Alison Bailey Kingswood

Alison Kingswood

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OOC First Name



Full Name:

Alison Bailey Kingswood

Alison is pronounced AL-ih-son. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Alison is "noble, exalted". P People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.

Bailey is pronounced BAY-lee. People with this name have a deep inner desire for a stable, loving family or community, and a need to work with others and to be appreciated.

Alison her name comes from her mothers name, which name is Alice.

Date of Birth:
July 21th 2023, Alison her birth was all natural. It was a nice winter day and when Alison was born she was soon released out of the hospital. Alison hardly ever cried and was a really happy baby.

Current Age:
Alison is currently 11 years old.

Basic Appearance:

Alison has light blue eyes and long brown/black hair. Sometimes she dyes it in a black colour. Alison is of normal length and has a slim waist. She normally wears two flower earrings with a matching bracelet, she got these from her mother as a birthday gift.

Alison has a pretty feisty character, she laughs a lot and loves sitting outside to enjoy the nature. Alison is not the smartest, but she if she wants something really bad she will work for it. She loves adventurous and exploring new things. Some people call her an adrenaline junkie, since she absolutely adores Quidditch. Meeting new people makes Alison shy, she has some trust issues.



Name: Alice Rose Kingswood
Relation: Mother
Born: July 10th 1996
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Pureblood
Marital Status: Married
Education: Gryffindor Graduate
Occupation: Healer at St. Mungo.


Name: Josh Bryan Kingswood
Relation: Father
Born: January 4th 1997
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Halfblood
Marital Status: Married
Education: Ravenclaw Graduate
Occupation: Ministry Employee


Name: Katherine (Kate) Kingswood
Relation: Sister
Born: June 12th 2022
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Halfblood
Marital Status: Too young to care.
Education: Ravenclaw Second Year.
Occupation: Student


Name: Bridget Kelsey Riley
Relation: Cousin
Born: March 1st 2023
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Too young to care.
Education: Hufflepuff First Year
Occupation: Student

Alison her parents have a dog named: ''Summer''.
Summer is a black Labrador, he is currently four years old.

Area of Residence:
Wellington, New Zealand.
The Kingswood family have a manor house in Wellington. It is a three storey house, with the attic on the third.

Blood Status:
Alison is a half blood, she does not care about blood types.

Both of Alison her parents come from New-Zealand. Both the families are form New-Zealand's decent.

Special Abilities:
Alison does not have any special abilities. Some people say that she is really clumsy, but lucky at the same time.

Interests or Hobbies:

Alison is really interested in Quidditch and the history behind the sport. She also loves to write poems although there are not always good, she loves writing them.

Alison loves quite places, so she can hide herself from the world. The place she loves to go visit is the park to see nature, she is a nature lover. Alison loves the plants, trees and flowers.

Additional Skills:
Alison knows a lot of plants, flowers and trees names out of her head.

Joyful and Happy, Alison knows how to cheer people up. Alison is very social and loves talking with friends. Alison is a nice and polite girl, she learned manners and she uses them.

Alison main weakness is to leap without looking, she can jump into something that she does not understand and this gives Alison sometimes troubles. Alison her shyness can be a struggle sometimes, she does not always now how to act with new people. Alison will not always say that this is weakness, but Alison is really clumsy.

Describe your character in three words:
Shy, Joyful, Clumsy.

Shy: Around new people mainly, she does not know how to act then. If Alison is shy, she gets red cheeks and will turn away from the conversation.
Joyful: Alison is always happy and will try to take this over to other people.
Clumsy: If there is one thing that Alison really is, is that she is clumsy. She even falls over her own feet sometimes.

Favourite place to be:
The park in her home town and the Cliffs at Hogwarts. Alison loves spots that are quiet and on the cliffs she can hear the lake. Alison loves nature and when she writes poems she loves to be close trees or water.

Casey Daniels a Slytherin Student.
Nathan Abbott a Hufflepuff student.
Bridget Riley a Hufflepuff student.

Hogwarts House:
Alison is sorted in Gryffindor, she wanted this house. Alison her room is full of Gryffindor banners and she even had a pair a Gryffindor socks. Although Alison has lots of Gryffindor items, she does not talk about them.
Alison her sorting post:

It was a long and scary trip to Hogwarts, luckily she knew people in the express and was bunking with them. There was Bridget and Casey and Alison had no clue what to do without them. Bridget wanted to be a Hufflepuff and Alison and Cesey were going for Gryffindor. Alison blushed when someone saw her Gryffindor socks coming out of her shoes, she had bought them in a little souvenir shop in England. A voice in Alison said they were good luck charms and Alison could not care more about the fact that it was kind of embarrassing. The first year were called into the Great Hall, with one good gaze around the room Alison saw her sister. Alison did not like her sister, but she did not hate her either. Sending her sister a smile of politeness, she followed the other first years on their new adventure as Witches and Wizards. Alison knew how sorting was going to work, her sister had done it and so had her parents and they explained everything so Alison was not going to faint. Every time someone got sorted lots of people cheered and Alison hoped they would not do that for her, she was going to get really nervous of cheering. She did not even like all the First Year attention, she wanted to eat and sit with her House. To start the adventure of Hogwarts.

''Kingswood, Alison'' Alison broke out of her concentration and walked to the stool with all the courage she could get. The three legged stool was not comfortable, but that was not a problem now. Which House was she going to get, Alison hoped for Gryffindor, she loved the colours. With a final stroke over her Gryffindor coloured socks she closed her eyes waiting for the hat to go over her head. Alison was thinking about everything, she was excited and happy.


Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Alison does not have hopes, she just wants to finish the seven years and explore the castle while doing so.

Best school subjects:
Alison is a first year and does not know what she is good at.
But, Alison is not a very good student with theory, she will probably excel with Flying and Herbology.

Worst school subjects:
Alison is a first year and does not know in which subjects she will fail.
But, Alison will fail in Transfiguration and History of Magic.

Extracurricular Activities:

None so far.


Seven years from now is the graduation date of Alison.

Current Job:
Alison is a first year student in the house of Gryffindor at Hogwarts New Zealand.

Plans for your future:

Alison has no clue in her future job, she thinks she wants to be an explorer or inventor.

Your Patronus:
Alison her patronus will be a Squirrel, she loves those animals.

Your Patronus memory:
Alison meets her Mothers family, the Riley's.

Your Boggart:
Alison her Boggart is the void, since she is scared of being into nothing. Alone in the world is Alison her greatest fear.

Your Animagus:
Alison will not be an Animagus.

Mirror of Erised:
Alison will see herself in a forest with her friends enjoying the nature.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,

I found a new hiding spot in the castle today, it is really quiet and nobody comes there. Did you know that this Castle is really massive, I think that seven years are still not enough to explore it all. I hope that Casey does not change into some stupid Slytherin. Yuk, why did they sort him in Slytherin he was so nice. Well, I love Gryffindor so far, the colours are so vivid. I do not care about grades and everyone here seems to study a lot, so I am always lonely. Bridget is in Hufflepuff so I miss her too. I have to sleep now, I am out of bed after curfew.

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