ahh this is so weird.

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Jon Phillips

Nerd | Traveling the world
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Rigid Pine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Ahh so I need rps for some of my unloved characters pretty much because I want to be posting with all of them again, and it feels like it's been so long since I have done anything with most of them it's pretty scary so coming up I'll have my characters and a little bit about them, but it probably won't be much because I'm brain dead at the moment but you get the picture. Let's plot my babies up!

<SIZE size="100">annie urie;
First up on my list of babies is my gorgeous lifeguard/photographer, Annie, she's nineteen years old and currently living in New Zealand, she moved after graduating from Beauxbatons with really good marks, her life is pretty much swimming, being a lifeguard, taking photos and sleeping. She's really kind, confident, and doesn't try to let anything get her down. Annie's the kind of person that will be the shoulder to cry on, without expecting anything in return, so she just gives, gives, and gives some more. She's a really wonderful girl who can befriend anybody! She's totally sweet and can see things from a third party perspective, so she's really good at giving advice too! I need her to have friends basically, because she's all alone in New Zealand, living in a house built for six, but only occupied by one, so friends all around for her. Not looking for her to have a love interest, because she's currently dating Jacob Holland, and he's damn fine! Enemies for her are out of the question, because she's so kind to everybody, but there could be the odd person who rubs her up the wrong way, but that would be pretty unlikely, because she's so tolerant.
amber wilson;
Up second we have my baby Amber, she's a third year Hufflepuff, soon to be fourth year. Raised in a rich family, Amber hardly ever see her parents sometimes not even for Christmas, sometimes an odd phone call on her birthday, but in retrospect, that's about all she talks to them, because they're always so busy and away with work duties, it surprises her they even have time for each other! She grew up bouncing between various nannies and learning proper etiquette lessons from her overbearing French grandmother. Amber differs from her family's belief that looks are everything, and she sees people's personalities rather than just focusing on their outward appearances. Apart from her strict, and daunting home life, Amber is not a spoiled brat like the other rich teenagers she's met, she's kind to all, yet somewhat shy. Her favourite subject is herbology, as Amber takes an interest in anything involving nature, and the outdoors. Amber's unsure of herself, like a lot of teenagers, and this restricts her from talking to many new people. Especially of late, where her insecurities have got her down an awful lot. So I am looking for Amber to have friends to help her come out of her shell a little more. The more friends for my puff, the merrier!
arielle lemaire;
Third in line is Arielle Lemaire, a third year Slytherin, adamant she'll make her mark in the fashion industry. Arielle was born in France, her and her father moved to New Zealand shortly after Arielle's mother's death, her family is also wealthy, but unlike Amber, Arielle is a bit more materialistic. She's judgemental of others, because of their appearance, but she's also a really good friend once you get past her initial barrier of shallow insults, she's just trying to hide how hurt she really is by the absence of a proper mother figure in her life. Arielle takes a general liking in people she finds useful, and interesting, which is not your typical student, unique traits in others is what ultimately causes Arielle to befriend people. Arielle needs friends, basically, so they'll have to be able to put up with her hurling insults at them before she starts to show her true self, this whole insult thing she's got going on has kind of started to deteriorate away in the last year or so, because Arielle is maturing, so if she's caught in a good mood she'll be happy to oblige to a friendly conversation. She usually takes a liking to other Slytherin, and Ravenclaw students, however she can befriend anybody, really, if she chooses not to insult them too much first.
laura montiez;
Up next is Laura Montiez, a book worm, desperate to be perfect and to differ from her identical twin sister, Isobel, who is far from a good daughter. Sorted into Ravenclaw, Laura has a need to know everything, find out everything, and just has a thirst for knowledge. Laura is kind of down on herself at the moment, because she really does what to be perfect, and because she isn't perfect, it's taking its toll on her. Laura is the kind of friend to focus on other people's problems rather than her own, so she's a really good friend basically, for the kind of people to only think of themselves. Quiet and reserved, Laura is easily made a pushover, and because of her insecurities, she doesn't speak up much when somebody is taking advantage of her kindness. Laura does know how to have a good time, and she can be quite fun when she wants to be, and when she can manage to distract herself from how perfect she isn't. Laura needs friends, to get her out of her rut, and make her feel confident again. Other plots are welcome too, but friends are my main intention for Laura.
