'Aint It Fun

Alissa Vetrova

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sir Dylaaaaan!
Ebony Wand 12'' w/ 1/4 Essence of Dragonstone
'Dear Diary,

Today began just like the one before. I awoke to the steady bustling of the house maid moving around the house. I had trouble sleeping again last night. Another dream had come, just like the hundeds before. This one was slightly different though. The place was the same. We're in the backyard of the manor, Alexei, Sergei and I. Sergei is sitting on an armchair in the shade, quietly reading a book to himself as he watched Alexei and I play in the grass. Mother and Father are out in town with Andrei, meeting with friends and the maid had gone to the shops to buy supplies for dinner. As Alexei and I played, he began to get rougher and rougher with me. Eventually, I got knocked down and began to cry, and Alexei did as he always did and picked on me. "Don't cry Alissa. Why do you always have to be a baby. You're weaker then those filthy mudbloods that you try and play with." he taunted at me as I laid there crying. This time, Sergei got up from the armchair, and threw his book back onto the seat. Stomping over to Alexei, Sergei shoved him onto the ground. "You are both weak. You need to learn your place Alexei. I am the eldest brother of the family. I am fathers legacy. And you will do damn well to remember it." he yelled at Alexei as my twin sat across from me, nursing a sprained wrist. And then Sergei looked at me, with a hatred in his eyes. "And you. You are worse then a mudblood. You will be lucky to live long enough to go to Durmstrang." he growled at me, hatred and venom in his words. I began to cry harder, tears falling into my hands as I cupped my face. Except this time, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I look, and there he was. Yevheniy, standing right in front of me, smiling. And suddenly, everything felt better. Like, everything was right with the world. But as I stood forward to hug him, he disappeared, and I awoke from my dream.'

Alissa Vetrova sat in her favourite coffee shop in St. Petersburg, a warm mug of mocha coffee in her left hand, her quill held firmly in her right as she poured over her diary. This was her favourite place outside of Hogwarts. This was the place she came to to feel safe. Earlier today she had sent Yev a text message reading 'S.O.S'. He would know that that meant she was having problems with her father again, and to meet her here. She enjoyed his company. The feeling of safety and warm she felt when she was around him. It upset her that she didn't get to see him often, and it had been a while since she had last seen him, but she had hoped today would change that. It was her own fault for choosing to go to her parents for the holidays, but Alexei hadn't really given her much of a choice. Since he had found out about Lissa and Yev, he had been especially mean to Lissa. Andrei seemed to be Alexei's new playtoy, and Lissa just caught the angry backfire of her twin brothers rage. Today had been met with yet another argument at breakfast, that have evidently ending in Lissa storming out of the house with her bag and apparating to an alleyway near the coffee shop. She had been here a little under three hours and was already going through her third mug of coffee. She had an addiction, she decided. Checking her cell phone again, she checked the time and sighed impatiently. "Always late." she grumbled to herself and she stamped her food impatiently, awaiting the arrive of her favourite addiction.
Yevheniy had been pretty bored these last few days. While he was now seventeen and should technically be heading into his last year of school, he was in the process of persuading his father to let him leave. So rather than being able to spend his time doing whatever he wanted. He had to help out around the house, and show that he was responsible, when really he was just waiting for that moment that he'd be able to leave. Now, in all of this, Yev had been sort of seeing Alissa. After a little break, he'd rekindled what they had, and well, he was pretty happy with it. He was looking forward to spending more time with her, despite how much it annoyed her twin, he was just happy. So, while this morning he'd been soundly asleep having not gotten in until much much later. He was awoken when a crashing sound was made from the other room. He groaned loudly, and continued groaning as he attempted to get himself comfortable. A hard task when his head was pounding. When his throat felt like razor blades, and his stomach was currently reminding him how much it hated him. He reached over and grabbed the muggle phone. Since a lot of his friends were muggle he spent a lot of time with them rather than others. He smiled slightly as he noticed her name and a message from her. He looked at it, and noticing what was written groaned loudly again. Always on the worst mornings. But, that being said, the teen rolled himself out of bed. He was a little unsteady as he got to his feet, but he quickly threw on some clothes. Unsure about how much to wear. He was living in the Keiv, but that tended to be warmer than St. Petersburg. He threw some things into his bag, and then after a little bit of water, the boy left his bedroom. Saying a brief farewell to his father.

There was a lane close to where he knew she would go. So, he knew to apparate to there. That ability was pretty darn useful. Yev was mostly glad he could do that. He was smiling to himself just a little as he arrived in the area. But, the apparition caused havoc in his stomach, and before he could move, he was sick in the lane. Really not his proudest moment. After regain his breath and taking some long sips of water. He then headed to where he knew he'd find Alissa. Soon it was in sight, and he spotted her with ease. He didn't even say anything as he sat down next to her. He grumbled a little hello, before flagging a waitress and ordering some food and a coffee. It was only after he'd gotten the coffee that he even acknowledged Alissa "Sorry I'm late" he muttered as he took a drink of the coffee. It was roasting, but he was happy for it. "Was asleep" he added. "Are you alright?" while he was sure that to Alissa he was likely probably not much more than a way of annoying her family, he quite liked her, and despite not being great with people was really looking to try with her. Yev ha not had much luck with woman, he was blunt and not exactly friendly. He preferred nothing serious, no strings attached things. They were simpler. He didn't have to get to know the person, and they never got to know him. It worked that way with him. This was different, and he didn't even know what they were.

