Aimee Darkhart

Aimee Darkhart

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood

Aimee Paige Darkhart;
'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all

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I told 'em all where to stick it I left town with a dime to my name
I'm like a child looking off in the horizon I'm like an ambulance that's turning on the sirens

full name; Aimee Paige Darkhart. (born Aimee Paige van laar Veth)
aimee; The name Aimee is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Aimee is: Dearly loved; Beloved. From the Old French Amee, which derives from the Latin amatus meaning loved.
paige; Transferred use of the English surname which is derived from the Anglo-French page (a page, a boy attendant).
darkhart;Of English and German roots, 'dark' a nickname for someone with dark hair or a dark complexion, from Middle English darke, Old English deorc 'dark.' 'Hart' from a personal name or nickname meaning 'stag', Middle English hert, Middle Low German hërte, harte.
van laar veth; van laar is derived from Dutch laar (plural laren), which is an open spot in the forest. They were used quite intensively by people in the past, for grazing cattle amongst other uses. These laren were often found on sloping grounds, often in the neighbourhood of brooks. Veth is of Cambodian origins.
nick name; Aimee currently doesn't have any nicknames.
birthdate; Twenty-Third of August 2012 at 9.23pm.
current age; Aimee is thirty years old.
gender; Aimee is female.
hometown; Aimee was born Dunedin, New Zealand.
heritage; Aimee is 1/2 Scottish, 1/14 American and 1/4 Spanish. However due to only knowing her biological father and not her mother Aimee is only aware of her Scottish heritage and therefore counts herself as a Scottish New Zealander.
dialects; Aimee is only fluent in English and possesses a light New Zealand accent.
residency; Aimee currently resides in Dunedin, New Zealand by herself in her apartment.
blood status; Aimee being adopted is unsure of her blood status. She was brought up to believe in her adopted family that she was a half blood but since finding her birth father who is Half Blood she only knows that she has some magical blood.
blood type; O- Blood type O negative is one of the rarest blood types and they are called as universal donors but they are basically universal red blood cell donor as they can donate red blood cells to almost all the other blood types. There are no antigens present on the red blood cells on blood type O and with absence of Rh factor, blood type O Rh negative gets more approachable to the other blood types.
relationship status; Aimee is currently single, she was married to Jace Venturino however two years ago he was killed in a quidditch accident.
sexual orientation; Heterosexual
health status; Aimee has been in remission from Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma for twenty-one years and is currently healthy.
occupation; Waitress at the Hogs Head in Brightstone Village.
wand; Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood.
Highly intelligent witches and wizards ought to be offered a walnut wand for trial first, because in nine cases out of ten, the two will find in each other their ideal mate. Walnut wands are often found in the hands of magical innovators and inventors; this is a handsome wood possessed of unusual versatility and adaptability. A note of caution, however: while some woods are difficult to dominate, and may resist the performance of spells that are foreign to their natures, the walnut wand will, once subjugated, perform any task its owner desires, provided that the user is of sufficient brilliance. This makes for a truly lethal weapon in the hands of a witch or wizard of no conscience, for the wand and the wizard may feed from each other in a particularly unhealthy manner.
Creatures of the night who continue their life by sucking it out of others. Core gravitates to those who are adept at the dark arts and love being out and up all night.
allergies; Aimee is allergic to honey, bees and wasps.
pets; Aimee currently doesn't own any pets.​
I said, I'm done with all of my fake friends self-righteous pawns in a losing game
Oh I'm still alive I'm like a soldier coming home for the first time
play by; Lily Donaldson
years used; |Thirty|
previous play by; Annasophia Robb
years used; |Eleven| |Twelve| |Thirteen| |Fourteen| |Fifteen| |Sixteen|
previous play by; Taylor Momsen
years used; |Seventeen| |Eighteen| |Nineteen| |Twenty| |Twenty-one| |Twenty-two| |Twenty-three| |Twenty-four| |Twenty-five| |Twenty-six| |Twenty-seven| |Twenty-eight| |Twenty-nine|
natural hair; Aimee has light strawberry blonde hair. It is naturally wavy but she has had it enchanted to be more curly. It is parted to her left side and hangs to her shoulder blades. She is known to either leave it loose and tucked behind her ears or pulled up into a loose messy ponytail for convenience, it is very rare that she does anything fancy to - leaving that for special occasions.
