Alike in more ways than one

Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
The Young Quidditch player had just finished practice and had apparated back to New Zealand to go home, she had finally got back into Training now that she had her daughter and Watson her GodUncle was around to look after her while she trained. Apparating so far away took alot out of her after a hard morning of training. Kida wasn't dressed in her full Quidditch outfit for Practice, she wore her black pants and brown boots which was her Uniform for games, but she had a T-shirt on which said "Head Beater" from when she was back at school, and then a simple Quidditch light weight Robe over the top of that.
The Witch made her way over to a seat in the park, still with her arm guards on and a beaters bat resting on one shoulder and a bag over the other and a Broom in her hand. Plopping down on the bench she placed her broom on the ground gently so she didn't damage the bristles and undid her arm guards and tucked them into her bag she plopped onto the seat next to her, she needed a bit to recover before she apparated home again.
Kida picked up her Beaters bat and studied it for any fractures, she flew through Bats during the year, she always asked for the strongest one but she had a habit of hitting the Bludgers just a little to hard and weakening the Bat, this was her first one this year so far and it was holding up well, maybe she wouldn't need to buy another one this year... she doubted it.

The Brunette put the bat into the Bag and leaned back on the seat stretching her legs out, she didn't know why she didn't just ride her broom home some days, her house wasn't far away, but ofcourse Apparating is quicker, even though she had a pretty quick broom.[/color]
Briar had a lot on this weekend. a brightstone weekend that usually meant that she could have some time exploring the surrounding area however this weekend wasn't. the seventeen year old had her apparation exam that day which was the reason for her current attire in a house t-shirt and not a wolf one like usual as she didn't know who it was assessing her and she didn't want them to be harsh on her because of what she was. she was a little nervous for it as she really needed to be able to apparate, and then that evening she had arranged to meet up with her boyfriend for a date. which would be fun as she hadn't seen him since the summer break after they had been rudely interrupted by no other than Jaden wet, the only person Briar hated. Briar was walking through the park, she had a couple of hours until her exam time and although not enough time to explore properly it was enough time to go to the park, she loved the park though not as much as the wilderness of the mountains beyond. she had just bitten into an apple when she saw a lad who was strangely familiar sitting on the bench, she was sure that she hadn't seen her before, at least not in the way she recognised her. as she drew closer she saw what she has holding. t was a beaters bat. then she remembered where she saw her. inside the sports section of the newspaper. unable to help herself she walked over to her. "Hello, are you the beater from the Holyhead Harpies?" she asked making sure that she was right. "Kida Frost?" she said remembering the name of the player. she didn't play for her favourite team the thunderers, but she still followed the leagues close enough to know the players as she hoped that in just over a years time she would also be playing in them.
Kida was enjoying sitting down on something other than a broom when someone said hello, she looked up and saw a young... not that much younger but still a younger girl asking if she was the Holyhead Harpie beater, she smiled 'That'd be me, did the Outfit give it away or was it the Bat' she joked as she shuffeled along the seat to give the girl room to sit. Kida never thought of herself as famous, she was a Quidditch player, but she still worked in the Ministry and went outside. The Brunette patted the seat next to her 'Sit Please' she said as she crossed her legs. Kida noticed the girl was wearing a Gryffindor house shirt and part of her wished she was back in school, but sadly she had to grow up.
'How did you know it was me? The young witch asked curiously 'Most people think i am a kid who wears way to much quidditch gear' she joked, people always gave her strange looks when she walked around in her quidditch Uniform, but she didn't have time to change with the rest of the team, not when she had to get home to Scarlet.

