Alex Bones

Alex Ater

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Name: Alexandra Gurtude (Ew) Bones

Birthdate: April 7, 1993

Age Now: 27

*Blood Status: Muggle born-ish

Hair : Pitch black but dyes it brown ever so often

Eyes : Black

Patronus: A red tailed hawk

Mother and Father: Harold and Rosalba Bones. Both Ministry workers Harold being an Auror and Rosalba being part of International Confederation of Wizards. Don't get it wrong because just as there where people in the family devoted to justice there those that supported the dark side. The Bones family is mixed not just with Muggle blood it's said. Alex's brother Mortimer Bones was an Auror before being reassigned to his sister's case, which was in short to keep her out of trouble and out of the Ministry's hair.

Harold Benjamin Bones:

May 20, 1962 - October 17, 2018
Age at the time of death was 56 years old

Father to Joseph, Alex and Mortimer All a few years apart and Ministry worker right up until his death cosed by a minor but well placed spell to the heart.

Rosalba Esmeralda Bones:

February 14, 1967 - present day
Current age: 54

Mother to Alex and Mortimer but not Joseph. He was the child of another mother who drilled into him that magic was evil. Born into a family of Romani decent she was not a stranger to magic and in fact was celebrated when she got accepted into her school. Though it was against her culture to marry Harold she did it anyway but brought some of her roots with her. She lives in Florida now and is still a member of the International Confederation of Wizards.

Mortimer Collen Bones:

December, 18 1988 - present day
Older by about five years Mortimer has always seen Alex as the annoying little sister but cares deeply for her. He hadn't seen her in years when he got the call that Alex was in trouble. He and his sister went their own ways after a while. Motimer's life in the states was not an all happy one though. He married a Death Eater who eventually was sent to kill him. It wounded him deeply but not as deeply as Claudia who got some not entirely legal spells used on her to gather information on the Death Eater faction that was trying to start in the U.S. Because of this and other things he requested to be the one to keep Alex busy in New Zealand.

Alexandra Bones is the second and final child of Harold and Rosalba Bones who where both Ministry workers in their time. With the long and colorful history that had graced the Bones family it was a bit of a wonder what Alex would become in her later life. Fortunately she found how she could use a lot of her skills. Alex used to work as an Auror before she got black listed. The U.S Aurors is much like their CIA or Special Opts programs along with other things and Alex was one if their best until she got the message. She was burned. It was right in the middle of a mission too. One that involved a growing Death Eater click in their area, Alex had gotten close to one of the members of this click to find out a way to take it down.

This is where it got interesting. She was about to get some damning evidence about the leader of this faction when the massage sounded all over the room. “Alex your cover is blown, your black listed get out of there now!” What happened next Alex only has small scarps of memory of. Alex started to run as the people in masks started to pour into the room. Light, pain, black. Sometime later Alex found herself staring at the face of her brother Mortimer Bones and in a warm place even though it was winter at the time. They had sent her to New Zealand. She was to live out her life here. Great…

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