eyes; Aimee has light blue eyes that are averagely spaced.
height; Aimee is taller than average at 5 feet 7 inches or approximately 173 centimeters tall.
build; Aimee is of average build with long lean arms and legs. Though relatively thin she has slightly rounded belly from her vice of eating lots of junk food.
complexion; Aimee has pale white skin which burns easily in the sun.
scars; Aimee has a thin scar on her head just above her ear, just above her hair line.
birthmark; Aimee has a small almost unnoticeable birthmark on the back of her neck on the left hand side.
smile; Aimee rarely smiles these days but when she does it's a wide toothy grin that crinkles the corners of her eyes.
body modifications; Aimee has her both ears pierced. She also has a small tattoo of a snitch on the left side of her chest just below her collarbone as a tribute to Jace.
dominant hand; Aimee is right-handed
style; Aimee's style is very casual. She is most often found to be wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt though she does own a few nice flow-y dresses and skirts that she occasionally wears, a drastic difference from her tom-boyish self as a kid when she wouldn't be caught dead wearing anything feminine. The only jewellery Aimee tends to wear is long necklaces, earrings and her watch. She isn't one for flashy expensive jewellery and she usually wears simple chains necklaces with some kind of pendant. Aimee has tamed her make up a lot from a few years ago and now goes for a simple natural look rather than the dramatic eye makeup and lipstick that she had been wearing previously. She tends to only wear makeup to cover up the dark circles around her eyes from not being able to sleep.​
Got my band and a light that won't go out been burning since the day I was born
I dodged a bullet and I walked across a landmine oh, I'm still alive
five words; resentful, caring, creative, sudued, strong
resentful; Though always trying to be a positive, happy person Aimee harbours a lot of resent towards things that have happened in her life. Towards her biological mother and father abandoning her as a baby - though the anger towards her father has lessened with time and him being a part of her life now. Towards lukemia for taking her best friend, and to her adopted parents daughter Annalie for bullying her and for ruining her life by telling her she was adopted and that she had been lied to her whole life. Though she says that she is over it and that it's all water under the bridge, in her darkest moments she still finds herself back at these points feeling bitter and angry while she dwells on the past.
caring; Aimee is a loving caring person with a large heart. She often puts other peoples needs in front of hers even when she shouldn't.
creative; Aimee is naturally creative person who draws inspiration from things around her. She is an avid writer and her mind is always constantly reeling with story ideas and is often found either daydreaming or scribbling in her notebook. Lately, after Jace's death she has been drawing more and more blanks with stories and is for the first time experiencing writers block. But is fighting to get her inspiration and love of writing back.
subdued; Aimee has become more subdued over the years, from a loud moody kid/teenager to cheerful young adult, but since the loss of her husband she has become a quieter more withdrawn person.
strong; Aimee has dealt with a lot of loss and turmoil in her life, she lost her best friend when she was eight and went off the rails for a breif time, then she lost her husband in a quidditch accident. Not to mention finding out she was adopted as a teenager. She has learned to cope with her feelings and it has made her a stonger person overall. Sometimes she tends to bottle-up her emotions and will break at the stupidest of things instead of dealing with what the actual problem in the first instance.
fears; Aimee fears that she will never be able to love again. As corny and as cliche as it sounds after Jace died she has found herself once again in a similar situation as to when Alaina passed away when they were kids, heartbroken and untrusting and contemplating her own mortality.
patronus form; Seval
patronus memory; Getting married to Jace - or realistically any happy memory involving Jace.​
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So I cried just a little then I'll dry my eyes cause I'm not a little girl no more
Am I bleeding? Am I bleeding from the storm? Just shine a light into the wreckage
chinese year; Dragon.
