All I Wanted Was Some Peace and Quiet

Ryan Moon

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Tenjo Jojo(Johanna)
Ryan was lurking down at the dungeons.It's what he did most days unless he was playing his music.He had his guitar with him though.He couldn't bring his electric one with him as the speakers never worked so it was never good trying to practice.He couldn't really take all his anger out on his favorite guitar though,that would be unfair to his guitar though sometimes he felt like smashing it into a wall.He always had this anger running through him deep under the surface.At times he just felt like screaming at everyone to just leave him alone.It did work though he didn't talk to anyone except for that Jenette girl.When Danielle had come back things had gone a bit better for him,he had remembered what his old life had been like.How happy he had been but then Danielle was taken from him,left him and now he was all alone again and even more angry at the world for taking one of the only people who could help him away from him.He didn't talk to his family anymore.there constant worrying drove him up the wall,he saw why Kate starved herself and ignored them back when he was in first year.Sometimes he felt like starving himself or just doing something more radical.It was a dangerous way of living but so what?Not like anyone gave a damn.Well maybe Star would,she had tried talking to him a few times as had Sara,he hadn't seen Kate much but he knew she had enough on her plate.But he didn't care what they wanted.He just wished they would get it through their thick heads that he didn't want help,this was who he was.The hat had put him in Slytherin for a reason and he was just being what the hat had predicted her'd be.They would just have to learn that this was the way life was going to be.He wasn't going to go to any of the stupid classes,if he could run away like that Stefan fella did he would do it any day but he knew he wasn't up for it.They'd find him anyways,his parents were rich and he was sure if worst came to worst they would take down the whole of New Zealand to find him.He wouldn't be bothered going to that much effort anyways.He was fine her,skipping classes,playing his guitar and drums and lurking.It wasn't such a bad way to live,the only problem was the constant anger inside him.Anger at the stupid jerks who had caused him to turn like this.Sometimes he felt like finding them and beating them up like they did to him.

Ryan sighed and walked out of the dungeons and began the journey up to the North Tower.It would take him a little while as he wasn't as fit due to his lack of exercise.It was his own fault.He had once been very athletic but after second year he just hadn't bothered.Walking up and down the stairs usually helped him keep in some form of shape,also the whole drum thing could take quite a lot of energy also.He liked going to the North Tower,it was usually quiet and he could practice his guitar in peace and usually no one bothered him.By the time he had got to the top of the stairs he was panting a little as the guitar was not light after the amount of stairs he had just climbed.He leaned against the wall for a second and got his breath back.Then he walked up one more flight of stairs till he was at the very top of the North Tower.He had a good view of the grounds from here and per usual there was no one there to bother him.He sat down and leaned against the wall and started playing "the Man that Can't be Moved" by the script,playing the chords on his guitar
Samual Pace Kaster really liked heigths. He couldn't understand why people were scared of heights, because they were so wonderful. A place that Samual had not been for awhile was the North Tower, and he couldn't understand why, it was a lovely place to be. The Tower looked over the Hogwarts grounds like no other and it was just so beautiful, if Samual could paint something decent, he'd definately come up here and paint something, too bad he was a lousy painter. But that didn't dampen his mood, he was going to explose the Tower again, it had been too long, maybe about a month or so since Samual had wondered up here, it was sad really, how could he neglect a place this long? It was ridiculous to say the least. Samual had admittedly been a little busy the past few weeks, even the holidays were a busy time for him, he didn't realise how difficult it would be to take all the classes he was, it was definately a little silly on his part, but he just wanted to know everything and then get a good job when he was older. That being said, he dind't want to have to become a bookworm either, he still wanted to walk around the school and talk to people all the time, but it was coming increasingly difficult, because lately he had been feeling guilty about not paying closer attention to the library. He had gotten 'O' in his tests, but that was because he had studied, so he was starting to worry about his lack of studying, but outside had been so lovely lately, and Autumn would be coming soon, and then all the leaves would fall from the trees and everything would be beautiful and bright again, and, more importantly, he would be able to play in the leaves again. and hopefully make some more friends and just have a fantabulous time. As Samual climbed the stairs, he rubbed his sides as he started to feel some cramping. One thing he had forgotten to attend to was his lack of exercise, which he was trying to pick that up. But eventually he made his way to the top of the tower, and he was quite proud of himself for it, he wasn't even panting yet.

