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Napoleon Hawke

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Hello, I'm looking for mostly friends for Napoleon.

Napoleon is a first year Gryffindor (obviously) and his life ethos is to have fun and push boundaries, whether this concerns the rules or people. Napoleon can’t sit still for long periods of time nor can he resist an adventure or practical joke and at his age doesn't understand that someone may not feel the same way as he tries to persuade them to join him on his next escapade. He is a likeable character but for some people (probably the less adventurous or reckless of students) may find him a bit full on and irritating.

In short, Napoleon can be described as Reckless, Loyal, Adventurous, Selfish, Lazy and Extroverted

Look forward to hearing from you soon

PS. If you are interested please pm me/ reply to this thread

EDIT: Character alterations
Hello! I have Hariah Meadow. Like Napoleon she is adventurous too! She feels a new sense of freedom at Hogwarts and that sometimes clouds her judgement and she can bit a bit reckless especially if she is with friends. I think we could have some fun with these two? To get a better understanding you can read her biography if you wish :)
I have Damien here who is reckless but doesn't do anything stupid.He is funny and likes to have a laugh.he will have some issues with trusting you first but after that he is as loyal as any friend. If you want any more info its all in his bio which is in the siggie
Woo I didn't think anyone was going to end up posting here. I will PM you both about setting up a roleplay :)
Hi! I have Jade here. She's not really adventurous or reckless, actually she is really quiet, but is loyal and is a great friend. And once you are her friend, she is willing to be a bit

On the flip side, I also have a first year Ravenclaw named Maddie Thompson. She is very energetic and happy, and extremely curious at times. She is pretty logical, but doesn't mind breaking the rules once in a while.
Hey Jade I have an idea for Maddie so I'll PM you and we'll sort our rp out :)
I have Jamie Valentine who is a first year Hufflepuff. She's grown up in a different way then most kids, being raised by her older siblings in a family with kids that almost get to ten. Generally she's a very calm and quiet type of girl however when provoked she can strick back, or she can be very adventurous. She'd probably be the friend that enjoys staying one step behind her friends.
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