jucinda tennison;
Fifth we have Jucinda Tennison, born into a muggle family, Jucinda had no idea she was in fact, a witch until she received her letter of acceptance to Hogwarts Scotland. Jucinda was aptly sorted into Ravenclaw, where her quick learning and natural intelligence soared to the point Jucinda's academics got her accepted as a healer. Jucinda is mostly is reserved, and doesn't like to draw much attention to herself, yet she doesn't blend in to the crowd as much as she would like. Jucinda is cheerful, calm and most of all, kind. Yet she has a fierceness which has yet to be revealed in her day to day life, until the right person brings her ferocity out. Jucinda works as a counsellor, mainly focusing on adolescence, yet her skills branch out to adults also. Her work as a counsellor and healer always come first, leaving her personal life second on her list. Jucinda tends to keep a lot of her intelligence hidden away from her everyday life, she muses to herself, but never shares these musings to others. Not out of insecurities, as Jucinda is a very secure, and confident person, but solely because she's busy with other things. For Jucinda, friends are needed, girlfriends who she can be totally girly around, love interests aren't my top priority for her, but anything is welcome, really.
aiden springfield;
This is Aiden, he's about to graduate from durmstrang and his goal in life is to become a musician. Aiden is hyperactive, and very unpredictable. Some days Aiden is sitting on his windowsill, eating a tub of ice cream, while listening to some classic rock, and on other days he'll be drinking tea on the edge of a cliff, and why? Because he feels like it. Aiden practices guitar anywhere and everywhere, he writes a lot of songs, and his life pretty much only revolves around success in the music industry. Aiden's a nice guy, but the fact that he's unpredictable can be mistaken for him being rude, so he doesn't make friends too easily, but he can make friends when he's not being so crazy. So since Aiden's about to graduate, he'll need a lot of friends, they could also be Durmstrang graduates like himself, they could have graduated from Beauxbatons also, or they could just be anybody really, Aiden isn't the kind of guy to discriminate, he sees everybody as an equal, so friends wouldn't be too hard for him to make. As for the romantic side of things, Aiden has a crush on Madlyn Margera at the moment, so he's taken, basically, but I really just want him to have some friends who'll help him grow as a person.
samuel phillips;
Next we have my favourite baby Samuel! Since he's pretty much graduated now, he needs plots, and he's going to move to France to be closer with his brother, and to have a fresh start. Samuel keeps up an arrogant façade to hide the fact he's really confused about everything, he does things that benefits him and him only, without even so much as a consideration of how it'll effect his loved ones. So to put it bluntly, Samuel's selfish, but this doesn't mean he always thinks of himself, he can be generous at times, and completely selfless, but usually, his own needs outweigh the needs of others. Samuel is part-veela, and he uses this to his advantage, without regretting it. Samuel is also an artist, he paints mostly, and sketches a little, but painting is still his main creative outlet. At the moment, Samuel is angsty, and resentful towards himself because of his parents' death, which he caused, so he's not the best person to be around, and you'll find he's even more sarcastic than ever. I'm looking for Samuel to have friends, maybe a love interest, but enemies are out of the question, as Samuel keeps his head down. He's a very select and en elitist kind of guy, being quite picky in the people he tolerate being around him, so any friends or love interests will have to have a certain spark to their personality.
jonathon phillips;
And last but not least we have Samuel's younger brother, Jonathon. Jonathon doesn't answer to his given name, but instead only answers to the nickname Samuel gave him, which is Batman. Fourteen, and lost within a whole new environment, Jonathon is confused about his life. He has spent all his years being home-schooled, so when his father died, he was forced to live in France with his birthmother, who is French, and was the family's housekeeper. Currently attending Beauxbatons, Jonathon doesn't socialise much, because he hasn't really talked to people outside of his family. But Jonathon is kind, funny, and interesting, pretty much a comic book nerd in a nutshell, he obviously loves Batman, and he loves all cartoons in general, he's kind of eccentric, and doesn't mind standing out in a crowd. But the main problem he has is talking to new people, as he just doesn't know what to do when he meets somebody new, so he can come across as conceited, but really he's just scared of how to act. Although his exterior makes him out to be shy, Jonathon is in fact really confident, you'll just need to persist through his initial quietness. For Jonathon, I'm looking for friends to help him with his social skills, and get him adjusted to this entirely new environment.