As Samual walked through the halls, he could hear something... a guitar playing. He had never heard the song before, but he liked it, so, he began searching around the Tower to see who was playing it. The Tower wasn't that big, but it did have a lot of corners that he had to look around in order to locate the source. He smiled brightly as he found the player of the guitar leaning against a wall, and he approached the blonde quietly. As the song seemed to come to some sort of closing, Samual sat down beside the boy and smiled at him, then held out his hand for the boy to accept and shake. "Hi, I'm Sammy, what's your name?" He asked chipperly, having the warm sun come through the window made him warm and happy already. Hopefully his company felt the same way. "What was the song you were playing? It was really good." He added.
To be honest,today wasn't such a bad day.He was feeling pretty okay.That anger was still there bubbling under the surface but people hadn't annoyed him too much and he had managed to write a decent song which was a big achievement.He had tried to write one that expressed all his feelings.The anger he was locking up inside and his secret insecurities that were there but not as strong as his anger and hatred.He knew the old Ryan was still there,somewhere inside him but it was going to take a lot to get him out again.It would probably involve him getting his revenge which wasn't very likely as they had long left the school and tracking them down would be a problem.And even if he did.What would he say,do?He would probably end up being in a lot of trouble and in the end it wouldn't have been worth it.The new Ryan wasn't good at expressing his feelings to himself or anyone else so he had been working on the right song for the past two years.The song was basically the shortened version of his life and himself since second year.He was pretty proud of the song and some day he would play it for his family,explaining why he had changed and how he was feeling but that day would be long coming.He would probably do it...eventually.He wasn't ready for it now and he didn't care what his family thought of him,it was partly his fault he was like this.

Ryan took out the words to his song out of his pocket and read over them.It was a pretty long song but what he was feeling couldn't be written down in a few words plus Ryan even when writing songs found it hard to get to the point.But everything was there.It was funny to think,what had drastically changed his life and those around him was all on a piece of paper in front of him.Ryan liked the band the Script.He was very proud of his irishness and any band that was Irish he usually liked.When he was finished,he sat by himself for a few moments before somebody decided to interrupt him and sit down.Ryan looked at the boy who had an incredibly head of curly hair.He looked around Ryan's age but he seemed very..happy and bubbly.Just the type of people he was opposite.This kid who introduced himself as Sammy probably loved the world and saw the best in everyone while Ryan was the best.As Ryan said the name over in his head,he knew he had heard it before.Suddenly it hit him,ignoring the boys outstretched hand,Ryan sat up and turned to look at the boy "You're Samual Kaster,Kate's 'friend'He said,the last part sarcastically.He believed that his older sister and this Sammy boy were going out.The magazine had said so and everything else that RHI had said about Kate was right so why wouldn't this one be.He had also seen them leave the dungeons together. "The Man Who Can't Be Moved"He said with out thinking,the answer had been automatic.Ryan was almost sure that Star had a crush on this kid too.Just because he didn't talk to his twin didn't mean he couldn't read the signs.He knew her body language and he had seen them before. What was with this kid and his sisters "You are Star's friend too"He said.He guessed the boy would probably know who he was right now.Even though he didn't like his family he could feel his protective side itching to come out but he he ignored it.He sat up,looking at the boy,waiting for him to respond
Samual nodded slightly and looked down, retracting his hand from the boy as it became apparent that he was not going to shake it in greeting. It was his choice, maybe he didn't like germs or something. Or maybe he didn't believe in shaking hands, or smiling, or looking remotely happy. Or just maybe Samual was annoying him with his general happy presence. But that couldn't be true, why would someone totally dis-regaurd someones feelings because they were happy? But luckily, the boy sat up to look at him, and even spoke. Samual smiled slightly and nodded. He didn't recognise the tone that he used, but he guessed tat it wasn't exactly friendly and cheerful, but he was in such a good mood today, he wouldn't let this boys sourness get them both down, he was going to just smile and carry on the conversation and a cheerful, polite manner. Because Samual didn't want to make enemies, he was fourteen, why would he ever want an enemy? "Yeah, that's me." He quickly realised that the boy had not actually told him his own name, and he really wanted to know it so he could think of him by his actual name and not address as 'boy'. As the boy mentioned something, seemingly absentmindedly, Samual nodded. He guessed that was the answer to his question, the song title. He still wasn't sure as to what it was, or what sort of song it was, or even the lyric or creator was unknown to him, but it didn't seem like a bad song, the smal part he heard of it. In fact, it sounded like a very good song, and he'd love to learn it sometime, but unfortunately, Samual didn't have a musical bone in his body, except maybe drums, but he mostly sat down and hit everything, he didn't really try to keep to a beat. He felt like asking the boy to play again, but since they had seemed to get off on the wrong footing, Samual's responsible side told him to not push his luck and so he decided to keep quiet for a little bit and enjoy the... sort of pleasent silence, until it was broken. But not by Samual giggling or being excitable about possibly making a new friend, it was the blonde that spoke, and his words were very interesting indeed.

