Open air

Theodore Nightray

daredevil • just can't resist • cocky
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Manticore Venom Core
OOCOut of Character:
Set after this class

Theodore Nightray was not in the North Tower, was currently flirting with some poor soul, and has been completely clueless about his cousin's current issues.
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Eurydice had not known where to go. She'd just gotten out of Potion class, her hand still shaking as she clutched her notes and writing implements, though she was pretty sure that they were now all messed up. Those were a problem for later though. All she knew as she left the classroom was that she needed some air. She just hadn't known where she could get air. The Great Hall was a no-go. The Courtyard was too close to that corridor. She kept thinking that there would be a snake slithering across the grass in the Lawn and the Garden and the Lakefront. Air, she needed air. And so she climbed. Without really thinking, she climbed. She felt a little sick really. Her skin felt clammy, and maybe she was a little lightheaded. She wasn't quite sure. But as far as she could get from the Potions classroom, the better. She hadn't expected the fear when the photo of the snake was shown in class. She knew it couldn't hurt her. She knew that. It hadn't helped at all. She was supposed to be over it! It's been months! She hadn't even had any interaction with those Slytherins aside from when they broke her tarot cards. She was fine.

She didn't feel fine at all.

But the wind blowing on her face as she finally stopped in front of a window in front of the North Tower helped to soothe the prickly feeling surrounding her nerves. Still, Eurydice felt like her stomach was in knots and her hand was trembling a little, but at least now she was a little more calm. Calm enough to remember that she could put her notes and her quill in her bag instead of clutching them really tight. This was good. This was fine. She was going to be fine. No snake would find her here.
Prim had noticed Eury leaving the potions class in a hurry, and something about the way she’d clutched her notes with that pale, shaky hand told her everything wasn’t fine. It wasn’t unusual for Eury to have her moments, she was sure that it was normal for all of them to find some of the material in classes to be a lot to handle, Prim often had those moments in History or in Defence Against the Dark Arts, but she didn’t think it was a common reaction to Potions, a class she rather liked actually, so without a second thought, she’d stuffed her own things into her bag and followed as quickly as she could allow herself to do.

She caught up with her in the towers, which seemed like a strange place to go, she thought, since they were Hufflepuffs. Who was up here that Eury might be looking for? Because that was the only thing she could think of. She knew her brother was in Slytherin, she’d spoken to him previously.

“Eury?” she called softly, stepping into her line of sight. “I saw you in class, you didn’t look okay.” She didn’t really know what to say or if the girl wanted comfort, but she knew she had to say or do something, she couldn’t just let Eury go without making sure she was okay. Everyone said they should say something if they saw something, but Prim didn’t know what she’d seen, or if she’d seen anything. Maybe Eury just wasn’t feeling well? Though this was the wrong direction if that was the case. “Did something happen in class?” Maybe she didn’t want to talk about it, but Prim felt like she at least needed to ask.​
Eurydice hadn't expected anyone to follow her. Jonah was - she didn't think Jonah was capable of noticing anything was wrong with her. She didn't think Jonah had been capable of that for a while now. Sayuri could potentially notice it, but the Edogawas were too busy focusing on either Jonah or Rose to add Eury in to such a volatile mix. It was fine. So, she was quite startled when someone called her name, nearly jumping out of her skin and pulling out her wand as she turned towards the intruder. Intruder? It wasn't like Eurydice belonged in this area anyway. This was free for everyone. Thankfully though, she'd managed to actually stop herself from pointing her wand at her roommate. Just a roommate, she reminded herself. Primrose was safe. She swallowed as she tried to calm her racing heart before taking a breath. "No I'm fine, nothing happened really. I just saw something," which was true enough. She saw the picture of a snake that everyone saw. She was just a little more freaked about it that everyone else. But it wasn't really something she was willing to share. It was a weakness, and Eurydice wasn't supposed to share weakness with other people. Some were exceptions - trusted friends were exceptions. And those were few. Primrose wasn't really someone Eurydice trusted. She was hard-pressed to even call them friends. Besides, if her weakness reached the wrong ears, Eurydice tried not to shudder just thinking about it.
Prim certainly didn’t want to upset Eury, and as she took a cautious step forward with her hands in the air, she hoped her roommate would know she wasn’t trying to crowd her. She had seen her roommate flinch and how her hand had twitched towards her wand and she wasn’t over here trying to get cursed or hexed. She was worried about her because of the way she’d jumped and turned to see who was there. It was clear she wasn’t okay. She wasn’t sure what Eury had seen but it must have worried her quite a bit for this kind of a reaction. Her mother was terrified of spiders and she’d never seen this reaction from her. “You just saw something?” Something about the way she’d said it made her feel like it was true, but also not quite. She was sceptical, but she couldn’t have said why, maybe it was the whole situation and after she’d spoken to Eury’s brother as well.