The Quidditch Player ran her hands through her long brown hair and waited to see what the girl wanted to say, she didn't know why but the girl seemed a bit nervous about something, but she brushed it off, it wasn't her buisness to pry.
Briar was glad that she had been right, it would have been a bit embarrassing if she had been talkingto a random person. "yeah they were both a bit of a clue." she said in a light tone. she sat down next to Kida on the bench. she seemed nice which was a good thing. she realised that the lady was wearing a quidditch shirt and tried to remember if she had seen her on the team for her house but couldn't remember. maybe she had been at the other Hogwarts. "actually I follow the league pretty close" she said. "I want to play professionally one day" she continued that was only one of her career goals, the onto others knew about as she would spend aged on the pitch practising a specific pass or shot. the other was something she only had reason to want this year and felt odd telling people about even if the whole school knew. she nodded to the lady. "I'm Briar, Briar Rowan" she said in greeting, as she didn't know what else to say she decided to ask her about her top. "If you don't mind me asking were you at this school or the one in scotland" ahs asked wondering if this player was someone who she may even have known at school.
'You must be a keen player Briar' she said when she heard the girl tell her about wanting to play professionally and following the league pretty closely 'I went to this one, I was beater for Gryffindor a few years back' she said as she stretched her arms infront of her and rubbed her shoulder tenderly 'You Play Quidditch then?' she asked in a light Australian accent.
'If you didn't i would tell you that playing Quidditch would be a good start to become professional' she giggeled as she pressed on her shoulder to test the area for pain 'and if you allready play Quidditch, Good Job and you would know how badly Bludgers hurt' she teased. Kida had a run in with the Bludger in training, They always seemed to be attracted to her like a Magnet and she was focusing on one when the other hit her from behind getting her right shoulder blade, concluding it wasn't anything she couldn't handle she continued rubbed it lightly to work out the pain so it didn't hurt her in the morning.

Kida dropped her hand from her shoulder and turned to face Briar a bit more 'if you don't mine my asking Briar' she begun 'If i'm not Mistaken you were just in the Daily Prophet not that long ago with some incident at School' she said smiling, not trying to be rude. One of Kida's closest friends was a Werewolf so she wasn't going to hate her because of it, Kida was almost complete with her animagus Training aswell, Her Animagus being a Wolf, so it would be stupid for her to Hate Briar. Kida didn't mention the werewolf part on purpose so the girl could lie if she wanted to hide the fact but there was no harm in asking.
"yeah, I play chaser for the house team. though we lost the last mach but that was because of the stupid snitch" she said still feeling a little cheeted about that loss. she had played so hard for that game, even when most people thought she should have been taken off. "I don't remember seeing you, maybe i did and i just forgot" she said that was most likely, she had only rely started to try and know the students after she had become a prefect as it was easyer to keep an eye out for them if she knew them. she laughed when Kida mentioned how much the bludgers hurt. " tes i know that, last pitch we played i got hit with one in the back and ended up breaking my nose on the handle of my broom." she said unconsciously going her hand to her perfectly repaired nose.
when Kida recognised her name she was surprised, she knew that the rumours had caused quite a stir at the school but she hadn't heard of them outside the walls. "was that seriously in the prophet?"[/b[ she asked hoping that it hadn't been the headline,not that she was ashamed of it or wanting to keep it quiet but more that she didn't want to have missed anything that obvious. "yeah if it was about there being a werewolf then i was about me" she said she had never planed on denying the rumours, and now wasn't a good time to start.
'I would hate to be a Seeker, it all is up to you.. i like my job much better, i get to hit things' she said laughing lightly at herself. When Briar mentioned not seeing her she shrugged 'not many people follow school Quidditch that much, its understandable if you can't remember, the teams changed so much' she said. Kida knew that she wouldn't be able to call off the names of the current school teams, apart from Briar ofcourse.
'Owie' Kida said putting her hand up to her nose and rubbing it lightly 'I havn't broken many bones from bludgers, Its worse for you because we go out to get you with them on purpose and you don't have a bat to hit them away with.' Kida said smiling.

The Brunette leaned back in her seat and listened to Briar ask if it was in the prophet 'Not anything headline but a small part of it, Don't worry people won't start poking you with sticks' she added as she patted Briar on the back lightly. 'Thats pretty cool though' Kida said 'Being a werewolf i mean' she added just to make sure she was clear 'Its like being closer to Magic.. in a way' she added not knowing if she was making much sense, but thats what she thought. 'If you ever need a Friend during your Werewolf hours give me a call i'll come keep you company' she smiled, she allready helped her Best Friend on the odd occasion, she could hold wolf form for a few minutes but would fall out of it and would have to scamper off before she got sliced.

