know if I could do spicy food, like not proper spicy. I’m not really into that,” he said, shaking his head. If it was a little bit spicy that was okay, but chilli spice was too much, or was that considered hot and not spicy, he didn’t really know what the difference was to be honest.​
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