“Must have been really terrifying since you looked like you were about to Hex me into next week.” And she probably would have succeeded too, since the shielding charm was hardly the strongest spell in Prim’s arsenal. She wasn’t exactly a whiz with things like Charms or Defence Against the Dark Arts. She was trying what she could, but she could only do so much. She debated whether to press further—Eurydice wasn’t exactly the open-book type, and Primrose wasn’t keen on stepping into territory that wasn’t hers. But she also wasn’t blind. "Look, if you don’t want to talk about it, fine. But you don’t have to act like I’m about to sell your secrets to the highest bidder," she added, tilting her head slightly. "I don’t know what you think I am, but I’m not that."

She wanted to be Eury’s friend, but she really didn’t even know where to start with that.​
Eurydice was not about to elaborate that the something she saw was the picture of a snake in class. She'd had to hold herself back from getting in sick in class, but she'd broken out in cold sweat and now here she was, standing in front of a window hoping for a breeze just so she could feel a little less clammy. Hoping for a bit of air, and then maybe she could breathe. It was helping. She wasn't about to admit that it had been really terrifying. It reminded her of a red snake slithering - no. No. Do not go there. "I'm sorry. I'm just... a little jumpy," she settled because she didn't know how else to explain. But she was sorry for having almost pulled a wand on Primrose when she'd done nothing to warrant it from Eury. The other girl had been nothing but cordial, and so the least Eury could do was be the same.

Friends were easier to make in first year, Eurydice decided. It wasn't even that. It was more of, it was easier to trust people then. When she'd entered Hogwarts, she was hopeful. It was a nice escape from the stifling Nightray Manor, and here she thought it would have been easier to make friends. No one here would care that she was a half-blood. And here she was in no danger from attacks. She was quickly disabused of the notion. "It's not," she tried to explain but couldn't easily find the words. So, she took a breath. In and out. And another. "I just don't know you, so I don't trust you." Eurydice figured it was better to be upfront with Primrose than go about it in circles. "It sounds mean but that's really what it is. Force of habit," the two of them may have been roommates for more than a year now, but they've barely exchanged words, and trust was earned. "Potions make me uncomfortable nowadays," she admitted. She hoped that was a good start.
Considering Prim was pretty sure that Eury was still being bullied (and honestly she wasn’t surprised nothing had been done so far, she’d read that article that Elio boy wrote in the paper) she couldn’t blame her roommate for being jumpy, or for not trusting her. After all, they didn’t talk, and Prim did in a lot of ways blame herself for that, since she’d been pretty much to herself in the first year, unsure what to even think about being in the school. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be here, specifically, but it had been a big change, and she didn’t want to think that she couldn’t try to reach out now after a year. She was slowly making progress, or at least, she hoped that she was. She needed to gauge the other girls in the dorm too.

“I don’t blame you for not trusting me, but… I just want you to know that I want to earn your trust and be your friend, so… will you let me know how to do that?” She didn’t know how to apologise for mostly ignoring her in the first year, and it wasn’t really that she’d ignored her, it was more that she’d sort of just been civil and courteous. Better than being a horrible b*tch. “If you want any help in class… you can ask me if you want. We’re in all the same classes anyway,” duh, because they’re roommates.​
Eurydice sort of felt bad for the whole thing. It wasn't Primrose's fault that Eury was so jumpy in other people's presence. Primrose was only being a nice roommate, checking on Eury since she was obviously so rattled after the class. Honestly though, she felt more rattled about how much the image of the snake affected her than the snake itself. She'd known that in the days and weeks that followed the snake incident with Morrie, Eury had been borderline paranoid about one slithering through the cracks in the castle. When things had calmed and she'd seen none and everything had calmed, she pushed the thought of snakes to the back of her mind and she thought it was all fine. When she'd seen the image in class, she was instantly brought back. Her heart raced, her palms felt sweaty, and it felt like everything was closing in on her. A pounding in her ear and then she was left with just terror. It was a weakness that she'd only just discovered. Nothing that she was ready for anyone to know.

Eury didn't know how to trust Primrose. Or what her roommate could do. She knows what Primrose shouldn't, of course. But it wasn't like Eury knew how to make friends. She had a grand total of three. One just sort of happened. The other, she practically demanded. And the third was a house elf. So yeah, perhaps Eury wasn't the best person to ask how. She bit her lip, it didn't sound like very much a friend to just count on Primrose for classes. You don't use friends like that. "How about," she hesitated a bit cause what she was about to say sounded so stupid, but she really was out of ideas. "How about we start over? I'm Eurydice Nightray, you can call me Eury," she said with a small smile as she extended her hand out.

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