Closed Aim and Throw

Isadora Novak

✨ Rebellious | Free Spirit | Angry🍀
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2044 (17)
Isadora never properly cleaned out her trunk or schoolbag, it wasn't something that really mattered to her, and she could usually think of more fun ways to spend her time. But that did mean that in the bottom of her bag were a bunch of old papers from the last two school years she no longer needed. Instead of looking at her book, Isadora decided she should probably clean it up now. It was more fun than studying was, at least. Isadora fished an old piece of parchment out of her bag and crumpled it up, grinning as she spotted a trashcan quite far away. Without stopping to think, Isadora rose in her seat and threw the crumpled up paper, watching as it sailed in the general direction of the trashcan. She missed, but that didn't stop her. She grabbed a second piece, ready to try again.
Although she had hardly made many connections in her first year, being sick for most of her second had killed just about all that remained of Ngawaiata's social life. She had hardly had energy to say hello to anyone between coughs and sneezes. And now that she felt better the idea of trying to re-forge those connections was an intimidating one - where was she supposed to start? Especially with Cameron and Margo being such good friends with Isado-

-Speak of the devil. Just as she had been thinking about the Gryffindor a ball of paper hit her in the leg. Ngawaiata looked over, frowning at the sight of Isadora. "Oh, cool. You've gone from ratting me out to actually throwing stuff at me." She scowled, glaring at the Gryffindor.

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