Akira Kuya

Akira Kuya

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
</COLOR></SIZE>[ul][li] Full Name:
Akira Kuya</LI>
[li] Reasoning or Meaning of Name:
[li] Nicknames:
[li] Reason of Nickname:
This nickname is a shorter form of his first name, Akira. It is an affectionate name and used by friends and family on occasion, though not particularly common. It was used mostly when he was a boy, and by his step-daughter-in-law, Kiara Tine.

[li] Date Of Birth:
August twenty-fifth
[li] Current Age:
Thirty six years, and ten months.
[li] Gender:
[li] Sexual Orientation:
Akira is attracted to both men and women, however, as he has aged, his affections lie more towards men.
[li] Place Of Birth:
Okinawa, Japan, however his family relocated to Ireland when he was ten, before later moving to New Zealand when he was sixteen years old.
[li] Socioeconomic Status at Birth:
Owning Rich. Akira's family were quite wealthy, owning income-producing assets that were sufficient enough to make paid employment unnecessary. However, they were careful with their money, and made sure to instill appropriate life lessons on their children and taught them not to be wasteful. However, when it came to affording magical items for their son, there was soe difficulty because of the currency differences taking a large amount of their funds, but since only one of their children was magical, they managed well enough and Akira never went without.
[li] Current Area of Residence:
Dunedin, New Zealand.
[li] Current Socioeconomic Status:
Wealthy. Akira and his husband are both hard workers, and wise with their finances. They live comfortably and are perfectly capable of splurging on things when the want/need arises.
[li] Blood Status:
Muggle Born.
[li] Educated At:
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland.
[li] School House:
Ravenclaw House.
[li] Feelings Towards This Outcome:
Akira was unassuming and open-minded to the thought of entering the house of Ravenclaw. He loved his house, finding the people their to be well-read, intelligent individuals that only inspired his love of knowledge, reading and painting. He and his Ravenclaw housemates would often stay up until late hours playing board games. He made several friends outside of Ravenclaw, but tended to stick to his housemates when in doubt. He did extra classes where he could, and was an enthusiastic Quidditch supporter, but never played.
[li] Current Year:
Graduated in twenty-seventeen as Head Boy after previously being Prefect.
[li] Marital Status:
[li] Information:
Akira has been married twice. Once to a woman named Bridgette, whom he had attended school with. She died during childbirth when he was twenty-two, and their daughter was stillborn. He regathered his life and met his current husband, Jacob, when he was twenty-five. The two hit it off and when Akira was twenty-seven, he and Jacob got married. They are been happily married for roughly twelve years this September.
[li] Favourite Past time:
Akira loves painting as a past time, but does not persue this professionally. It is merely a hobby for him.
[li] Favourite Colour:
Akira's favourite colour is Cerulean.
[li] Hair Colour:
Dark brown.
[li] Hair Type:
Akira's hair is soft and straight. He takes good care of it, and it will often have a lavander scent. It is quite thick, but easily tamed, and is not currently dyed - nor has it ever been dyed in the past. His hair is often standing as he prefers it to be out of his eyes. It is not too long, so can be flat and swept to the side, but he does prefer it standing in a neat style.
[li] Eyes:
Akira's eyes are a dark brown, almost black colour. They are expressive and gentle, but he can choose whether to show his emotions through his facial features or not. He has perfect vision and needs no aid to see.
[li] Height:
[li] Weight:
One hundred and two pounds.
[li] Scars:
None. Akira always took care of his body.
[li] Birth Marks:
[li] Tattoos:
[li] Skin Tone and Description:
Akira's skin is naturally clear, but can become dry when in the sun for too long. It is evenly coloured and does not have a tendency to blotch or wrinkle.
[li] Dress Code:
Akira enjoys wearing muggle attire, although will frequent robes. He prefers pastel coloured shirts and jeans, while he prefers wearing earthly coloured robes. Occasionally he will wear light jewelry, however this is usually because of an important occasion that calls for this.
[li] Languages:
Japanese, English, Italian and French.
[li] Accent:
Akira can actively change his accent to suit his surroundings, this being a talent he acquired after moving around so much when a boy. He has always hated not being able to fit in because of an accent, so took steps to prevent such a thing from occurring.
[li] Piercings:
Both earlobes.
[li] Appearance Overview:
Akira is rather tall for his family, being taller than all of his brothers and father. However, beyond Japan his height is not that domineering. He is a little lanky, but otherwise holds himself with regal confidence and has a calm, welcoming expression on his face, making him look friendly. He moves with confidence and grace, and hold a silent authority in most situations.
[li] Playby:
Godfrey Gao

