Closed Again?

Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
Killian Borisyuk went out and bought a pink diamond engagement ring for Amethyst-Rose. It had a rose on it, and a matching band for him - but he had that hidden. He knew where it was, at all times. And he kept it at a height he knew that Amethyst could never reach, which was almost everything above five and a half feet off the floor. Killian glanced at the date, and knew for a fact that this was their fifth year anniversary, so he wanted to make it special. He spent ages thinking about it before he finally found the ring, and then worked up the courage. The latter was easier because he was so picky. He dropped by the Hospital Wing to deliver a note to her via another nurse - another blonde one, and went back to his office to wait. Rather than sit down, he leaned against his desk and waited for Amethyst to come along. He had his robes off since he did not want to be too uncomfortable. After all, he was going to have to get on his knee either way. It was the best way to even look at her in the eye, sort of.
Amethyst wasn't what one would call pleased with her current situation. She had barely been back to work for a year and here she was, pregnant again. What was in Killian's DNA? She had gotten the note that he'd had delivered and she looked down at it. She had no doubts exactly why he would want her down there - they often met in between his classes to hang out, sometimes they'd eat together, sometimes they were too busy getting lost in each others eyes - or something like that.

Amethyst popped through the door. She looked at him and offered a smile - but it was strained considering this little lunch date wouldn't be quite so pleasant. "Hey, got your little note - don't you yell at students for passing these?" She teased.
Killian kept his eyes on the door, working to keep his nerves from popping up. After all, this was a big step that he was willing to take. He watched as the door opened, and Amethyst peeked in. He could tell right away that there was something up, but maybe it was just her work. "No, if they want to pass notes and miss out on information that will be in their exams, that is on them." Killian made a careless gesture with his hand, as the other rested in the pocket of his jeans. "I thought that now would be a good time to talk, although it looks like you have something going on too." Killian wondered what it could be, since it wasn't like he had seen her pregnant often. He freaked out the first time, but he wasn't about to do that again - though he also didn't think they were going to have more so quickly either.

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