I'm so sorry this is so late
Alissa's nose was again buried inside of her diary. She had never really been one to keep a diary in her younger years, though this past year she had found herself indulging in the habit quite a bit. She had heard the door to the cafe open, but hadn't thought much on it. When she felt someone take a seat next to her, she knew who it was before he had even spoken. Smiling, she turned to him as he said hello, and the smile faded slightly. She could instantly tell he'd been drinking the night before, and the more she studied his present state, the more she felt her temper rising. She did not at all approve of him being out all night drinking. Lissa herself barely drank at all, and it was on very rare occasions that she had a drink. Yevheniy however seemed to be drinking himself stupid more often these days, and it upset her. What annoyed the girl more was how long it took him to talk to her properly. She sat, a disapproving and slightly pissed off look on her face, and her eyes glaring into him. She hesitated slightly before speaking. They had only just gotten thing back on track after a break because of a major fight they'd had, and she wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to risk another. But then the hot headed side of her took control, and she knew before even speaking how it would go. "You've been drinking again." she stated, the disapproving tone more then evident in her voice. She knew that she couldn't, and against her better nature, wouldn't change him. His carefree attitude had been one of the things that had made her like him in the first place. Though lately, it seemed to be one of the major causes of her stress. Despite her rock solid facade, she was extremely insecure and was constantly worried that Yev would leave her again.

The more Lissa thought on it after the words had fallen from her mouth, the more the stress kicked in. Now as she sat next to him, her eyes scanning his face, taking in the bags under his eyes and the pale look to his face - though she hadn't thought his face could get any paler - she felt somewhat sympathetic. She knew why he abused the substance so much, she had just hoped that he would vent it in better ways. "I'm okay, now." she said, accompanying the last word with a small smile. She closed her diary and placed it on the table. Reaching forward, she took her coffee in her left hand and sipped on it, as her right went down to rest on his thigh. The small gesture gave her so much more comfort then she had expected. Alarm bells were going off in her head as she did. They hadn't been very physical at all, and Alissa was still getting used to trying to be so. "Where were you last night?" she asked curiously, wondering where Yev had been to be so hung over sitting next to her. He looked like he was going to pass out on her. Or worse, that he was going to be sick everywhere.
Yevheniy had doubts about this relationship which he had with Alissa, he liked her a lot, but being her boyfriend was a tad demanding, a hell of a lot more demanding than he was really used to. Yev knew that she'd asked him to stop going out so much. To stop drinking so much, but while had promised that he would try, he just was stumbling at every hurdle. He just like the banding together that it did. He had good friends from his slightly wilder nights. People that previous he might've never associated with. He raised the coffee to his lips again and took a long sip. He could feel his stomach begging for something to eat, while also feeling like it was repeatedly kicking him. The light was doing nothing for his headache. He looked at Alissa and then smiled slightly, "Yes I have" he told her, not about to lie about that. It was pretty obvious that he had. He was sure, he gave off a faint aura of vodka. But, there would be no changing him any time soon really. Yev was on the cusp of being free of his father and those commitments, despite being 17, and therefore legal, his father wanted to wait until he'd finished seventh year. Which was why, during this holiday, despite all his attempts to get his father to see his side, he was still drinking.

As he asked her how she was, and there for a moment of silence. He could tell that she was likely debating whether or not to be kind to Yev and he could only pray for some form of kindness since he felt like crap. He hadn't slept well, despite the alcohol, he was exhausted, hungover and just a little bit stressed. He knew that alcohol didn't fix anything, but he liked it anyway. He smiled when she said that she was okay now. Though he felt like there was a hidden meaning in that. That she hadn't been fine, when she had first contacted him. "What was wrong before? When you messaged me?" he asked, attempting to sound interested but tiredness and not feeling good at all seeped into his tone. He took another sip of his drink desperately trying to stop himself from being sick. He didn't think she'd appreciate him just vomitting all over the floor. And he wasn't about to tell her that he'd been sick in an alley way just before meeting her. He looked down at the hand which she'd placed on his lap and smiled slightly. He reached over and took her hand giving it a light squeeze. Then the obvious question, that he was sure she'd been wanting to ask since he'd sat down. "Well, erm" he started and then gave it a thought, "I don't remember a lot, I think, my dad and I were having a late lunch with some of his friends, and we were drinking, pretty heavily, and then I stopped and I was going to sober up, but then a friend of mine came and then we went to his brother's. And there was a party, I think." He said, "It becomes hazy after that. The next thing I remember clearly was waking up and seeing your message" He frowned slightly, trying to remember it, "I didn't cheat, and I didn't get into any fights, so, at least there's that."

Again, I'm so sorry about the lateness of this.

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