Aimless Wander

Oliver Walden

Well-Known Member
Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Oliver strolled onto the lakefront with a feeling of ease, his features uncommonly bright. But Oliver had many a reason to be happy today. He was back at school again, finally, after having missed the whole of first semester. He decided a detour down to the school grounds would do him some good before he returned to the Ravenclaw Tower to settle himself in. And so, here was he, gallivanting the lakefront in search of nothing, and yet something too.
Ares saw someone walking near the near and he froze and squinted, then smirked. "Well, well look what the cat dragged in" he said loudly with a grin as he walked towards his friend.
Ari was wandering through the grounds with her nose in a book. She had never been an avid reader, like some of her friends, but always enjoyed a good book. This one in particular had her very absorbed. It was a tale of Harry Potter, describing all of his adventures.
After finding themselves in the hospital wing, Potter and his close friend Hermione Granger travelled back through time, with the assistance of Albus Dumbled-

Her reading was cut off abruptly as she became aware of the fact that she had just walked right into somebody. Looking up, she saw it was Ares, who she had met at this very spot just yesterday
"Sorry! I was in bookland" she explained, holding up the thick volume.
Vivienne had been roaming the castle all day, trying to find someone in her potions class. She had been daydreaming last lesson, and had missed an important set of notes. About to give up and return to her dorm, Vivienne thought she spotted her best friend, Arianna Tipley, by the lake below. Quickly making her way outside, Vivienne began to run across the grass. "Ari, Ari! I need to ask you about-" she started to say, beathing slightly as she came to a halt next to Arianna. It was then that she realised that there were two other boys with her, so Vivienne quickly turned to them, smiling brightly. "Oh, hello.. sorry to interupt.." she said softly, in a dreamy sort of voice. They looked about her age, so hopefully she could make friends with them. Vivienne just loved making new friends.
"Ares!" Oliver exclaimed at the sight of his best friend. "I could say the same for you. I didn't even get one letter from you!" Punching Ares in the shoulder, Oliver grinned. But their reunion was cut short at the approach of a girl who, engulfed in her book, had walked straight into Ares. Before Oliver could give some cheesy punch line to make fun of his friend, yet another girl joined their fast growing gathering on the lakefront.
"Ah... yes. Hello," Oliver said to no one in particular. Feeling his gleeful mood downing a bit, Oliver tried to shrug off the feeling of annoyance that he usually got around girls. Sometimes they were too perky for his normal pace, or otherwise too talkative. Either way, they seemed to air on a frequency Oliver did not and would most likely never understand. Putting these thoughts aside now, however, Oliver smiled his most natural smile. "I'm Oliver. And you are..?" he asked, again addressing no one in particular.
Ari heard a familiar voic calling her name, and she spun around to see Viv running down towards them.
"Hey" she said, greeting her best friend. She held back a laugh at her vibrant entrance.
"I'm Arianna Tipley" she said, sticking out her hand "Or Ari" she added, hoping that he would call her by her preffered name.
"I already know Ares' she said, giving him a smile.
"Uhuh, I gathered that much," Oliver laughed, nudging Ares teasingly. "Well then, I guess I shall just have to call you Ari," he added, taking the girl's hand and shaking it politely.
Vivienne continued to smile politely, as Oliver introduced himself. He didn't seem to want the two girls there.. Ah well, if he wants us gone, he can just say and I'll be on my way, she told herself, pushing the thought away. "It's very nice to meet you Oliver. And you, Ares," Vivienne said, turning to both of them. Ares was yet to introduce himself, but she had obviously heard it from Ari and Oliver saying it aloud.

"My name's Vivienne, but you can call me whatever you want.. Steve, even.. if that's what floats your boat!" Vivienne said randomly, not sure why she said it. Her 'jokes' were always incredibly lame, but whatever, she cracked herself up. Random was her middle name, and Vivienne was always saying things that made people go: 'Okaay...' Well actually, that's untrue.. Vivienne's middle name was Juliet.
Oliver laughed at the girl named Vivienne's joke. "Steve you say? Well, it's a pleasure to you meet you too." For a girl, she had an alright sense of humor, Oliver couldn't help noting. "So what brings you two down here, Ari and Steve?"
Ares rolled his eyes, "I didnt even know you were leaving!"
"Hello Ari" he said as she bumped into him, remembering the fun they had at the lake the day before.
"Nice to meet you Vivienne Steve" Ares said smiling warmly at her "Im Ares" he said laughing as she'd already said his name.
Ari laughed out loud when Viv said Steve. That was just like her best friend to say something funny like that.
"I thought I knew everything about you" she said in a mock accusatory tone, keeping a straight face
When asked what they had been doing, Ari contemplated it for a moment before answering
"I was just... Taking a walk" she said "And reading a book" she added
"What about you guys? What have you been up to?" she asked in return, fidgeting slightly, tucking loose hair behind her ear.
(( :-0 ZOMG! It's Tom!! :wub: *points at Oliver's new PB* 8-> ))

"Well I'm here because I needed to ask Ari something.. but I've forgotten what that was now," Vivienne Steve giggled, hoping she didn't sound like a bimbo. In reality she was really quite wise, but had just forgotten this one time. She laughed again when Arianna said something along the lines of 'I thought I knew everything about you'. But in reality.. there was a lot she didn't know about Vi- Steve.. Pushing that thought out of her mind, she smiled back up at Oliver and Ares. "Yeah, what Ari said. What is everyone else up to?"
Ares tried not to laugh at Ari's reply, "Wow your cool, walking and reading at the same time!" he teased

