Closed ah bah d'accord

Simone Moreau-Chen

beuxs grad ⚡ bonsquad ⚡ sports photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 Inch Swishy Dogwood Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
12/2033 (29)
Simone had been looking forward to coming back to Beauxs since the moment she left. Not that she would have admitted that to anyone, not even Bijoux, Nadine, or Orelie. Paris was great and all but when it was just her and mom, it wasn't exactly the most fun place to be. Besides she missed her friends, it just wasn't the same without them around all the time. She had a couple of friends in Paris that kept her from going off the deep end completely, but it wasn't the same. As she finally reached the door to the dorm she shifted her skateboard and her backpack that hung off her shoulder lazily. She opened the door quietly before kicking it open, she always loved to make an entrance. "I have arrived!" she declared as she threw her skateboard on to her bed and spun around for extra dramatic effect, only to find that she was alone. She deflated immediately and scowled. "What. A. Waste." she said with her hands on her hips as she turned around the room again, taking in the fact she had just made a fool of herself but at least there was no one here to witness it.

She scanned the room for any evidence that her friends might have already been here recently but nothing seemed to obviously point to any conclusion. Simone was rarely early, let alone the first one to anything. It felt strange and a little hard to believe. She ran her hand across her chin as if stroking a long beard and tried to thinking of something that she could do to really take advantage of this rare circumstance. But she didn't have much time because a moment later she heard a voice coming closer and she needed to make her plan quick. She grinned mischievously before quickly hiding her skateboard and backpack under her bed, and tiptoed toward the door as stealthily as possible. Simone stood behind the door and pulled it open so it covered where she was hiding behind it. She held her breath and waited for someone to walk into the room and she didn't have to wait long as she watched the silhouette of one her friends walk inside unsuspectingly. Simone waited just a beat before jumping out from behind the door and yelling, "Ahhhhh!"
Nadine's holidays had been fine, but she had missed Beauxbatons. The school was so beautiful and so full of adventure that her home always seemed a bit boring in comparison. It was fine, but she didn't have a ton to do on her own. She sometimes wished she had siblings, but knew her parents were too busy to have a baby. Nadine had mostly spent her time in the back garden of their house, flying on her broom. They lived far enough away from any muggles that it was doable as long as she didn't go too high, but that did mean that practicing actual Quidditch manoeuvres was difficult. It was hard to imagine herself soaring triumphantly over the Quidditch Pitch when she was flying low enough to the ground that her feet were touching the taller grass.

Quidditch was really Nadine's only real passion, and her friends sometimes made fun of her for how single minded she was about it. But if they would just try it, they would see what she meant. Sometimes it felt like they didn't really listen to her that much. Nadine was distracted by her thoughts as she made her way into the dormitory. She only had time to notice it seemed to be empty, when suddenly Simone jumped out at her from behind the door. Nadine screamed and jumped back, waving her arms to hold her balance. "SIMONE!" She yelled, annoyed and a bit embarrassed by her own reaction. "What was that for?"
Summer back in the States was always a fun excursion for about two weeks before the humidity and her parents' dorky excitement wore her down and she missed France. School was starting to get trickier this year and she wondered what she and girls might be able to plan to keep themselves sane this year, she'd need something to look forward too before they all had to take exams. Getting back into the dorms, Orélie took a moment to admire the familiar halls, resettling herself back into school-mode.
She could already hear yelling ahead, recognizing Simone and Nadine's voices and rolling her eyes. She was smiling though as she brushed past Nadine, she really had missed them. "Is it already time to yell at Simone? We made it what, five minutes?" Orélie said with a dry sigh as she stepped around Nadine in the doorway. The girls in her dorm could drive her up the wall sometimes, but she wouldn't trade it for the world. "I'm going to construct a barricade until you get two months worth of mischief out of your system, Simone." Orélie said, dumping her bag on her bed and turning to the other girls in her room, barely schooling her expression into something stern before grinning again.
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Bijoux was returning to Beauxbatons with a focus she hadn't ever had before. Pieces had been put together, and Bijoux had a plan. And coincidentally, she suspected that phase one of that plan would make one of her best friends very, very happy. Friends who she was beyond excited to see again. While Bijoux had spent the entire holidays dwelling on her change in circumstances, as soon as she had returned to Beauxbatons, those concerns had been overwhelmed by joy at seeing her friends again. Following Orélie into the dorm, Bijoux couldn't help a cheeky grin at the sight of Nadine's distress. Sneaking up behind her quickly, Bijoux wrapped her arms around Nadine in a surprise hug and scooped the girl up, laughing as she spun her around quickly. "NADIIIINE, MY LOVE!" Bijoux said cheerfully, setting her down once they had completed a full 180. She kept her arms around Nadine though, resting her chin on the other girl's shoulder with a cheeky grin. "I missed you all so very much! I'm so glad we're back!"
Simone somehow managed to actually fall over laughing as Nadine screamed and failed around trying to keep her balance. She kept laughing to the point where her sides hurt and tears were nearly streaming down her face when Nadine started to scold her. Simone was sure this was going to be the year Nadine finally killed her. But thankfully she was spared that gruesome fate when Orelie strolled in closely followed by Bijoux.

