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Full Name: Alastar Maurice Fitzgerald
- Birth Date: 25th December 2007
- Current Age: 11 yrs
- Basic Appearance: average height, light brown hair, brown eyes, sallow skin
- Parents: Bernie and William Fitzgerald
- Siblings, if any: yeah, I have 6 older brothers; Aguile, Brodie, Christian, Daniel, Eric and Frances. Apparantly they were going to do the whole alphabet but my grandfather Alastar Wallis( my moms dad) stepped in and said he wanted one grandchild named after him at least. My mom is an only child. So when they had me they called me after him!
- Pets, if any: I have a hawk, well my grand-dad does but he lets me fly him and feed him. Saracen is his name.
- Area of Residence: I'm from Edinburgh in Scotland, we have a massive castle there too but honestly nothing as big as Hogwarts NZ.
- Blood status: I'm B negative. oh, you mean like the whole am I a pure blood magician. No. I'm the first. My mom says it's because i'm the 7th son of a 7th son!
(If your character is a sorted student
not yet...will return to this whe i am
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):
My patronus would be something that flies but it'll probably end up being a toad or a ferret or something.
My boggart - a science experiment that went wrong?! not afraid of much so I don't know. Will answer it again when i'm older.
My animagus - would have to be ...nah, can't think. Never really thought of it before.
The mirror of Erised i'd see me winning some massive award for intelligence or something!
I'd use the memory of me winning the science award at my old school last year. It rocked - I put alot of work into it and it was awesome!
Alastar woke up to the sound of hooting from outside his window. He looked at the clock on his bedside locker and groaned. It was way too early to be woken up. He looked over at the two brothers he shared a room with, they seemed to be sleeping through it all. The owl was really annoying. Alastar thought he'd open up his window and shoo it away. He got out of bed, gasping as his feet met the cold floor. "I'll mangle the stupid creature, so I will!" he muttered, Alastar liked animals but loved his sleep even more.
He opened the window and had to immediately duck as the owl flew straight into the room and perched itself on the end of his bed. Alastar drew back in shock. He saw that the bird had dropped a letter on to his bed.
"Nice bird!" he crooned to it, "good birdie!" he slowly moved his way over and picked the letter up. It was addressed to him. Within a blink, the owl had flown out of the window again. Alastar sat down on his bed and looked at the envelope.
The senders address said the most strangest thing; Hogwarts New Zealand, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!
Dear Journal,
This is daft I know, I've only ever written notes for my science projects. but something wierd happened and I thought i'd start this journal to keep an account of it all. My parents have to bring me to some place called Obsidian Harbour in order to buy school supplies. I thought it was a massive joke at first, one of my daft brothers up to no good!
But they've all denied it and my folks are over the moon! Dad says he knew I was always going to be special, being the 7th son of a 7th son! Don't know if I believe that but that 's neither here nor there.
I'm off on my first ever real adventure. Haven't a clue what to expect you know!
But looking forward to it any way, means I won't have to share a room with these two anymore! They sweat something awful. Have to go and tell my grandfather though as he'll have to look after Saracen for me! Well have to go... till my next entry! hahaha feel like Captain Kirk on his maiden voyage!
- Birth Date: 25th December 2007
- Current Age: 11 yrs
- Basic Appearance: average height, light brown hair, brown eyes, sallow skin
- Parents: Bernie and William Fitzgerald
- Siblings, if any: yeah, I have 6 older brothers; Aguile, Brodie, Christian, Daniel, Eric and Frances. Apparantly they were going to do the whole alphabet but my grandfather Alastar Wallis( my moms dad) stepped in and said he wanted one grandchild named after him at least. My mom is an only child. So when they had me they called me after him!
- Pets, if any: I have a hawk, well my grand-dad does but he lets me fly him and feed him. Saracen is his name.
- Area of Residence: I'm from Edinburgh in Scotland, we have a massive castle there too but honestly nothing as big as Hogwarts NZ.
- Blood status: I'm B negative. oh, you mean like the whole am I a pure blood magician. No. I'm the first. My mom says it's because i'm the 7th son of a 7th son!
(If your character is a sorted student

- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):
My patronus would be something that flies but it'll probably end up being a toad or a ferret or something.
My boggart - a science experiment that went wrong?! not afraid of much so I don't know. Will answer it again when i'm older.
My animagus - would have to be ...nah, can't think. Never really thought of it before.
The mirror of Erised i'd see me winning some massive award for intelligence or something!
I'd use the memory of me winning the science award at my old school last year. It rocked - I put alot of work into it and it was awesome!
Alastar woke up to the sound of hooting from outside his window. He looked at the clock on his bedside locker and groaned. It was way too early to be woken up. He looked over at the two brothers he shared a room with, they seemed to be sleeping through it all. The owl was really annoying. Alastar thought he'd open up his window and shoo it away. He got out of bed, gasping as his feet met the cold floor. "I'll mangle the stupid creature, so I will!" he muttered, Alastar liked animals but loved his sleep even more.
He opened the window and had to immediately duck as the owl flew straight into the room and perched itself on the end of his bed. Alastar drew back in shock. He saw that the bird had dropped a letter on to his bed.
"Nice bird!" he crooned to it, "good birdie!" he slowly moved his way over and picked the letter up. It was addressed to him. Within a blink, the owl had flown out of the window again. Alastar sat down on his bed and looked at the envelope.
The senders address said the most strangest thing; Hogwarts New Zealand, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!
Dear Journal,
This is daft I know, I've only ever written notes for my science projects. but something wierd happened and I thought i'd start this journal to keep an account of it all. My parents have to bring me to some place called Obsidian Harbour in order to buy school supplies. I thought it was a massive joke at first, one of my daft brothers up to no good!
But they've all denied it and my folks are over the moon! Dad says he knew I was always going to be special, being the 7th son of a 7th son! Don't know if I believe that but that 's neither here nor there.
I'm off on my first ever real adventure. Haven't a clue what to expect you know!
But looking forward to it any way, means I won't have to share a room with these two anymore! They sweat something awful. Have to go and tell my grandfather though as he'll have to look after Saracen for me! Well have to go... till my next entry! hahaha feel like Captain Kirk on his maiden voyage!