Alexis Richarde

Alexis Richarde

Well-Known Member
Full Name:
- Alexis Marie Richarde

Date of Birth:
- January 1[sup]st[/sup], 2006

Current Age:
- Seventeen

Basic Appearance:
- Alexis has rose golden, wind blown, strands of hair that rests on her chest. Her hair is never parted down the middle and naturally parts on the right, where she normally keeps it. Her hair is layered nicely and almost always has the scent of vanilla from her shampoo and conditioner. Overall her hair is soft and soaks up the many sun rays she gets on a daily basis. When her hair is straightened it arguably looks best then and she believes that when her hair is curled it looks lazy and like she just got out of bed without brushing her hair, so she rarely curls it, unless it is done professionally.
- Her eyes are mixed, hazel hues. When Alexis is happy the green tones are most visible or when she is wearing specific colours. Her eyes show her emotions very clearly, even if she is a good actress.
- The top lip, is longer than her bottom but not overly so. They are soft and an even gentler pink but during the winter, if she doesn't take care of them they can get cracked and dry. Hiding behind her lips are a set of white, straight teeth (due to years of braces and months of a retainer). Alexis keeps very good care of her teeth because one of her pet peeves are people that have more than enough money but don't take care of them.
- Her head is oval shaped and it fits her, unlike the clothes she wears. Alexis rarely wears clothes that show her womanly figure because she is modest and dislikes attention. Usually they are barried under jeans and a pull over too large for the slim girl. She always wears a necklace that her ex-boyfriend gave her, because it means a lot to her, even if she no longer holds any affection for him, other than that of a very very good friend. The necklace is on a silver chain and the pendant's colour changes with her mood and aura, much like a mood ring just more affective and beautiful.
-Alexis currently weighs 117 lbs and is 5'6" tall.

- Alexis hides her true self to most, in fact the only person that knows her whole self is Zaire Jose Adams. When she isn't acting, she is blunt, crude and hateful but she still has loyalties and is depressive. She is book smart but is even more street smart (just generally intelligent). She isn't exactly open minded, but she attempts to understand where people are coming from. She holds a lot of love for those that prove themselves worthy of it and her trust. Since the death of her sister, she has had trouble showing affection for new people and family because she doesn't want to loose them.
- Alexis has an addictive personality which causes her alcoholism that she is fighting with the aide of those that actually care.


- Pierre and Strella (nee. Morris) Richarde:
They are the parents of Zachary, Alexis, Julia and Mariella. Pierre is the Minister of Magic and a strict man that will do what ever he needs to to gain the support of the wizarding world. Strella is a kind, loving woman. However, when Julia died she was a broken shell of a woman, blaming herself for the sickness of her third child.

- Zachary and Alanna (nee. Yamine) Richarde:
They are the parents of Jane Richarde and have been married for nearly a year but dated since they were eleven. Zachary is a squib that takes after his father and is very protective over his little sisters, daughter and of course his wife. Currently, he is an Elementary school in California. Alanna, is a mixed blood witch, that attended Durmstrang with Alexis so many years ago. She and Alexis have always been close and they ran in the same circles until Alanna graduated and Alexis went to Hogwarts Wizarding Academy. Currently Alanna stays at home taking care of her three month old daughter.
- Julia Richarde:
She was the younger twin of Alexis and the younger sister of Zachary and the older of Mariella. Julia attended Durmstrang with Alexis until Alexis transferred, when she was homeschooled by her mother, when she caught a deadly decease that killed her months later.

*This is what she will look like when she is older.*
- Mariella Richarde:
She is the youngest sibling of all the Richarde children. Mariella is icy and blunt and doesn't hide it from anyone like Alexis does. She possesses the same intelligence as her sister but because of her youth she doesn't have the same streetsmarts, but it is only a matter of time.


*This is what she will look like when she is older.*
- Jane Richarde:
She is the daughter of Alanna and Zachary Richarde. There isn't much to say about Jane yet as she is only a few months old but she seems to be a very happy, beautiful baby and has brought a lot of joy back into the family, particularly her God Mother's(Alexis') life.

- Doesn't have any.

Area of Residence:
- Alexis' family lives in a wizarding town in California and now she lives with Izaak Jay Finch in Australia in a muggle town but might be moving out because of relationship issues.