He had to contine to surpress his laughter at Vivienne Steves answer "Rememberball" The Ravenclaw smirked "Heard they can be very usefeul"

Ares smirked "I was wondering around looking to cause some mischief when I thought a saw a ghost" He tapped knuckles with Oliver "Its good to have you back."
"Well, I just got back. Been couped up at home due to... familial reasons." Oliver was a little hesitant to give much reason as to why he'd missed the whole of first semester. His family was a subject he did not much like to discuss. "But it is good to be back," Oliver stated with a smile.
"Do you guys feel like doing something fun..?" He asked, staring at the lake with an idea in mind. Looking over at Ares, Oliver laughed before he lunged at his friend as a first attempt to wrestle him into the lake.
As soon as Oliver said family, Ares let it go. Family stuff was only discussed if the person whose family it was wanted to talk about it, which was very rare.

Oliver suddenly lunged at him and attempted to wrestle him into the lake, Ares dodged his attack and counterattacked trying to wrestle Oliver into the lake.

He suddenly stopped pushing Oliver and held him at arms length and whispered almost silently "the girls." he turned to look at them with a grin on his face, waiting for Oliver to make the first move.
Oliver needed no more than a thought, and as Ares had supplied, Oliver was in action before he could really even process it. Laughing, Oliver ran to the nearest of the two girls, Vivienne, and tried to throw her over his shoulder. Whether he had to jump into the lake with her, one way or another, he would find a way to get her drenched in lake water.
Ares to off running towards Ari, wrapped his arms around her and attempted to pull her towards the lake.
Vivienne listened as Oliver explained why he had been away from Hogwarts. She obviously didn't think it was right to ask him what had happened, so instead she just gave him a small smile. She'd found from personal experience that the best thing to do when someone was going through something difficult, was just to drop it, but show that they could tell you if they wanted to. Anyway, it was probably nothing.. Vivienne then started to laugh, as she watched Oliver and Ares begin to wrestle each other towards the lake. Just as she turned to Ari to give her a look that said 'boys are so silly', she was suddenly swept off her feet, and slung over Oliver's shoulder.

"Ahhh! Put me down!" Vivienne laughed, hitting him on the back weakly. She didn't really mind if she were to be throw into the lake, so Vivienne didn't struggle hard to get out of Oliver's grip. She did, however, manage to kick off her shoes, so as not to get them ruined. And luckily she was wearing a light summery dress, so that the small girl wouldn't drown from the weight of heavy clothes.
Oliver and his big ego, took Vivienne's poor struggles as signs of his muscularity and strength. It was a sad fact that Oliver was usually vain that way, but he at least had the decency not to voice any ridiculous thoughts that gave it away. With his sneakers still on, Oliver ran into the lake with Vivienne still straddled over his shoulder. It was odd, how much fun he was having in the company of girls. It usually took him time to warm up to one of the opposite gender. As soon as they hit the lake, Oliver let go of Vivienne, as his weight would surely have dragged her down with him and one with any common sense knew better than to do something that foolish.
Breaking the lake's surface for air, Oliver emerged with his dark hair had plastered to one side of his head. "Vivienne?" Oliver called, worried that his joke might actually have gone too far.
Ari rolled her eyes at Ares's comment
"Yup, I'm just the coolest" she said laughing. After listening to the rest of their conversation, Ari gathered that Oliver had been away for a time, and that he and Ares were best friends. Just like her and Viv, Ari realised. She smiled, thinking how funny it was that they had all ended up here.

Her eyes widened as they boys started grappling with eachother, trying to throw one another in the lake. Somehow she knew that they were all going to end up in the Lake, but she didn't mind too much, she was getting used to surprises involving the Lake.

Ari watched laughing, as Oliver picked Viv up, then squealed as Ares came at her. She attempted to dodge him, but he hoisted her up, and she giggled as they headed towards the Lake.
"Fine, but you're coming with me!" she said, fastening her arms around his neck, so that the only way he would be able to dump her in the lake, would be jumping in aswell.
Ares smirked if that was the only way it could be done, it was the way it would be done. He jumped into the lake still holding Ari. He released her and surfaced. "Hi-five!" he said with a grin to Oliver.
"I swear we can be so immature sometimes," Oliver chuckled, but high-fived Ares anyway. He missed having fun with Ares. Ever since school started, it was like they had grown more distant with each other. But that would all change now that he was back, and Oliver was almost too confident of that.
Ares smiled at Olivers comment, its so good to have him back Ares thought, he remembered how quiet things had been without Oliver, he'd still been up to michief but not as much and it wasnt as fun without his best friend.
Vivienne continued to laugh as Oliver and herself went flying into the lake. Sinking down and down, she let herself fall through the water. After a couple of seconds had passed, Vivienne then raised her arms above her head, and swum upwards until she broke through the surface. She ran her hands through her chocolate hair, so that it was all slicked back, and off her face. "Oliver!" she breathed, splashing him with all her might. Twirling around in the water, she saw that Arianna and Ares had now joined them in the lake. The sight of the four of them, swimming in their clothes, made Vivienne burst out in giggles.
"Steve!" Oliver answered, returning the splashes of water at her and laughing still. Taking a quiet moment to himself, Oliver leaned backwards to float on his backside and let the soft ripples of the lake carry him closer to shore. His smile was still bright, and the sun was still quite high in the sky.

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