[li] Suffers From:
Akira is mildly allergic to peanuts.
[li] Description:
If he ingests peanuts, his throat swells and can cause him to stop breathing. His eyes, and skin can become irritated when in contact with peanuts.
[li] Preventative:
Akira can take medication to fix these effects if/when they occur, but will usually avoid contact with peanuts. He keeps a small potion on him always just in case, however.
[li] Blood Type:
A Positive
[li] Heritage:
[li] Good Habits:
Akira considers one of his good habits to be his caring nature, and his vast knowledge on a variety of subjects resulting from his love of reading.
[li] Bad Habits:
Akira can find himself being blunt at times, and unintentionally insulting.
[li] Current Job:
International Confederation of Wizards - New Zealand Seat
[li] Four Words To Describe Akira:
Sweet, Studious, Altruistic, Approachable.
[li] Boggart:
[li] Likes:
[li] Dislikes:
[ul][li] Goals:
[li] Your Animagus:
Akira's animagus would be a Siamese cat.
[li] Your Patronus:
A Siamese cat.
[li] Your Patronus memory:
Akira has two patronus memories, both being his wedding days. However, his most recent wedding day memory brings him more happiness than that to Bridget. Together, however, these two memories sustain his patronus when he needs it to quite effectively.
[li] Dementor:
When his wife died, and he held his stillborn daughter in his arms for the first time. While he no-longer suffers emotionally from their deaths, having healed, he is still filled with remorse whenever he thinks of the day he lost an important part of his family.
[li] Wand:
[li] Wand Description:
[li] Pets:
Akira has two fighting fish that are named (unimaginatively) Red and Blue.[/li][/ul]
[ul][li] Personality:
[/li][/ul][ul][li] Zodiac Sign:
[ul]<LI>[li] About this Zodiac Sign:
Virgo exists in the mind, everything is inside. To the world, Virgo presents a calm and collected exterior but on the inside, nervous uncontrolled intensity in the mind, trying to figure things out, how to improve everything, analyzing and thinking. Virgo can tire itself out without even moving! Virgo has a constant drive to improve and perfect, this can lead to extreme pickiness and finickiest. They are pure, their motives are honest never malicious and they want to accomplish something. Most of all, Virgos enjoy indulging their practical and logical side and poring over their projects to the nth degree. To say these folks are good at fact-finding almost understates the case, since Virgos revel in their exacting (some would argue pedantic) behaviour and are a whiz with minutiae. Virgins are an asset in the workplace as they can be counted on to get things right the first time, every time -- and no detail will be overlooked. They are also balanced and fair in their assessments. The great strength of the Virgo-born is in their practicality, sharp mind and attention to detail. When merged with their willingness to serve, Virgos become essential helpmates. <SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">Source
[/li][/ul][ul][li] Chinese New Year sign:
[ul][li] About this Chinese New Year Sign:
Horse people are extemporaneous and quick-witted. They are quite intelligent and use their practicality to their advantage in their business and personal lives. Their sharpness makes them quick to pick up new skills and are able to handle many tasks at one time. However, this ambition can be harmful because Horse people often don't finish what they start for fear of missing out on the next big challenge. Horses are trustworthy, friendly and open-minded. They are good friends to have and will always be honest with you. Although they are good confidants, Horse people do enjoy their alone time and are usually independent people. They can struggle with abstinence and self-centeredness, which can lead to a flare of the temper if they don't get their way. Usually, after an episode or temper-tantrum a Horse can feel remorse, yet not all people will be able to forgive their reaction.[/li][/ul][/li][/ul]
[ul][li] Classes Taken:
[ul][li] Classes:
</COLOR>[ul]<LI>[li]Transfiguration - <COLOR color="#000">O
[li]Charms - <COLOR color="#000">O
[li]Potions - A
[li]History of Magic - EE
[li]Defence Against the Dark Arts - EE
[li]Astronomy - A
[li]Herbology - A
[li]Muggle Studies - O
[li]Arithmancy - EE
<LI>[li]Apparation - O[/li][/ul]
[/li][/ul]He failed Flying as a first year, having never previously touched a broom.[/li][/ul]