The boy meantioned Star, which was interesting, because Star didn't seem like someone that would be friends with someone that gave off the vibes this boy did, but the boy also meantioned Kate, and he looked very similar to them, and the conversation Samual had with Sara a while back gave him the impression that there was another Moon, named Ryan. Was this Ryan? Or was this someone else and they had another brother named Ryan? For all Samual knew, there could be five, or seven Moons at Hogwarts, if his siblings were all magical and attended one school, there would have been seven Kasters through Hogwarts. So it was very possible that this boy was a relative to Star, Kate and Sara, but he might not be Ryan. So Samual decided to lay it to rest until he could know for sure that this was Ryan, before he went on calling hi Ryan, because that would be a little awkward to find out that this boys name was George or something. "Yeah... I am, she's really nice." He explained, not really sure why they were talking about his social life and interections with others, but if he was a relative, which Samual was starting to believe that this was the case, it would only be natural that he'd want to make sure that Samual wasn't a horrible person or anything, since Samual knew Sara, Kate and Star. Samual ran his fingers through his hair and smiled at the boy who could possible be Ryan, he didn't want to ask if he was Ryan, because that sounded stupid, but he was sure they both knew that this conversation wasn't going to get very far if Samual didn't know the boys name for sure, because it was a little unfair, this boy knew more about Samual than Samual knew about him, and it was a little disturbing, because it reminded him of Annalie and they were memories that were best left on touched forever. "So, how many songs can you play? On your guitar?" He asked, deciding to get the conversation to move along through music and the guitar. It looked really nice, though, Samual wasn't sure what he was looking for when it came to guitars, he had only seen a few in his life, since none of his siblings played, and he'd never been to a concert or anything.
Ryan could see that Kaster wasn't sure who he was,it was kinda funny seeing his confused face.Ryan had heard all his sisters talk about this boy and Ryan had been kind of curious as to meet him.He had wanted to meet the person they all talked about.Now that Ryan was finally meeting him properly for the first time he could see why they liked him.He looked like kid who enjoyed life and was all sunshine and flowers.An easy target for bullies and mean people.No matter how selfish,rude and stubborn Ryan could be ,he could never bully anyone because them he was just as bad as the people who had made him who he was today.That's why he never was actually mean to anyone or have totally disrespect for them because he knew what it felt liked and he had no respect for bullies what so ever.They could all crawl into holes and die for all he cared.Ryan felt the tinest bit bad for being mean to the kid. "Hmm so you and Kate...?"He left the question out there wondering what Kaster would say. "It's by the script"He added again absent-mindedly noticing the boys confusion."An Irish band"he said to clarify further.Ryan liked all sorts of music but he preferred bands as he liked the heavy music lately but he still loved songs like The Man Who Can't Be Moved.They were easy to play and light.

