Aliyah Mae Wright

Aliyah Wright

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Anna Lee
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Laurel Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Full Name: Aliyah Mae Wright

Aliyah - ah-LEE-ah: highly exalted, to ascend, go up, an immigrant to a new home.

Mae - may: bitter, Roman goddess of spring growth

Wright - r-AY-t: a nickname for an upright person, a worker, an occupational name for someone who was a craftsman

Birthdate: July 20, 2025

Current Age: 12 years old

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Birthplace: Washington DC, USA at Andrews Air Force Base

Previous Areas of Residence: Texas, Florida, and Germany

Current Area of Residence: Wellington, New Zealand

Blood Status: Mixed-Blood - Father is mixed blood and mother is muggle born

Heritage: Black/African American

Special Abilities: No special abilities

Basic Appearance:

* Small frame - 4 feet 7 inches, 85 pounds
* Carmel skin tone
* Shoulder length dark brown naturally curl hair
* Dark brown eyes
* Prefers muggle clothes and bright colors
* Play-By - Amandla Stenberg


Aliyah is idealistic and always tries to find creative ways to make her world a better place. However, her views are very subjective. She often finds herself jumping to the wrong conclusions and acting too impulsively. She has a firm grip on her beliefs and will stand up for them no matter what.

She is a people person and likes to have fun, however she does take a while to get close to people. Once her trust is gained, she can be a supportive and empathic friend and is quick to offer advice or a solution to anyone's problems.

At her best she has the potential become a great leader. At her worst she can be a major drama queen, especially when she feels offended or threatened.

Strengths: Charismatic - Great sense of aesthetics - Practical - Very observant - Hard-worker

Weaknesses: Very sensitive - Impulsive - Flakey - Has difficulties in the academic environment - Competitive

Describe your character in three words: Type A, Overachiever, Tenacious


Harrison James Wright
Born: December 26, 1998
Current Age: 38
Hometown: Salem, Massachusetts, USA
Blood Status: Mixed Blood, Muggle Born Father, Mixed Blood Mother
Alma Mater: Salem Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry - 2016, Assorted Muggle Universities
Occupation: Technical Engineer in the Untied States Air Force
Interests and Hobbies: Muggle technology (especially cars and planes), muggle history, and traveling

Kennedy Ann Wright (nee Taylor)
Born: August 7, 1999
Current Age: 37
Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Alma Mater: Salem Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry - 2016, A Muggle University in Washington D.C. - 2022
Occupation: Freelance Ministry of Magic Researcher
Interests and Hobbies: History, international affairs, traveling, learn about new cultures

Pets: Aliyah has a pet earless owl named Felix Felicia or FeFe for short.

Friends: She has never really had any true friends, although she has had plenty of associates. She didn't feel the need to develop close friendships when she knew she would just end up moving and never see them again.

Interests or Hobbies: Aliyah doesn't have any specific hobbies. She is more spur of the moment type of person. She is not very athletic and would much rather cheer for a team than be on one. She hates reading for school, but she will read and study for fun if the subject truly interests her.

Additional Skills: She is really good at hide and seek. She also very observant and can be quite nosey.

Favourite place to be: Her bedroom. She tries to keep it same no matter where she moves. She is dreading sharing her space with other girls and is going to try really hard to make it her area her own.

Hogwarts House: Aliyah sorted into Slytherin and is pleased with the Sorting Hat's decision.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: Aliyah will take of time to settle into Hogwarts in the beginning. Her need to control and organize would kick into overdrive and it would take her a while to relax. Hopefully in her time in school, she can develop meaningful connections with a few people. Although good grades often don't come naturally to her, Aliyah would really like to do well in all of her classes and she excel academically. Being viewed as a leader and an asset to her house would be important to her. Although she wouldn't want to be on the quidditch team, she would always to be at a game to support her house.

Best school subjects: Any class that is hands on and that she can use her wand (Charms, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts).

Worst school subjects: Any thing that relies heavily on books and theories (History of Magic, Muggle Studies, Ancient Ruins).

Extracurricular Activities: She doesn't participate a lot in extracurricular activities at her current school. She was never in one school long enough to be in student government and she always wanted to be a cheerleader. At Hogwarts she would probably enjoy being in/creating a house booster club for the house quidditch team. She would also enjoy any social clubs that Hogwarts might have so she could network.

Graduation: Will graduate 2044

Current Job: Student

Plans for your future: She would follow in her mom's footsteps and go to a muggle university for advanced study. Her dream job would be to be the youngest Minster of Magic ever, but she would most likely end up working at the ministry in international relations.