Blood Status:
- Mixed Blood.

- 1/2 French and 1/2 American

Special Abilities:
- Alexis can do very difficult math almost right after she is asked the question without needing to write the question down.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Surfing, reading, travelling and writing.

Additional Skills:
- Alexis is very good at surfing and has won a few competitions but has also lost her fair share.

- Surfing, flirtation, manipulation and math.

- Being abandoned by those she loves (although that is more of a fear) and being too blunt with people and of course being close minded.

Describe your character in three words:
- Stubborn, loving and depressive.

Favourite place to be
- Bondi Beach in Australia.

- Alexis' best friend is Bella Elise Lanning and another one is Zaire Jose Adams who she also is madly in love with. She is very close with Leah Finch (Izaak Finch's older sister) and cares a lot about her, but the rest of her friends tend to be muggle.

Hogwarts House:
- Gryffindor

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To graduate as quickly as possible!

Best school subjects:
- Charms/Muggle Studies.

Worst school subjects:
- Divination.

Extracurricular Activities:
- None.

- Has not taken place yet but will be June 2024.

Current Job:
- Student.

Plans for your future:
- Alexis plans on attending muggle University after Hogwarts and afterwards she isn't certain but she will figure it out soon enough.

Your Patronus:
- Currently a silver mist.

Your Patronus memory:
- Last winter, Alexis was in Izaak's arms in Bondi Beach with water fresh on each of their bodies and the sun touching their faces while they both admitted they loved each other.

Your Boggart:
- Seeing her sister's dead body.

Your Animagus:
- Alexis is not talented enough at transfiguration to be an animagus and never had the need to be one.

Mirror of Erised:
- Being with Zaire without life being complicated.

A page from your diary:
- Alexis doesn't keep a diary, too incriminating.
What is the meaning of your name?
Does Alexis get along with her family? If so how often do they speak?
Why doesn't Alexis have any pets? If she did what would they be? What would there names be?
What is going on between you and Izaak?
Why is bondi her favorite place? Why not mavericks beach? ( Really big waves)
Why is your patronus memory with Izaak, when you are still in love with Zaire?
Why does Alexis have no extra curricular activities?
1. Alexis means Defender of Men, Marie means Sea of Bitterness and Richard(e) means Brave Ruler.

2. Alexis gets along great with Zachary, Alanna and of course little Jane and is a perfect replica of her father but she has problems with her mother and she and Mariella always teased each other. But since Julia's death they have been closer. Alexis and Julia were the typical twin situation, inseparable since day one except when they were fourteen and liked the same boy at Durmstrang. They all speak often enough, Alexis fears her father more so she tries to tell him little pieces of her life one at a time but she stays as close as she can to Z/A and J and visits often.

3. Alexis doesn't have any pets because her home in California was too extravagant to have any animals and at school she couldn't take care of any pets in her flat and now she lives with Izaak and is still away from home because of school. Perhaps in the future she might get a dog but it is unlikely and I wouldn't know what their names would be.

4. Alexis loves Izaak, and after she lost her virginity to him, she found out she was in love with Zaire, that he was the love of her life (no matter how naive that was). She hid this and kept it to herself but she feared that if she stayed at HWA she would cheat on Izaak and she hates cheaters so very much. So she decided to transfer to HNZ and she asked Izaak if he wanted to move in with her, he accept and they did.

A week or so after she started back up at this new school, Alexis sent a letter to her best, muggle, friend Cecelia that shared that she was in love with Zaire while still being in love with Izaak. Cecelia wrote back to her but didn't send the return address to school, instead sent it to her home with Izaak without any name attached to it. He read it, slept with Isabella Ormonde in his drunken grief and she found out by Isabella and he wrote her a few days after she found out and now she doesn't know what she is going to do.

5. Look at her patronus memory ;)

6. Alexis loves them both very much and at that day at Bondi, it had been the most peaceful experience of her life and it made her more than happy to hear those words from Izaak.

7. Alexis just changed schools, she hasn't had the opportunity yet but it thinking of signing up for the Conglomerated Academia Club.

Thanks for your questions Ben. They are appreciated :D

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