That's all for now, and ah it's so weird posting here. Feel free to pm me about this too if that's more your way of working with things, I don't know and ah yeah, plots welcome! I might add more of my characters on to this later, but this is all I've got for now.

For Annie:
[li]I have Elodie Kesslar. We already have epic plottings for them as you know but thought I would remind you of the awesomeness we have in store. If you want to do some more RP's with her she is always around.
</LI><LI>[li]I also have Sibhan Faulker. A very nice but rather eccentric and weird girl. She grew up in Scotland and therefore went to Hogwarts Scotland but recently moved to New Zealand since graduating she is 19 years old. I've kind of neglected her so it would be nice to Rp with her again. And she has a pretty, shiny new play by![/li][/ul]

For Amber:
[ul][li]Katie! As you know they are going to be dating in the future. (Are they still?) Yeah, you already know about her so I don't need to really explain her personality again.[/li][/ul]

I don't really have specifics for the rest but I have:
Annalie Darkhart. She is a Ravenclaw 6th year (coming up next year) and she is a bit of a b!tch. She relishes in spreading rumours and picking on younger, and sometimes older students.
Aimee Darkhart of course. Who is going to be a 7th year Slytherin and is in need of anyone to be her friend. She is seriously lacking in the friendship department and despite her Slytherin status is is a genuinely nice person.

And lastly:
Eliza Beth Stewart. Going to be a 7th year Ravenclaw Eliza Beth is shy but friendly. She really enjoys art and drawing and is a bit of an art finatic. She hasn't really been able to make many friends so yeah need some of them for her.

Any of my suggestions can be used for any of your characters. Let me know :)
Jonathon Phillips said:
samuel phillips;
Next we have my favourite baby Samuel! Since he's pretty much graduated now, he needs plots, and he's going to move to France to be closer with his brother, and to have a fresh start. Samuel keeps up an arrogant façade to hide the fact he's really confused about everything, he does things that benefits him and him only, without even so much as a consideration of how it'll effect his loved ones. So to put it bluntly, Samuel's selfish, but this doesn't mean he always thinks of himself, he can be generous at times, and completely selfless, but usually, his own needs outweigh the needs of others. Samuel is part-veela, and he uses this to his advantage, without regretting it. Samuel is also an artist, he paints mostly, and sketches a little, but painting is still his main creative outlet. At the moment, Samuel is angsty, and resentful towards himself because of his parents' death, which he caused, so he's not the best person to be around, and you'll find he's even more sarcastic than ever. I'm looking for Samuel to have friends, maybe a love interest, but enemies are out of the question, as Samuel keeps his head down. He's a very select and en elitist kind of guy, being quite picky in the people he tolerate being around him, so any friends or love interests will have to have a certain spark to their personality.
To add Jamie must approve of future lovers unless someone wishes to loose an eye <_< ....I had to say something :r
Ahh Melissa ily. Let's get this started.
<SIZE size="50">Yes Elodie and Annie are going to be epically awkward and just epic in general because epicness. Yes we should do one right after she moves in to Annie's house and it's like a sleepover but not because they're nineteen. Shh they won't make out though. So Sibhan is a very nice and eccentric weird girl. Sounds like Annie! They would get along great, or at least they seem like they would. Annie would be all curious about her background because she's just a really curious person, so she'll keep asking questions about Scotland all the time and what it was like to go to Hogwarts Scotland etc etc. I would love to thread Annie with her any day, but not at the moment because we're so focused on Annie and Elodie at the moment, but yes we should rp these two once I'm not so tied up okay?

Ahh Amber and Katie! Yes they're still going to date once they're old enough omg. So should we back up their friendship a little more and work on an rp with our cute little Hufflepuffs? Amber could be helping her with homework or something, I don't know. But they'll be hanging out in one way or another, the circumstance is up to you.

Annalie sounds like such a b*tch. Maybe her and Arielle could meet once and kind of make fun of the students around them, then they kind of become partners in crime for a little bit? Then Arielle would mature out of making fun of other people and Annalie's left all alone.

