after the match

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
the gam was over and despite the best efforts of the gryffinpuff team they had lost. they had been in the lead since the start but the stupid snitch had been caught by the other team giving them a the edge. she had left the pith with her brother and together they had made their way up to the hospital wing. briar had sustained a couple of hits with the bludgers during the game, it was surprising that there weren't more, as she had been like a bludger magnet. the first hut had not been serious on her arm and she had been able to roll to divert the momentum, but the second she hadn't been expecting and i had ht her in her back and caused her to hit her face on the broom most likely breaking her nose. it had bleed a lot during the match but finally stopped. when she had landed she had managed to clear most of the blood of her face but the front of her scarlet robes were now crimson.
Dripping she and Minoas made their way up to the hospital wing. Briar didn't talk much whilst she was playing the adrenaline and intensity of the game had dulled the pain but now she wasn't focusing on anything it was coming back. she was used to pain but usually it was the whole body for a short amount of time not one point for a long time.
once she entered the hospital wing Briar took a seat on one of the chairs. she had been in here often enough to know the routine. very day for a week each month this year. though she wasn't due for her potion for seven more days. she looked at her brother as she waited for the nurse. "you did a good job out there, maybe we should start training both beater and chaser" she said. she enjoyed playing with bludgers if she was on her own and had therefore developed a good hit, but in a game she loved the action and that was the place of the chaser.
Kate had been disappointed with the outcome of the game.She would of loved to of won it and they had been so close,if Dymetris had just caught the snitch.But he had had tried his best and that was all you could ask for.she had had a good time anyways and there was always next year.She was definitely trying out again.She hadn't had so much fun in ages even if it had been competitive Kate hadn't enjoyed herself that much in a long time.But she wasn't feeling well at all.Her headache was in full swing and her stomach wasn't feeling very good either.Plus she was drenched from head to toe and she could feel a cold coming on.She needed to go to the hospital wing to get some more pain killers for her head ache and everything else that was wrong with her.Her own supply had run out and she needed more.She hoped they didn't ask for permission from her parents or anything because her letter from her parents was in her room and she just wanted to get these and then have a shower and warm up.When she walked in she saw Briar and Minoas there as well.Briar had possibly broken her nose during the match.Kate had been targeted for bludgers at the beginning but she hadn't gotten hit by one thank God.Poor Briar had got fairly battered though.Minoas had done a good job of defending her though "hey guys"She said walking up to them
It was the first time that the young Gryffindor didn't have the energy to climb the grand staircase. Even without victory, his first quidditch match was pleasurable. Of course he hadn't played as a chaser which was his position but he had at least the opportunity to participate and offer his skills. He was grateful for the chance that Dymitris gave him. Playing as a beater was also enjoyable but there were so many times that he wanted to join Briar, Kate and Aphrodite and score a couple of goals. On the other hand, his lack of experience as a beater had an impact on his left hand, the one that he was using to deflect the bludgers with the bat. It was probably sprained, nothing too serious. The nurse would be able to fix it in no time.

Briar next to him looked like she was having a more serious situation. She was silent and he respected that. Although he had so many things to say about the match and so many curses to shoot at the Slytherins and Ravenclaws, he decided to keep them for himself. Minoas had never visited the hospital wing before so he followed Briar who leaded him inside the room. He took a seat next to her as he was making an attempt to move the fingers of the left hand, just to bite his lips to stand the pain. However, Briar's comment about his gameplay was enough to make him forgot his sore hand. "Thanks Bri! I wish I could play with you as a chaser though. We would have aced that match! You and Kate carried on your shoulders the whole team." he replied, not sure if he would like to play again as a beater.