Among Chinese zodiac animals, the Dragon is the sole imaginary animal. The Dragon is the most vital and powerful beast in the Chinese zodiac, although with an infamous reputation for being a hothead and possessing a sharp tongue. In ancient times, people thought that Dragons could control everything in the world with their character traits of dominance and ambition. Gifted with innate courage, tenacity and intelligence, dragons are enthusiastic and confident. They are not afraid of challenges, and willing to take risks. However, the dragon is sometimes regarded as aggressive, and angry dragons are not open to criticism. They don't consider themselves irritating and arrogant. Instead of following tradition, they strive for a smooth future
zodiac sign; Virgo
positive traits; Those born under the Virgo star sign are sharp minded, optimistic and focused. Their biggest strength is represented by the fact they seem to be having a reasonable solution to every problem they encounter. Some other Virgo qualities include productive realism and cautiousness. These people are not only very resourceful but they also thoroughly think each and every move and avoid taking any unnecessary risks. A thriving Virgo knows how to make use of their openness to novelty and of their patience and consideration to others.
negative traits; One of the things Virgos need to learn is to relax a little bit and stop being so overly critic and perfectionists. They are irritable and skeptic when others try to make up their mind in a certain direction. They are the worriers of the zodiac, they solemnly believe that if something is to go wrong it will sure do. Virgo weaknesses include a grain of resentment as they rarely forget and forgive. Other than that, they are sometimes so undecided they literally have no clue where to head at. But the one weakness most Virgo display is intolerance. They disagree with all the vices of others although they do forget to analyze their own. Virgo individuals can make their life simpler if they stop being so anxious and worrisome. They tend to over think even the smallest problems and this attitude is taking all the unpredictable and fun out of their lives.
planet; Mercury
element; Earth
birthstone; Peridot. The lime, green, gentle Peridot gem, the August birthstone is associated with less tangible qualities of peace, good fortune and happiness. The mellow glow of the Peridot, a soft, light green under the starlit sky or lantern has earned this lovely gemstone the title ‘The Evening Emerald’. The august birthstone is associated with prosperity, growth, dignity and love. It is also believed that the stone has the power to ward away Evil and nightmares, bestowing peace and progress in one’s life.​
Some of us have to grow up sometimes and so, if I have to I'm gonna leave you behind
So far away, away cause I'm still breathing cause I'm still breathing on my own
marital status; Previously married (Widowed)
to whom; Jace Verturino
relationship status; Single
sexual orientation; Heterosexual
purity; Impure
to whom; Jace Verturino
previous partners; Jace Verturino (married), Smauel Phillips (one-off fling)
aimee&samuel; Aimee met Samuel in her sixth year at Hogwarts New Zealand after he transferred to the school. Not knowing that he was in fact her best friends boyfriend she flirted with him and fooled around a bit. After finding out that Samuel was her best friends boyfriend she broke all ties with him and loathed him and herself for her part in cheating on Elspeth's boyfriend.
aimee&jace; Aimee met Jace in her seventh and final year at Hogwarts New Zealand. He was a Beauxbatons seventh year and they hit it off immediately. They spent their final years at their respective schools sending letters back and forward and meeting for dates when they were on holidays. Once they graduated Jace joined the Moutohora Macaws as a Chaser and their time together became less and less. When they were twenty Jace proposed after a disastrous picnic and they got married. Their marriage was cut short by the untimely death of Jace in a quidditch accident.
Some of us have to grow up sometimes and so, if I have to I'm gonna leave you behind
My head's above the rain and roses making my way away cause I'm still breathing
|pre-magical education|
educated at; Kaikorai Primary School
favourite subject; English
least favourite subject; Math
|magical education|
educated at; Hogwarts New Zealand
house; Slytherin
favourite subject; Muggle Studies
least favourite subject; Charms
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Stood in line for so long just to picket something I will never understand
Cause I'm still breathing on my own my head's above the rain and roses making my way away
<COLOR color="#210F38"><SIZE size="50">one; Be Concerned - Twenty One Pilots
two; Grow Up - Paramore
three; Still Breathing - Greenday
four; House of Memories - Panic! at the Disco
five; HeavyDirtySoul - Twenty One Pilots
six; 24K Magic - Bruno Mars
seven; The Greatest - Sia
eight; Lane Boy - Twenty One Pilots
nine; Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People
ten; Best Day of my Life - American Authors

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