She tried to catch her breath just long enough to speak. “When is it not yell at Simone time?! And how dare you act like you could ever resist my mischief!” she said with a grin as she stood up and finally started to regain her composure. “I missed you too!” Simone yelled and joined Bijoux in hugging Nadine and nodded for Orelie to join the newly forming group hug. “This feels right.” she said with a content sigh and rested her head on Nadine’s other shoulder.
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Nadine huffed as Orélie came into the room and asked if it was already time to yell at Simone. She sounded like she thought Nadine was overreacted, at least, until she talked to Simone more. A little bit appeased, Nadine's stance relaxed. "She scared me." She muttered, brushing her hair off her shoulders. "That's childish, and-" Nadine yelped as she was suddenly hugged from behind. "BIJOUX!" She yelled as the other girl spun her around, though a laugh escaped her too. "Put me down!" Thankfully, she did, though she still kept her trapped in a hug. "If you missed us all, you shouldn't just hug me." Nadine said, though she didn't really try very hard to get out of her grasp. But then Simone joined the hug, and Nadine groaned. "You guys, are you just picking on me because I'm short?" She reluctantly allowed the hug, though she jabbed Simone lightly in her side for the earlier scare. She then turned he gaze to Orélie. "Save me?" She asked, her eyes big and pleading.
Orélie would never stop being impressed without loud they could get, and so quickly, smiling when Bijoux scooped up Nadine. "I'm a sucker for your wiles, Mo," She said, blowing Simone a kiss. "But I will not hesitate to smother you in your sleep if you try anything last year," She said, emphasizing her point with a jab of a finger.
It was hard not to want to laugh at Nadine's pitiful little face as both Simone and Bijoux ganged up on her. How sad to be so loved. "Aww, ma pauvre bête*," Orélie said, full of mock sympathy as she opened her arms wide, joining the group hug and smothering Nadine in the middle. "I missed my girls," She said with a happy sigh, giving the bonsquad a tight squeeze before letting go, planting a quick kiss on Nadine's nose. "So, what's new? Any grand plans for this year? Any startling revelations?" Orélie felt like she should ask now, before any of the girls could blindside her, though Simone was usually the only one pulling anything she had to plan ahead for.

*Cajun french for "poor thing/poor creature"
Bijoux laughed in delight as Simone joined the embrace. "Group hug!" She said cheerfully, nuzzling Simone's shoulder slightly. She giggled at the other girl's petulant comment about her height. "And because you're cuddly." She said cheerfully. Bijoux giggled in delight as Orélie joined their hug, squeezing Nadine again before finally letting her go as well. She stepped back and flopped unceremoniously to a sitting position on Orélie's bed, pulling her legs up to fold in front of her. "Actually, I've got a plan!" Bijoux announced cheerfully, nerves jittering a bit as she prepared to finally let her friends in on part of what she had decided over the holidays. Though Bijoux was still sorting out how she felt about the reason behind it, Bjioux couldn't exactly carry out this part of her plans without her friends finding out. "I'm going to join the Quidditch team. I've been practicing all holidays." Bijoux giggled, reaching for Nadine in faux sorrow. "Finally, I'll win your heart..." Nadine's heart played no part in Bjioux's plans, but her friends certainly didn't need to know the real reason for now.
Simone held her friends tight. “And it would be a glorious way to die, Lie.” she said with a content sigh as Orelie joined the group hug. It was nice to have the whole bonsquad together. And it also wasn't the first or the last time Orelie would threaten her life. That just kept life more interesting around here.

