Alexis Sage Kramer

Alexis Kramer

full pledged '58💕35 alum💕eidetic💕multilingual
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Xavier 💕
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Full Name:
Alexis Sage Kramer

Date of Birth:
25th of May 2033

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
She is of average build at 139 centimeters with long blonde hair which she sometimes curl or just let it hang down. She has blue eyes and white skin.

Alexis is friendly and has never been shy. She may come as boastful but that is just her confident side showing through. She can easily make friends; however, other people may see her confidence as intimidating,making them feel inferior to her. She has her principles and is not afraid to stand for what she believes is right. This also makes her earn some enemies,especially when people fail to control her or make her abide to their wishes.

Aurick Kramer-47
Aria Kramer nee Foster-46
Armin Kramer-26
Achim Kramer-22
Adam Kramer-18
Adalric Kramer-16

A cat named Welsh and an owl named Brit.

Area of Residence:
CURRENT Hogwarts New Zealand
DURING HOLIDAYS Wellington and Auckland, New Zealand
HOMETOWN Hamburg, Germany

Blood Status:
Mixed Blood

60% German, 40% English

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
Alexis is musically inclined, thus , she can play the piano, guitar and drums. She can also write her own songs, having sung them in local radio stations in the Muggle world.

Additional Skills:
Alexis is a multilingual person. She can speak Welsh, Spanish, Greek, and Irish - to name a few, in addition to her native tongue and English.

- confident
- creative
- versatile

- competetive
- frank

Describe your character in three words:

Favourite place to be:
The outdoors like the school grounds especially the Great Lawn.


Kendji Morgande
Jocelynn Moors
[th colspan="4"]Friends[/th] [th]SLYTHERIN[/th][th]HUFFLEPUFF

Patrick Vernier
Nixon Mercury
Xavier Mackintosh
Oliver Foy

Simon Vanity
Hudson Worth
Joshua Toubia
Jackson Cade

<FONT font="Palation Linotype">Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To excel academically and hopefully become a Head Girl

Best school subjects:
Transfiguration, Potions and Herbology

Worst school subjects:
Probably Astronomy although she tried her best to get an O in her exam.

Extracurricular Activities:
She is a member of Heta Omega


Current Job:
first year student

Plans for your future:
to be an Auror

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
My brothers and I with my mother holding a baby girl.

A page from your diary:

Another day has come and gone. Classes were interesting as usual especially when friends were in the same class as me. Astronomy still prove to be difficult although I find Potions and Transfiguration interesting. I vow to myself that I would excel in them if I were to become an auror in the future. Herbology has become bearable and I couldn't believe that I would look forward to it already.


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