
Tally Amis

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Tally wandered Obsidian Harbour, people watching as she walked. She had decided to wear her fairy wings she had gotten as a present when she was 7 as a joke, but people kept shooting her dirty looks. She kept her head bowed, trying to avoid hitting people with her wings when she ran head-on into a person. Tally immediately began mumbling her apologies and asking if they were ok.
As Rachelle walked down Obsidian Harbor she had a million thoughts racing through her head. She kept her head low, hoping that she could just get to her destination before nightfall. When she was attacked in the face by a girl wearing butterfly wings. Then in a state of shock said "I am so sorry, I wasn't watching were I was going. I'm Rachelle."
Tally looked up and said, "No it was all my fault really. I'm Tally. What House are you in?" Tally could tell this was a girl about her age, and if she was in Obsidian Harbour, then she was going to Hogwarts. She also made it a point to ask people what House they were in, just in case she might be seeing more of them. She looked the girl up and down and didn't like the way she looked. Tally hated the dyed hair color look, and scowled at Rachelle.
Rachelle scowled back at the girl and in a proud tone said "I am in Ravenclaw!" She decided that she wouldn't get along very well with this girl... She seemed like a Goody Two Shoes.
Tally immediately wiped the scowl on her face when she realized the other girl had seen her expression. She cursed herself for not being able to hide her emotions again. She was getting worse and worse at it. "That's cool, so am I." She said, attempting to be nice. Tally could tell the girl was arrogant, but chose not to voice her opinion of arrogant people.
Rachelle had about had enough of this goody good. Though Rachelle tried to be nice and said "That's cool, maybe we will see each other." She could tell the girl didn't like her very much.... Though maybe they could be friends if she could convince the girl that she isn't a bad person.
"Yeah, maybe." Tally said thoughtfully. Her first impressions of the girl were arrogant, mean, and full-of-herself, but that was just her tendency to see the bad in people. She decided to give Rachelle a second chance and said, "So...what are in interested in studying at Hogwarts?" It was only asked halfheartedly, so she adjusted her wings to distract herself.
Feeling bad about her first impression, she calmed down and said "I am very excited for Defense Against the Dark Arts. What about you?" She now felt really bad and became quiet and allowed her muscles to stiffen and her head to droop.
Tally thought about the question for a moment. "Well, I can't wait for Defense Against the Dark Arts either, but I can't wait for third year so I can take Divination. Care of Magical Creatures should be interesting, as should Potions, but Divination is the one I want to take."Tally had always been intuitive to other people's feelings, emotions, and next words, so she hoped it might be something she could use in Divination. "Why do you want to take DADA?" She asked out of curiosity.
Feeling a bit more comfortable Rachelle replied, "I don't really know, I just find it interesting. Though I have to agree with you on Divination and Animal Care. They sound fun." :) She decided that this girl wasn't so bad, she began to think that they could POSSIBLY be friends.
Tally sense the girl warming up to her, and decided that she might as well try to be friends with her. Maybe it could help her later on. "I want to learn about thestrals. I've been reading up on magic, and thestrals are by far the most interesting creature. Thank goodness I can't seem, but sometimes I wish I could."Tally realized she was warming up to Rachelle too, and smiled at her.
She smiled back and looked in the background and realized it was getting dark. Rachelle in a panic said "I got to go! I need to get back to the dorm to meet someone. Will I see you later?"
Tally could see the look of panic in Rachelle's eyes and said, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll see you considering were in the same House, but what's wrong?"
In her haste she ran away, though to be polite she hurry and replied "Nothings wrong I just need to meet someone and am in a hurry, see you later!" Then she continued to turn around and run off, hearing her feet clatter on the hard, cold ground. She looked back really happy to have met Tally. Though the thought was quickly shatters ans she was on her way.

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