Your Patronus: Arctic Fox - "Cunning, stealth, persistence. The arctic fox is infinitely adaptable, living its life in one of the world's most extreme climates. Arctic fox people tend to be sly, graceful, and have a near magic ability to make something out of nothing, utilizing even the most limited of resources. Arctic fox as a totem can teach us the ability to go with the flow of life, changing ourselves to suit our ever-evolving environments."

Your Patronus memory: Honestly, she probably isn't introspective enough to think of a happiest memory. It would probably take her a while to develop the Patronus charm.

Your Boggart: Professor Styx telling her that she had been expelled and that she is a disappointment to the Slytherin House.

Your Animagus: Probably a fox similar to her patronus.

Mirror of Erised: Her future self seating behind an ornate desk with a plaque that says "Aliyah Wright, Minister for Magic."​
Hi Anna Lee,

I've really enjoyed reading Aliyah's development thread.
I hope you don't mind my asking a few questions.
[li] Aliyah seems to have moved around an awful lot, how will she feel about staying at a boarding school for the next seven years of her life? (home of course for good behavior at the holidays)</LI>
[li] You say that Aliyah has a firm grip on her beliefs; what exactly are these beliefs and is it possible that as she grows in knowledge of the world and her magical ability, her belief system could change?
[li] In what areas of her life is she competitive in?
[li] Why did her father choose to live in the muggle world instead of the magical one?
[li] What kind of pet would Aliyah like to have, now that she has to have one for Hogwarts?
[li] What's her favorite color?
<LI>[li] If she were stranded on a desert island, what two things and one person would she want to be there with her?
Hello Pixie!

It is no problem at all! Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to my post. It is highly appreciated! :)

~ Aliyah seems to have moved around an awful lot, how will she feel about staying at a boarding school for the next seven years of her life? (home of course for good behavior at the holidays)

Aliyah is ecstatic about going to Hogwarts for the next seven years and everything about the boarding school experience excites her. She is looking forward to being a part of a house the most, although she doesn't have a preference to which one. The idea of having a built in community to belong to is comforting to her. Going away to school will give her the stability and consistency she needs during these upcoming awkward pre-teen and teen years.

~ You say that Aliyah has a firm grip on her beliefs; what exactly are these beliefs and is it possible that as she grows in knowledge of the world and her magical ability, her belief system could change?

Since she is only 10, a lot of her beliefs would be more like superficial opinions. For instance, she believes that the Fitchburg Finches are the most underrated quidditch team in all of quidditch and would argue with anyone who said otherwise. As she matures, she would probably realize that not every difference in opinion needs to lead to an argument and that there is value in having open discussions.

The one solid belief that she holds is that blood status does not matter. Although this belief will not change over time, it will be interesting to see how she reacts in situations and environments where that belief is challenged or not the norm. If she is sorted into Slytherin, this conflict (between what she believes and the opinions of her houses mates) would definitely be a source of stress.

~ In what areas of her life is she competitive in?

All of Aliyah's life she was told that she needed to do well, whether it be in school, her chores, or just in life in general. Over time, she interpreted "doing well" to mean being the best. She is not really athletic, put if she is playing a game she will be playing to win. Although she is not naturally gifted in academics, she is willing to work hard and put in the extra work to be the top of her class in courses that are of interest to her. Socially, she is a networker and is attracted to prestige. She would want to be viewed as a leader among her peers and may feel threatened by those who may challenge that.

~ Why did her father choose to live in the muggle world instead of the magical one?

Harrison Wright always appreciated the fact muggles had the imagination to find the extraordinary out of the ordinary. Their level of innovation without magic, especially when it came to technology and mechanics, amazed him. He decided that he would rather live an extraordinary life as muggle than ordinary one as wizard.

~ What kind of pet would Aliyah like to have, now that she has to have one for Hogwarts?

Aliyah would want an owl. They are fairly independent, useful, and their homing nature is something she can relate to.

~ What's her favorite color?

In general, Aliyah is attracted to bright, bold colors. Her favorite colors are shades of salmon, coral, and tangerine because they remind her of a setting sun on the horizon. Plus, they look amazing on her skin tone.

~ If she were stranded on a desert island, what two things and one person would she want to be there with her?

Her favorite book, Dr. Seuss' Oh, the Places You Will Go!*, to motivate her to keep going, and a mirror, so she will not lose herself. Her late paternal grandmother, and namesake, Mae Wright. Although Mae died when Aliyah was 5 years old, the two were very close. A lot of Aliyah's spunk was inherited from her grandmother and with their combined determination they would find a way off the island.

*Her second favorite book is Horton Hears A Who

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