Kida swapped her crossed legs over to the other one 'I think i have the best Job in the world, I get to play quidditch, then i go back to the office the next day and write about the match the dangers... being me, and all stuff like that.' Kida ran her hands through her hair again 'Its fun writing Beater, Kida Frost: Stop Breaking Bats' she laughed.
Briar nodded in agreement. "I would hate to bee a seeker too much pressure I love chaser as that is the centre of the action. but if i was to play anywhere else it would be beater." she said, that was still in the action and whilst you couldn't score point you could have a go a hitting players on the other team which would be particularly good if that said team was Slytherin.
Briar shrugged when Kida flinched at the sound of her breaking her nose. "it wasn't too bad, I have had worse Injuries before and you don't need a nose to play" she said. then she said that they t was worse for the chasers as they are the ones that get the bludger aimed at them she nodded. I swear I was a Bludger magnet last game, the ravenclaw captain was yelling at the beaters to knock me off my broom, It was fun"[/b] she said she loved danger and the more chances of injury the better for her.
Briar was glad that it wasn't a headline. It wasn't that it annoyed her being 'outed' In such a way, it was more that she didn't want to give Jaden the pleasure that her chaos had made it to the national paper. "I sometimes think it is, but some days do suck" she admitted. new moons were good where she had heaps of energy but the day of the full moon she sometimes found even making her way to the grounds hard work which for someone as fit and active as her was torture.
She wasn't Sure what Kida meant by being closer to magic but she thought her offer was kind. "are you. a wolf too?' she asked, she often shortened the word werewolf as it was too long for her and making it wolf didn't make it seem as scary to others.
"yeah that does sound pretty funny. though where else do you work?" she asked when Kida said she went to the office, as far as she knew quidditch players didn't have to have go into an office in the day.
'I am still yet to knock out the entire other team, i almost got close once' she giggeled to herself, for some reason there was someone rather interesting in the Audience they wanted to impress and didn't look out behind them, luckily it wasn't a big game, it was just a small Match for fun. 'Been Knocked out in Quidditch yet?' she asked curiously.
Kida smiled 'In Training, i finish my Training soon' she said obviously sounding a bit stupid 'I'm an Animagus' she added 'I didn't finish Magic school, my mum made me go to muggle school so i never finished my Training in school' she said as she plucked a splinter out of her Quidditch pants.
'I work at the Ministry of Magic, In the Quidditch League Headquarters' she said 'I have a Quidditch Pitch in my back yard aswell, did you know i like Quidditch' she laughed

'So Briar my Fellow Gryffindor, Quidditch, Werewolf Buddy. What do you want to do once you finish school?' she asked curiously not wanting to talk all about herself. 'You must have some plans by now'
Kida ran her hand through her hair again
Briar raised her eyebrows in impressed. "that sounds like a pretty good game to see" she said laughing slightly. Kida seemed really cool, maybe she would get to know her once she started playing pro. "Not yet, though I think i have been close a couple of times." she said just the other week she had been so close to having a bluddger to the head but notices at the last moment and managed to miss it but she felt it graze past her. "an animagus is cool, you can pick when you transform, and you don't get the illness. though if you left earlier then thats probably why i don't remember you from the team as I have been on it since second or third year, but if you have left he school before then then then i wouldn't have known you" she said wondering how long ago Kida had played. next time she had a patrol passing the trophy room she would look and see if she could see her. She was surprised when she heard that She worked for the ministry. "the ministry. are you serious, you sound like you do have the coolest job" she said laughing slightly though she was sure the player wouldn't see what she thought was funny. "I would never have guessed that you liked quidditch, I would have thought that you were a more of a soccer girl" she said laughing more.
she stopped when the player asked her a question. "actually it sounds quite similar to what you are doing, I want to play quidditch professionally, though I want to play got the thunderers, and I want to work for the ministry, specifically department for control and regulation of magical creatures. specifically werewolf support services" she said wondering what she would think of that.
'Its a good streak to hold "Not knocked out" I plan to break every bone before i get knocked out' Briar seemed like an allright Kid, had a good head on her shoulders, sadly she was cursed living life as a werewolf but for some reason Kida thought that she would turn out greatly and she knew she might be versing her one day. Kida smiled when she said that Animagus was cool 'I left halfway through 6th Year so we might have just missed eachother' she said as she rubbed her shoulder again it was starting to twinge a bit more.
'Thats me Soccer Extrodinare' she joked 'As long as i can use my Bat' she added.

