Alex F. Cooper

Alex Cooper

OOC First Name
Cherry. 10 inches. Supple. Dragon Heartstring
Character's Name: Alex F. Cooper

Character's Birthdate: Jan. 1st, 2000

Blood Status: Mixed blood

Educated At: Hogwarts; House: Gryffindor

Position in the Ministry of Magic: Auror

Appearance: Short, layered black hair covers Alex's head. It's soft, smooth looking, not glossy or oily. His skin is a well tanned white shade. Large eyes of an intense blue shade are under two thick eyebrows. A strong, blunt tipped nose gives his young face some character. His dark, thin moustache and short cut, fuzzy beard give him an older look.

He's tall, around six feet if you want to be exact. He has strong, but wiry looking arm muscles and a large chest. He usually stands, talks and appears in a loose, carefree way. His voice is soft, with a hint of an accent in it.

Personality: He's quick to latch onto an idea and while he usually thinks it through, he doesn't think it all the way through. He can grasp empathy, though he is not one to fall over himself to help anyone without demanding they help themselves first. Or to cry or burn with anger when others hear sharp words or feel cold actions. Except when it is truly personal with him. Such as if a friend's loved one was murdered, as his best friend was.

He not only latches onto ideas, but sticks through with him. Highly stubborn. He is driven to catch the murderer that took his best friend's life. It hurt. A lot. He was never sure how to get over the pain, but found solace in the idea of finding her--his best friend's--killer. He does believe that he will lay her ghost to rest if he can find the one that ended her life. Sometimes he is carefree, laughing, nice. On other days, he is consumed by the hunger to catch those that cause others so much pain, to find every Death Eater and Dark Arts user that crosses his path.

He has gotten better as the years have passed. Much of the time, he seems and feels almost normal. Happy, even.

Socially, he does well enough. He doesn't have too many problems making more friends than enemies. In his good moods, he laughs, flirts, and jokes around with everyone. He isn't too quick to temper unless someone is prying into his life or thoughts.


(Mother) Helen Cooper, bartender, age fifty; (Papa) Luke Cooper, married to Helen Cooper, age fifty-two, ex-American soldier; (Grandpapa--on Helen's side) Tom Smith, moonshiner and postal worker, age eighty-five, married to Sally Smith.; (Grandmama--on Helen's side) Sally Smith--deceased--married to Tom, school teacher, died at age eighty; (Grandpapa--on Luke's side) Christopher Cooper--deceased--married to Karen Cooper, writer, died at age seventy-two; (Grandmama--on Luke's side) Karen Cooper, married to Christopher Cooper, nurse, age eighty-one; (Twin Sister) Aly Cooper, not working, age twenty-five.


He was born in New Zealand, while his parents were visiting his grandparents (on Luke's side). But four months after his birth, he was whisked away back to America. There he and his twin sister, Aly, stayed for another nine years before his parents made a final move to New Zealand. There were some pranks, a few small sprains and a broken bone or two, plus a mild case of Dragonpox, but nothing very unusual during Alex's early childhood. His parents lived in a country house, where he spent a good deal of time communing with nature.

At age eleven, he went to Hogwarts, was sorted into Gryffindor and thus continued his life story. He had a couple nasty detentions, got decent scores and caught the teacher of Astronomy and the teacher of Care of Magical Creatures kissing in his third year, but nothing really out of the ordinary. One unique thing though is that his best friend, Jane, was in Slytherin.

This followed his throughout the next seven years at Hogwarts. At first his fellow Gryffindors didn't care about whether their housemate was budding pals with a Slytherin, but in the second year they began to pressure him to rid himself of "the Slyth". Jane had the same problems, but she stood up to those that whined about Alex and they backed off. Alex, however, gave into peer pressure and at the end of his third year, he ended the friendship with Jane.

He regretted it right away, but Jane refused to reunite with him until their last couple years at Hogwarts. Her words to him--of being flaky, of caring more about others opinions than his and his friends happiness, that he was better than that--stuck with him though and he runs into hard times, he thinks back to those words. He is better than a flaky, whiny little twirp.

Two years after graduation, Jane was killed by a Death Eater. It devastated Alex and was one of the main reasons he chose to be an Auror.

Now, he is living in a small townhouse near the Ministry of Magic with his sister, Aly. He is hunting bad guys, making an impression at the Ministry of Magic and trying to find his niche in life, his purpose if you will.

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