Old School Week All of the books

Hugo Stark-West

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Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
11 (12/2046)
Hugo entered the library. exams were over and he wanted to check some books out to take home for over the holidays. he stood for a moment. just looking at the shelves. there were so many book he didn't know where to start.
Mercury liked the library because it was quiet, and not many people hung out there. She walked around the corner to look at some books for astronomy when she nearly ran face first into another Ravenclaw. "Oh, sorry."
Hugo looked up as someone came out from between the shelves. and almost ran into him. "whoah" he said. glad that she managed to stop in time.
Mercury stared at the boy for a second and then look down at at the ground as she walked around him, muttering something to herself.
Remy liked to read when studying wasn't killing his passion for it. He wanted to find some wizard fairytale but seemed to be looking in the wrong spot. He looked up to see an almost-collision and shook his head slowly. "Its not a mosh pit," Remy muttered to himself.
Mercury stopped for a moment, pondering what the heck a mosh pit was and turned swiftly on her heel. "What is that, like a swamp?"

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