"Hmm I don't know. I mean it was ok, probably I wasn't holding rightly the bat. I was so tensed that I was squeezing it to be honest. Now I think I have probably strained my hand." he said, showing his left hand that was hanging like dead. His attention turned towards the entrance of the room as someone stepped inside. He thought that it was the nurse but it was Kate, the hufflepuff chaser. "Hello Kate! Your last goal was exceptionally performed. Well done!" he greeted her back, congratulating for her performance. "Are you hurt as well?" he asked her as she couldn't be visiting the hospital wing without a reason.
Briar smiled as Minoas said that he wished he could have played as chaser. "with you playing chaser instead of Aphrodite we would have won I bet" she said she hadn't quite forgiven Aphrodite for practically ignoring the quaffle she had passed to her, especially after complaining that she had been a ball hog. she sighed. she couldn't change the game now. "shame i cant do any healing yet. though a proper nurse would be better anyway, i wouldn't trust myself." she said as the door opened and the draft made her shiver. he had forgotten how wet they had gotten. she looked around expecting to see the nurse but instead it was Kate. "Hello Kate. great job with that goal, great job all game." she said realising that the chaser looked a little unwell. "take a seat and Aisling should be out soon, in the mean time i think we should dry off" she said then she took her wand and pointing it at the floor incase it didn't work whilst her nose was broken and wasn't talking clearly cast the hot air charm. thankfully it did work, she than pointed the hot air at each of them in turn to try and dry them out as much as she could. "any better?" she asked before siting back down in her seat and waited, trying to will the pain from her nose away, and it actually started to work.
Kate cursed her sickness,she hated the way she was sick.It was a terribly annoying and plus you never felt good always feeling so sick.She wondered how people did this all the time.She admired them she didn't know if she would be able to be sick all the time.She was feeling a bit queasy at the moment.Since she hadn't gotten much sleep and she was usually very weak,playing a Quidditch match probably hadn't been a good idea.Her body was feeling very weak and her head was really sore.Well at least she had had a good time and she had forgotten about being sick for a while.She smiled weakly at Minoas and Briar"Thanks,ye were really good too"She said sitting down on a chair.He had saved the team a lot of hits and had caused the SlytherClaw team so trouble as had Briar.They had a really good team ad they wee going to win next year.Kate felt much better now that she was sitting down.She still felt queasy "No I just need some painkillers"She said quietly,rubbing her head.Kate was grateful when the room started to warm up. "Lovely,thanks"Kate said appreciating the feeling of warming up.She couldn't wait to feel the work of the painkillers "How is your nose?"She asked Briar
It seemed that the match had taken its toll to most players of their team, although Briar was in the worst situation. He could guess that Kate had probably a headache or something. It wasn't really easy playing quidditch during a storm but catching a cold was another story. "It's ok Briar. Better let the nurse fix that nose. You might cause it bleed more or worse." he advised her as he could imagine that healing arts weren't a piece of cake. His words were interrupted from his teeth chattering, while his jaw was shaking violently from shivering. Briar's spell was so nice that its warmth make him shudder in a pleasant way. "That's much better. Thanks alot." he commented jubilated, cracking his stiff neck.

He had never been to a hospital before. His mother was a healer so whatever his injuries or sicknesses, she was able to deal with them. He hoped that whatever had happened to his hand, wouldn't take long to be back to normal. He didn't want to stay in the hospital wing for the night. A warm bath and a nice sleep in his comfortable bed were the only things that the lion wanted after the match. "I don't think that it's much serious. Thankfully, you hadn't been hit directly on the face by that bludger." he hoped that he was right and it would be just a simple spell to fix the problem. "There were so many times that I was tempted to take out my wand and start hexing. Especially their keeper, the head girl. She was advising all the time her beaters to take you out." he said still a bit furious now that he was recalling those moments in his mind.
Aisling was stressed that morning, the quidditch match had been on, and she was counting on inuries. she had several painkilling potions ready in the back, and some skel-gro in case a student decided to try and heal themselves. She was just bottling a batch when she heard voices in the front room. "I'll be there in a minute!" she called cheerily. no matter her own mood, this was her job, and they needed to see a positive, cheerful face. She tied back her hair, and strode into the room. She grinned as she saw who it was. "Briar Rowan-why am I not surprised?" he joked, seeing all the blood on Briar's robes, she whipped out her wand, and pointed at them "Scourgify." she sate clearly, and smiled as the dried blood was siphoned off the Scarlet and Gold. "Can't have a Gryffindor's robes covered in blood now can we?" she smiled, then turning to the group on whole, "Here are two unfamiliar faces-Aisling Finnigan, nice to meet you." she smiled, then asked; "Now, what can I do for you all?" She didn't recognise the two younger students. She knew Briar well, as she came here every month of her cycle, for the wolfbane potion. She was fond of the girl, she reminded her of herself, and plus she was a Gryffindor-old thabits die hard, and she'd been a Gryffindor herself. she'd had Briar in before for injuries from a bludger, though it hadn't exactly been from a match that time. She stood and waited patiently for them to explain what had happened.
Briar heard the nurse call from the back room. she was glad that it would be aisling helping them she like the nurse. however before the nurses came she listened as her brother and friend talked. briar smiled when Kate said she plaid well "thank you. I am hoping on playing pro when i finish school" she said truthfully. that had been her dream job since she had first learned about quidditch. it meant a lot that people thought that she was good. "I think i have just about managed to dry it up, nothing had bled since she had entered the castle." she said. she hoped that that it wouldn't start again. when Kate thanked her for frying she smiled "your welcome, I cant have you getting ill can I" she said it hadn't been much to dry them all out, and she had wanted to be dry herself.
when her brother said that she didn't think it was serious she wasn't sure if she was referring to the nose or wrist but she knew that she wouldn't let herself be treated until the others were feeing batter. she laughed when he said that he wanted to curse the keeper, and sent a few spots of blood onto her robes. "I know i felt the same, i wanted to do a Transylvanian Tackle on some of the other chasers, and miss aim." she smiled, not sure if he knew what a Transylvanian Tackle was but would explain it if she was asked.
a moment later the nurse entered from the other side of the ward. "hello Aisling, somehow i wasn't surprised to end up here, though I wasn't expecting to meat you for another week. I must be your most regular patient" she said. "at least the colour sort of tit, blood on hufflepuff robes would be worse" she said gesturing to Kates yellow robes. well we need a little help after the quidditch. Minoas had hurt his wrist, and Kate needs some pain killers" she said letting the nurse deal with them first before treating her own injury. she had it just about under control and she had it worse before, frequently.
Minoas shook his head lievely when Briar said that she wanted to do a Transylvanian Tackle on the SlytherClaw keeper. "I would prefer to transform their heads into watermelons." he said, imagining people on brooms, fying blindly around the pitch with watermelons instead of heads. He was going to say more but it was then that the nurse arrived. She seemed to know Briar very well and he could guess why. Briar was taking the wolfsbane once a month and it was logical to be given to her by the nurse. He watched as she was cleaning the blood that had stained Briar's robes and he thought that she was probably a Gryffindor as a student, judging by her comment.