Simone plopped down on one of the chairs in the room and kicked up her feet. She was about to say something dumb in response to Orelie's question as she leaned back in the chair and absentmindedly twirled her hair between her fingers. But she was not prepared for what Bijoux would say next. “You?! Join the quidditch team?!” she asked in disbelief, feet falling to the floor. “I think there might be easier ways to win our sweet Nadine’s heart.” she said sympathetically and she silently started to think of ways she could talk Bijoux out of this. It was one thing if Nadine nagged them about going to games, but if they were both on the team there was no way Simone would be able to get out of them.
Nadine groaned as Orélie joined the group hug, though she didn't really try that hard to get free. She knew by now that her friends wouldn't push her too far. She scrunched up her nose as Orélie kissed it. "I missed you too, but I think I forgot what you all were like." She said as she rubbed at her nose. But she smiled, showing that she didn't really mind. She shrugged at the question. "Just Quidditch." She said as her friends finally let her go, knowing that her friends would be a bit tired of this answer from her. But then Bijoux shocked her. Nadine whirled around to look at her with her eyes wide. "Are you joking?" She asked her friend, narrowing her eyes at her. "Do you really want to join?" None of them had ever shown any interest in joining the team, no matter how much she had tried to convince them. And now Bijoux just annonces it, just like that? Nadine wondered if she was trying to mess with her a bit more, but using Quidditch for that wasn't really fair.
Orélie dropped onto her bed after Bijoux, propping head up on her palm and resisting the urge to nudge Bijoux with her toes. "Shoes off the bed," She said half-heartedly, tilting her head more to Nadine and trying not to roll her eyes at the mention of Quidditch. They knew Nadine would be playing Quidditch. Nadine was always playing Quidditch. It was very cute until it was annoying. "Wait what, you too?" She asked, sitting up more when Bijoux announced her intentions. This was why Orélie asked ahead of time, because it was just like one of her friends to pull some harebrained scheme. "Why the sudden change of heart? No offense, Nadine, but I figured that ship had already sailed by now," Orélie almost felt a little bad saying it, especially if Nadine was really excited at the prospect of Bijoux joining. It didn't seem like something she would joke about, but it was certainly out of left field. Quidditch wasn't bad or anything, Orélie just never cared for the hype. "Besides, who will help hold up our big glittery Nadine sign if you're on the team too? You can't expect Simone to do it, look at her, she's a deadbeat." She said waving a hand and hoping Simone would play along.
Bijoux's face fell slightly at Simone's disbelief and she put a hand to her brow in tragedy. "Yes, I will join the Quidditch team!" She responded, grinning at Nadine. "No joke! I'm going to try out for Keeper, I know you need one. I've been practicing all holidays, I figured it was about time I broadened my horizons." Bijoux smiled, leaning against Orélie slightly. "I'm sure you can handle the sign without me. Or, you could join too." Bijoux grinned and waggled her eyebrows. "We should all do it together! We've left poor Nadine all alone too long, and it'll be a fun new adventure! Plus, what other opportunities do we get for a group holiday to another country?"
This year was already not turning out like she had expected and it had only been a matter of minutes. “Yes! Simone said quickly. “We have the Nadine sign to hold up. And with you playing that makes two signs needed. You really expect Orelie to do all of that all by herself?” She joked, but her tone was not a light as it was just moments before. Bijoux could not be serious. Quidditch was always Nadine’s thing. She was good and they supported her but it was always just that. Simone looked down at her dirty shoes for a second and tried to think. On one level she knew this wasn’t a big deal. But for some reason it also made her feel unsettled in a way she didn’t like at all. It felt like a huge change, a complete shift in dynamics between them and it was all wrong. Even when it wasn’t a big deal at all. But Simone really wasn’t expecting Bijoux to suggest they all join the team. She was speechless for a moment before snapping back to her usual self. “Oh my god you’re serious.” She said incredulously. “A group holiday sounds great but I barely know the rules!” She whined and slumped in her chair, putting the back of her hand to her forehead for dramatic effect.

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