All I Want is a Nice, Pretty Girl

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Paul Gemstone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hi guys,
This is my character Paul and he has never really had a girlfriend. :wub: He and his sister used to keep to themselves a lot, they were orphaned at a young age and it has been kinda hard on them. But now Paul is figuring a lot of things out for himself and is starting to branch out, so I would really like for him to meet a nice, sweet girl she could be from any house but I just want her to be pretty nice. Paul really likes astronomy and Quidditch. He also enjoys Chess and Greek Mythology, he doesn't really like school but he loves being a wizard. If your interested and you think they would get along well post here or PM me. Thanks :)
I have Gwen she a second year Gryffindor. She is a sweetheart. She's not to found of Astronomy but she does alright in it. As for Quidditch she enjoys watching it but has never had the chance to play it. Anything to do with History and Mythology has Gwen talking for hours. I don't know how you feel about a Slytherin and Gryffindor being friends and maybe dating. But than again Gwen doesn't really care about what house a person is in. She cares about how they act and such.
Yes I will do that and than pm the link to Paul's account.
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