All the difference

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So, here's Aldrich Rousseau, 14, and is currently attending Durmstrang. xD

open-minded, friendly, extremely talkative, determined, sensitive and romantic, Aldrich is one who tries to befriend a lot of people as he would always see the good in them, but in one respect, he could be really vain and arrogant too. :r

He needs friends, and anything else really. :D
I will be his friend :D Narcissa is a 5th year Gryffindor student from Hogwarts Scotland. She is very sweet, kind, loyal, independent and brave. Narcissa comes from a pure blood and half blood family and she does not care about blood status.

Let me know if she is okay
yes, that would be great, by the way, he's a part-veela seeing that his cousin is one, but anyways, I'll still pass an application so he'll appear on the list. :D
Oh, okay. Shall we start a thread some where? and could you start? I have to do this draft paper for tomorrow. TY
Sure, I'll start it, but where should I post it? :D

Sure, I'll start it, but where should I post it? :D
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