Ryan was slightly surprised that Kaster hadn't figured out who he was yet.He had basically mentioned all his sisters except for one,Sara and any normal person would have figured it out by now.But then again Ryan was completely different from the rest of his family because all his sisters were nice and kind and whatnot where as he was completely different from his sisters.He used to be the same but now he considered himself an outcast.He wasn't the same as his family.His family were nice..and kind people.He wasn't like that.How could he be a brother of such a family,it was weird.Their family was weird anyways.There were two Ravenclaws,A Hufflepuff and a Slytherin.Not the most usual combination in a family. "Yeah,they're all nice"He muttered,Ryan looked over at Kaster and sighed "I suppose I'll tell you since you haven't guessed yet,I'm Ryan,Star's twin and younger brother to Sara and Kate"he said while strumming his guitar.In first year many people hadn't believed he and Star were twins.They had looked nothing alike.He had been tanned,brown eyes and hair where as Star was pale,blue eyes and blond hair but as the years went by,his skin had become paler and his hair lighter and his eyes had even turned lighter which he found very strange.Now they looked much more alike and people actually saw the resemblence. Ryan looked down at his guitar "I have absolutely no idea"He said truthfully,he played so many he had lost count a long time ago. "Do you play?"He asked curiously
At first, Samual wasn't sure what the blonde meant with his question, but soon figured it out and became worried. That stupid article was still haunting him, it was ridiculous, people still though he was dating Kate, and that he was interested in those two part-goblin girls he met ages ago. The things magazines and gossip did to lives still managed to suprise him at every turn. Sammy was determined to put that rumor to rest with this boy, before he started thinking anything absolutely crazy and absurd. "Oh no, we're just very good friends, that's it." He explained, hoping that his explaination was good enough, without sounding rude or anything. "Kate's nice and that, but we're only friends, anyone that says otherwise is a silly sausage." When the boy said something about a script, Sammy became even more confused, because he didn't realise they were talking about scripts, had Sammy missed something the boy said? Were they talking about scripts without Samual even realising? Sammy quietly nodded and flipped his curls out of his face and smiling happily when he further clarified. The Script, was a band, so he was talking about a group of Irish people performing, not an actual script. That made Sam feel so much better, but also a little stupid and embarrassed, so he was blushing a little bit because he felt really stupid. Whenever Samual felt embarrassed, he tneded to blush, because everyone did that, it was a natural response to embarrassment. "So I guess you like them? What instruments do they have in their band?" He asked, deciding that he might as well learn a little bit about the band in order to make a new friend.

Samual smiled and nodded, from first hand experience, Sammy knew that the boys sisters were all very nice girls, because they were so sweet to him, and just lovely people to be around. He was really lucky to have that, most of Samual's sisters were not as nice and sweet and Sara, Star and Kate were. In fact, most of Samual's sisters were quite hostile to others because that was just them, only Sammy's brother seemed to be nice to everyone, but not to the extent of Samual. "You're really lucky to have lovely sisters, my sisters usually scare people away, not befriend them." Samual explained with a small shurg. It seemed that the boy didn't wuite understand how lucky he was to have Sara, Star and Kate as sisters, Samual would love to have sisters like them, not that he'd ever give up the sisters he had, but if they every under went a personality change, Sammy wouldn't mind it mirroring Kate, Sara and Star's personalities. Samual smiled and nodded as Ryan confirmed that he was Ryan, that was a relief. "I wasn't exactly sure, because you could of had a brother named Ryan or something... so yeah..." He explained, feeling stupid once again, but he would have felt dumber if he called him Ryan to find out that he wasn't Ryan. So in a way he was relieved. Since Ryan didn't seem to know how many songs he knew, Sammy guessed that he probably knew tons and tons of them, which was impressive. Nearly all of his siblings could play and instrument, but he couldn't, he couldn't even draw. He had zero creative talent, all he could do was match colours and dance, that was about the extent of his creative mind, so when Ryan asked if he played, Sammy shook his head. "Oh no, I can't play any instruments. Instead, I juggle." He explained. Upon realising that he sucked at everything musical, Sammy took up juggling to compensate, and juggling was a lot of fun.
Ryan had never been one to look into his sisters social lives.Usually they were just complicated and they would just fry Ryan's head.More then often Ryan was involved in Star's so he always knew what was happening in her life and socially not much went on.Star was different from the rest of the family.She couldn't play an instrument,she didn't like to sing and she was much quieter then the rest of them.It had always puzzled him why she didn't want to do the things he liked doing-like sport and music and hanging put with friends.She would always prefer to explore outside and stay inside and read.But since she was his twin on some level he had understood that she was very different to him and he must let her do her things and him his own.They had still gotten on great and the real Star was great to hang out with because she was hyper and witty and much more fun then her quiet and shy side. Ryan raised his eyebrows "Okay so"He said,not fully convinced.He would have to ask Kate,well maybe he would see how he was feeling. "So your calling me a silly sausage?"He asked curiously,eyebrows raised once more.Kate was always saying silly stuff like that.Ryan did his best not to laugh when Kaster looked even more confused when he named the band-he had probably grown up in a magical household or else where he came from didn't know the Script band.Obviously he realized his mistake when Ryan saw the blush on his cheeks.Ryan rolled his eyes and hid a smile.This Kaster kid was okay,a bit annoying but nice enough. Obviously he thought when Kaster spoke the obvious.He wouldn't be playing their song if he didn't like them "There is a vocalist and keyboard player,guitarist and a drummer"He said-one thing that he liked about the band was the fact they were from Ireland,he didn't know why that was the case but he loved their music.