</COLOR>[ul][li] History Before School:
Akira Koichi Kuya was born in Okinawa, at nine thirty in the morning, September twenty-fifth, the first child of muggles Ayaka and Takui Kuya. Akira was a healthy child of eight pounds and born into a small family, his parents having long ago moved away from their respective families to live a more quiet life in Okinawa. He was raised by his mother primarily, as his father was often working as a professor of philosophy, while his mother occasionally did home work in the form of jewelry making. However, even from a young age, his mother suspected something was amiss, as his toys that she had arranged and removed from him for bad behaviour would often not be in their place, and find themselves in his bed. This often happened through his younger years, with anything that he may desire, and his muggle mother had no explanation for it other than thinking that she must have been mistaken.
When Akira turned three, a new addition was made to the household. His younger brother, Sora Mikio was born. The two were very close, with Akira often trying to include Sora in his games, and asking if he and Sora could share a room. When Akira was five, his younger sister Mita Izumi was born, an this same year he started muggle school. He was a dedicated student, and easily became the top of his class, but was not so good in socialization, and therefore had very few friends. He would avoid other students, especially bullies, as strange occurrences would happen whenever he became upset. Because of this, when he turned six his parents pulled him from his school and home schooled him. These strange occurrences, such as lights flickering, were causes for concern for his parents, but they decided to bury the problem. His father left his job to homeschool him, as neither of his parents wanted others involved in his teaching out of concern for his apparent oddness. He saw less and less of his mother as she worked more, and became frustrated by his father's stern teaching style, and the fact that he was not allowed to leave the house when all a young boy wanted to do was play. His contact with his younger siblings was also scarce, with Sora not being allowed to share a room with him any longer, and with Akira having meals brought to him in his bedroom by his father, who was the only person he had any real contact with until he received his letter for school. When Akira turned seven, his younger brother Hisoka Katsu was born, however, Akira rarely if ever spent any tie with the boy. Throughout his childhood, Akira and his family moved around, from country to country, with his mother doing the majority of the working, and his father paying most of his attention to Akira. When Akira received his letter to Hogwarts Scotland, it was his father who decided that he would attend and learn magic, with the household breathing a sigh of relief that there was a place Akira could go to control himself, as his advance in years made his magic all the more intimidating. On his ninth birthday, his third and final sibling, Jun Masahiko, a boy, was born.
The financial strain Akira's magical abilities caused the family made Akira more conscious of the fact that money did not call from trees and could not be magiced into existence. The strain made his relationship with his siblings, who found this 'special' attention to Akira's needs unfair, and his mother, whose money he and his father spent on 'useless' items, was strong, and unrepairable. While he occasionally spoke to Sora, he rarely spent any amount of time with Mita, Hisoka and Jun, the three of them finding Akira's magical abilities to be strange. Sora, however, remained open to the idea that Akira's magical abilities and financial burden were not inherently 'bad'.

[li] History During School:
Akira's first year at school was one he spent quietly, trying to understand this new world. He had trouble at first, finding prejudice to be a major hindrance, but his natural affinity to magic and open-mindedness benefited him as he found himself friends, and mentors that were willing to help him during his first year. He was a dedicated student that spent much of his time studying than even the most academic of Ravenclaws, as he felt that he had to bring back good grades for his parents, to prove to them that their financial investment was not a waste.</LI>
<LI>[li] History After School:
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