Sigh, Samuel and Aimee have such a background. Aimee's obviously obsessed with Samuel because he's so perfect and she's not perfect at all. Kidding, they hate each other, we know that, everybody knows that. So why did he invite her to graduation? Because he wanted her to be there so he could avoid Elspeth, or because he really likes her? Again, kidding. But I think a topic where they just randomly bump into each other one day in France after Aimee graduates or something would be funny. Because it'll be all awkward and they'll be too proud to admit there's still bad blood between them, but they both want to seem mature so they don't show how much they get on each other's nerves? Sounds like a plan to me, but it's up to you.

Aimee could also make friends with Laura too? Because Laura's going to be in her seventh year also, and Aimee’s made a good friend or two in the house of Ravenclaw before, so that could work also? Laura should also be friends with Eliza beth too because they're in the same house, and the same year, what would make them not be friends? Laura's a sweetie pie so I don't see why she wouldn't get along with Aimee or Eliza beth!


Fantasti-bubble! Ily you too Anna.

Yes their epicness is awesome. I think this sounds like a very good idea. But we should probably finish the other topic first though :)

Sweet. I think they would get on well too. But yeah, I agree I think we should wait until we are not so tied up with other topics.

Awah yay! I think we should do another RP with them. Because they are so cute. I think Amber should help Katie with homework because that is so damn cute! Please let us do this.

Yay. I like the sound of this. Haha don't worry about Arielle growing out of it, I have some awesome plots for her coming up anyway. So its okay.

Haha yes! Let's do it. That will be really fun Aimee will try and act so cool about being in the company of Samuel.

That would be cool, I think they would get on very well. Yeah Aimee has a few friends in Ravenclaw and she really wants more.

Eliza Beth&Laura;
Eliza Beth would love to be friends with Laura, she maybe shy but I think she would definitely open up to her.

So we have lots of plots, yes?
Yes to everything omg. Would you like me to start the topic for Amber and Katie? If I do that you're starting the one for Arielle and Annalie yeah? Oh and Eliza beth and Laura will probably already know each other from classes over the years and such. That's all I have to say I think.

Oh and Aurore wants to have Samuel's babies.
[color=#00000]Sweet. Okay and Okay. I'll start the Arielle&Annalie one then. I will hopefully have it up by tomorrow if I don't slack around. Yeah they probably would. Do you want me to start that one too?

Bwahaha I know... :)[/color]
Correction: Aurore is going to have Samuel's babies weather she likes it or not, he's just too charming.​
i have wolfie for annie urie if you want him
Awesome, Annie would love to have more friends! Totally game, but what's Wolfie like? His interests etc
what wolfie's intrest's include:
jet skiing, water boat cruising, hunting (with his wolf)
also he patrols the water looking for stranded sea creature's
he has a bubbly personality will accept people quite quickly but will shun them if he doesnt like them.
It sounds like Wolfie and Annie would make wonderful friends! She loves the water so they can bond over that! Would you like to start something or shall I?
can you start it please
Hey there, ^_^
I have Mizelea Brooks here for Jonathon aka Batman. I think Mizelea can help him with his social life and all.
Mizelea aka Mizzy, is a happy-go-lucky girl who loves to makes new friends and isn't afraid to show her personality to the world. She may be the typical hyper girl but she stay like that as long as she can, she's really weird in some way. Adorkable as I call it, she a nice person who loves to have fun in terms of travelling places and stuff. Obviously nothing can bring her down, as she likes to smile a lot and I mean a lot. Mizzy also has her insecurities but as much as possible hides it, other than that she loves fashion, studying, quidditch and music. So I was hoping if her and him could be friends, the fact that they're in the same school. Do tell me what you think, as I'm open to any suggestion/s.

Okay I'll start something up and pm the link to Wolfie's account once it's finished!

Mizzy sounds so sweet! Of course her and Batman could be friends. She'll have to get him to talk first though, because he's been home schooled his entire life up until now he doesn't know how to talk to people at all, so he tends to avoid being social. But once he feels comfortable around Mizzy he'll be totally spontaneous and like Mizzy, adorkable! So would you like to start something op or would you like me to?

Think we could set up some therapy session soon lovely?! I really need a good dose of something strong :r

Dee xx
For Jucinda and Dederick? of course!

I'll be happy to reply with her if you start something up for me!
Whoop replied \o/

It's really bad so I apologize for that fact.
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