Ryan had once loved his sisters very dearly.They were family after all,you grow up with them and you are told to love them.A part of him still loved them,he could never stop loving them,that was something he would never be able to stop doing-loving his family.He may hate them at the moment but deep down he really did still love them no matter what he said out loud.He wasn't going admitting that to them but they probably all still knew.What Kaster said,intrigued him.Why was his sisters so unfriendly when Ryan bet Kaster could befriend a fly.It was interesting,because something must have happened to make that change. "Why is that?"He asked more so to himself then Kaster.When Ryan was thinking he liked to say it out loud as if that would help him.It had annoyed the professor's in class because he had found it easier to do things by saying them aloud first.That Kaster kid was just mumbling,he doubted his sisters had ever said they had two brothers,sure he was Star's twin that usually only means two but Ryan didn't say anything he just nodded his head and gave the kid an almost weird look.Ryan had started playing music long ago,he couldn't remember when he had learnt his first song and how many he knew.The list was probably very long. "Juggling,interesting,never met someone who could juggle"Ryan said,he had actually never seen anyone juggle either,he was tempted to ask Kaster to do it but he didin't think there was much to juggle up here "So you don't like music then?"He asked
Confusion crossed Sammy's face as he tried to understand what Ryan had said. Samual was from a tight-nit family, and he couldn't imagine not talking to them, or keeping any secrets from them. Samual didn't know the relationship between Ryan and his sisters, but it didn't seem very good if he seriously thought that Samual and Kate were actually dating, because Sammy assumed that Ryan would have either spoken to Kate about the rumor, or would have known better than to think that his own sister would keep secrets from him. Samual was confident that Tamalia told him everything, just as he told her everything, it just seemed natural and Sammy didn't see any other relationship possible for siblings, so it was a huge surprise that Ryan didn't believe him when he said that they were just friends, because he was sure that Kate would not have lied about their relationship. "Ryan... haven't you spoken to Kate?" He asked carefully. Sammy didn't want to get into whatever was going on in his friends family, because his own family was very tight-lipped about any problems they encountered, the older members even went so far as to keep family issues away from Sammy himself because they thought that he wouldn't be able to stand the stress of the family, though he often disagreed with their logic, he would just shrug it off and play dumb, it kept everyone happy. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry or anything." He added, making sure it was clear that he wasn't trying to put his nose into Ryan's business, especially since they had just met and ryan seemed harder to befriend than his sisters, so Samual was trying to be careful, he didn't want to make an enemy, especially one that was brother to three of his friends. Samual nodded to the description of the band named 'The Script', it was an odd name, but he decided to not talk about the name, but luckily Sammy actually knew what a guitar, keyboard and drum kit were, otherwise he would have looked like the dumbest thing to have ever lived. Truth be told, Sammy only knew what those instruments were because of his sister, Tamalia, she was far more in-touch with instruments, and she would often joke that she took all of Amanra's and Sammy's musical talent, since Amanra had very little interest in music also, while Tamalia could pick up most instruments and ofter a few days of constant practise, she could play them pretty well, especially piano, she really liked that. "Do you play any other instruments?" He asked curiously. Since Tamalia new an instrument, and could play tons of others, Samual sort of assumed that people that knew one instrument could play multiple instruments.

Samual chewed on his lip absentmindedly, then decided that he might as well answer Ryan's question, though it resembled a spoken thought, Sammy decided that it was still worth a reasonable answer, he didn't have anything to hide, so why not? "My sisters tend to be a little more serious, they're all older than me, so they are expected to be more responsible." He explained. Especially now with both parents being dead, and Ben, who was the most responsible of them all also being dead, nearly the whole family changed drastically, and know Sammy's older siblings were more responsible, but were also less tolerant of people because of it, though on a good day they could all be lovely people, but unlike Sammy, they also had days where their tempers were huge and nothing but words filled with poision left their mouths. Although they never behaved like this directly in front of Sammy, he wasn't completely blind, and Tamalia was a perfect example of what grief could do to people, while Sammy was the other, both deciding to take completely different roads to recovery. Sammy was slightly shocked when Ryan said that he had never met someone that could juggle before, that was surprising. "It's tons of fun, you should learn it sometime!" He suggested happily. Most people didn't realise how much fun juggling could be, even if it could be difficult to pick up and actually perform, it was still entertaining. Sammy thought about his answer before he said it, since he wasn't exactly sure how to put it into words. "I like music... I'm just completely talentless in that feild, I find it impossible to play anything." He explained with a small shrug. He didn't worry about it too much, he was still happy without being able to play and instrument.

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