Kida hissed when she rubbed her shoulder the wrong way and it twinged 'Ow..' she said as she let go of her shoudler 'They need to make them look tough but feel like pillows.. I'm sure that would work right?' she added with a sheepish Grin.
'Alot of Paperwork in the Ministry, drives you up the wall, but its so much fun' she added 'I'm sure you'll do great in the Control and Regulation and Magical Creatures department, Right up your ally. Werewolves will thank you for it' she smiled.
'Trust me when i say this Briar, Enjoy School as much as you can and don't have Children till you're Old and Always play Quidditch!' she smiled 'Only advise i can give you sadly'
Briar nodded, "thats what I thought. so hopefully i will keep it for a while." she said, she liked Kida, "yes thats probably why." she said though she wasnt sute how mich older Kida was than herself. she continued laughing as she said she was a soccer player. "I dont know much about muggle sport but i think that soccer doesn't need a bat" she said. she saw Kida flinch when she moved and rubbed her shoulder. "you hurt your shoulder" she asked, Briar had had her shoulder broken by a bludger the previous year, it had thankfully been fixed well, and she had been able to get back on it quickly. "that would spoil it, call me crazy but the prospect of injury and pain is part of the fun of it" she said, the way she played was an almost suicidal quidditch, she would push herself until she was physically no longer able to go further, and that took a lot. "I hate paperwork, I guess it will be worth it." she said before taking a couple of bites from the apple she was eating. "I think i am already doing that, or planning on that. but that does remind me I am seeing my boyfriend tonight which will be nice, but first apparition exam" she said she was looking forward to the evening, she hadn't seen him in a while, but first she had to get the aparition done. hopefully she would pass.
'You're Right Soccer Doesn't need a Bat... but i will make it so they do' she laughed, trying to imagine people running around on a field kicking a ball and her using a bat, insanity. 'Yeah, hit me in the stomach, arms or legs any day but hit me in the back and my body seems to want to make me pay for it, breaking bones is more fun' she said 'And i Agree, pain is part of the fun, when playing, flying around energy pumping Fun. but once you stop man it hurts' Kida played to the point she could play no more and then played on, she wouldn't give up untill she fell off her broom from exhaustion, which had almost happened once or twice on a few Long games where the other team had decided that they needed to get rid of her as she was sending bludgers at them when ever she got the chance so she was constantly chasing bludgers, avoiding Chasers it wore her out. 'People who watch Quidditch don't understand how hard it can get, they think you sit on brooms and play Tag' she stretched her arms up over her head to stretch out her shoulders.