"Minoas Stratis." he introduced himself shortly with a smile after she had introduced herself to him and Kate.
"Umm...I think I busted my hand. I have probably sprained my wrist and when I try to move my fingers, it hurts a bit." he described while demonstrating carefully with his hurt hand. Next time he was going to be more carefully. Hitting heavy, metal balls with a wooden bat, wasn't as easy as he had thought before. "I can wait though if you like to fix Briar's nose. It's more serious. Or maybe deal with Kate's problem first." he chivarlously offered his turn to the girls. Besides, he could deal with the pain a little bit longer if he wasn't really moving his hand.
Aisling laughed at Briars response. She was a great girl. "Definetly, I've come to look forward to your visits." she laughed, walking over, her shoes tip-tapping against the floor. Aisling nodded as Briar explained what had happened. "Accio painkilling medicine." she called, whipping out her wand. One of the flasks she had prepared earlier flew into her hand. "Now, this is a strong enough potion, what strength do you usually take?" she asked, looking at the Hufflepuff girl. She turned to the boy who introduced himself; "Nice to meet you." she smiled, his arm was wrist was probably sprained. "I'll do Briar first, because hers will be faster than yours." she smiled, turning to Briar. "Okay, so without checking-I'm pretty sure you have a broken nose, judging by the angle the break has produced." She took out her wand. "Stay very still. This might hurt a bit." she stated, as she pointed her wand at Briar's nose. "Brackium Emendo!" she stated confidently, and watched as the nose clicked back into pace. "Okay, that's going to be a bit itchy, and you'll have to stay for a while, to make sure the re-placement of the bones will stay in shape."

She then turned to Minoas. "Fortunately for you-I have a potion..." she flicked her wand, and the vial was in her hand. ".. that will heal a sprain. now, show me your wrist." she twisted it slightly, from side to side. Definetly a sprain. "Right, your going to have to take it easy for the next few days, because wrist sprains and breaks are easily re-boken. If it hurts-don't do it. So, you won't be able to prectice quidditch for maybe the next week. The same for you Ms. Rowan-no sports that could even possibly have anything flying near your nose, and no fist-fights." she smiled, she knew for two quidditch players-that would be very bad news, but a re-break would be bad. Also, if Minoas were to break his wrist, he'd be out of action for even longer. Luckily for Briar-her break wasn't in a very active part of the body. She handed Minoas his potion, and summoned a spoon. "Two spoonfuls." she directed.

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