Open After the Game

Blood Status
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Too Young to Care
Curved 15 Inch Rigid Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
07/2051 (16)
Pixie hadn't been disappointed by the Hufflepuff win, but when the room had filled with the celebrating house team and all the others who wanted to share in it. It hadn't been quiet and she couldn't see the party stopping any time soon, so Pixie had put on her jacket and shoes and headed outside, going to exactly where everyone had just been, the pitch. It was quiet now, it tended to be after a game was over, the winning and losing team heading off, and this meant the session was almost over too. Pixie found the hufflepuff stands and just opened her books. She would spend more time here and then hopefully by the time she wandered back to the dorm it would more quiet or just not so busy she felt like she'd quickly get overwhelmed in it. Here was better, it was quiet and she could just read in peace.

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