'Any job will have paperwork, but if you enjoy the job you'll enjoy the paperwork.' The young Witch dropped her arms and undid her quidditch over robe a bit more 'Apparation, That sounds like fun' she said sarcastically, Kida had managed to learn Apparation through her God Uncle before he took off luckily or she would be lost without the skill.
'Enjoy time with your boyfriend then' she smiled as she tested her shoulder again and gave up 'I guess i'll be holding Scarlet on the other side tonight' she wined almost to herself.
'Apparation is fun once you have the skill, its nerve racking when you have to do the exam. You'll do fine. You're a werewolf, if you can handle a transformation the Apparation should be a peice of cake. Theres nothing you can't do.' she smiled.
Briar had never seen soccer before, at least not close up, the muggle sport club had held a couple of games and she had seen them from a distance, but that was most likely across the lake when she was on a run, not that she had actually watched it. "sometimes they just get the wrong place and it hurts. like crazy. but thats the fun of it" she said. she agreed with Kida when she said that people didn't understand Quidditch, "I think it is more like a hunt than a game of Tag" she said, she had been on a lot of hunts in her childhood and a game was the closest she had come to the thrill, though they didn't usually end in dinner.
"I guess that you are right, hopefully there isn't too much, I would much rather the actual hands on stuff." she said, she had always been a hands on person. never one to think things through she just trusted her instincts to be right. "I am sure I will, I haven't seen him all semester" she said smiling and feeling heat spread from the back of her neck and ears. turning the attention off herself she spoke again. "who's Scarlet?" she asked. " thanks for the vote of confidence, i managed to get it right once, and hopefully i will get it right again" she said hoping that she didn't splinch herself.
'Only Quidditch players can understand the enjoyment of pain' she said as she shook her head to herself realising how stupid they must be, she could blame it on to many bludgers to the head, but that hadn't happened yet.
'A hunt... does that make me the hunter and the other team the hunted' she said liking the sound of that, afterall she was the one with the gun... well.. Bat.
Kida smiled when Briar understood what she was trying to say, she didn't want to scare the girl off, but more trying to let her know that it wasn't the end of the world, she could still learn out of school anyway, Kida doubted the Ministry would stop one from being the best they could be because they didn't pass it in school, which often made her wonder why they didn't have Wizarding College.
Briar asked who scarlet was and Kida cursed herself. 'Freak out a girl who thinks you're Great.. Good going Kida, you tard.' she thought to herself. 'You know how i said don't have Kids untill you're Older... well i mean it.' she said as she dug into her bag and pulled out her wallet and opened it up to a Picture of her and Scarlet. 'One bad Choice' she said 'but don't get me wrong i love her to bits, but she could have come along... later in my life' she added smiling not to freak her out to much.
'If you got it right once, you have the skill forever now, you'll be fine.' she smiled.
Briar nodded when Kida asked about the hunt, "I think for chasers they are the hunter and the quaffle is the hunted, but for beaters i think you are right." she said looking at kida's expression. growing up she had been a hunter, and only on a couple of occasion had she felt like the hunted the quidditch match was one of them.
She rolled her eyes when she said not ot have kids until she was older. "I wasn't planing on it. I don't think i would be a very food mum" she said, though she had have to try hard to be worse than her own birth mother who had left her a baby only a few hours old on her own in a forrest in the middle of winter. she looked at the picture Kida had shown her. "She's a sweet looking child" she said not sure on what else to add. instead she smiled when Kida said that she should be able to apparate again if she had managed it before. "I hope that you are right and it wasn't a fluke" she said starting to get a little tense about it, which was odd for briar as she had never gotten tense or nervous about much before especially not exams, but she had a lot planned on the prospect of passing this one. and she hoped that she wouldn't have to change them as that would suck.
'You never know until you have the child, My mum hates me and my two half-brothers i'm Muggleborn and my two brothers are half-bloods. I currenty take care of my youngest Half-brother because she wouldn't take care of him because she was sick of having Magical children.' Kida said smiling lightly 'You could do alot better than that, but say bye to half your social life' she giggeled. Scarlet liked to babble, so her Social life was talking to Scarlet as she babbeled along and occasionally throw things, she had a good arm, Hopefully she might play Quidditch one day.

Kida smiled 'Have you been Practicing?' she asked curiously, 'you might have done it once but you still have to practice, it doesn't freak you out to much does it?' she added wondering if there were any way that she could help Briar perfect the skill.
Briar smiled when Kida said that her mother had not been very good. she felt like saying that that was better than her mother who had dumped her at birth, or her first family who kicked her out when they found out that she was a witch. but she didn't say that she instead said "you sound like a good mother and sister though"[/b] and left it at that
"I have not really had much chance to practice, we only had a few lessons and i only got the hang of it at the last class." she said remembering the moment she had aparated. "no it wasn't freaky. it was pretty cool" she said looking at her watch, it was getting closer to the exam. "maybe I should make a move, I don't want to be late" she said though she was reluctant to leave.

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