After The Forest

Imogen Day

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Immy smiled as she walked to the lake front. She'd met a girl in the forest who was now her friend and was walking with her to the lake side. Immy looked at Renee and smiled at her. Once they weren't too far from the Lake Immy sat down on the ground. She looked out at the calm water. Memories flooded to her mind, like the water in the lake. Immy shook her head and turned back to face Renee.

"The Lake is beautiful, don't you think? I've never anything so magical in all my time in Wales." Immy said.
Renesmee walked towards the lakefron with Immy at her side and sat down.She realised that she felt tired and had never walked so much.She streched he self and looked out at the lake.It reflected the castle like a mirror.She wished that she could have a dip in it.

"Yeah it is very beautiful,It enhances the beauty of it's surroundings."she said quitely.She decided that the next day that they had off she would come here to have dip in the lake."It seriously makes you want to jump in."she said admiring the lake.
Immy nodded. She loved swimming but wasn't in the mood at all. She didn't think she'd go swimming for a little while. She wouldn't go until she was once again very comfortable with the water. Immy lay down beside Renee and smiled.

"Go ahead, jump in. I'll watch, don't put off what you want to do." Immy said "The Water might be a bit cold."
"Not now,I prefer warm waters,maybe some other day."she said quickly.She never iked cold waters or cold things.She prefered swmmin in broad daylight so that the sun could warm her up.
"So how do you find the lessons and all."Renee asked casually.
Immy laughed and nodded. She wouldn't have gone into the water either, it wasn't warm enough and cold water isn't too nice. The middle of the day was the best time to swim.

"Classes are fine. I'm really enjoying them.What about you?"Immy said "Aren't we in the same Defence Against class?"
"Yeah they are really fun and they are not even a drag.But they say that it gets bad when you get into more advanced years.I hope I am able to cope with them then."she replied to Immy's question."Yes we are together in the same defense class."she said clearing Immy's doubt.
Immy smiled and nodded. She knew she'd seen Renee before. Immy blushed ever so slightly. She wondering why she'd not made more of an effort to talk to her. Immy smiled at Renee.

"We should pair up in class. If ever we need to be in pairs. Do you want to?" Immy asked smiling.
"Yeah we definately should."she replied to Immy."At least I will know some one who is not in my house for a change."she told her.She barely knew and Gryffindors.She thought she knew a few slytherins but not many of her own age.
She knew a few people from her house. Most not very well, but she knew them. Immy also knew a few people from other houses. No Slytherin's however. She'd met a few slytherins from the fashion group but in the time she'd spent, Immy hadn't really spoken to them. Immy smiled and nodded.

"Definitely." Immy said smiling. "I know a few people, both from and not from Gryffindor. As I said to someone else, we have time to get to know everyone. 7 years. That's a long time."
"Yeah that is true.But most of the students who don't study hard transfer off to other schools.By the time we will be in our fourth year,we will just be four or five in a house."she said with a sigh.She knew that she would not be one of them.She studied hard and maintained good grades.

"So when is your birthday?"she asked Immy.She wanted to make her a good friend and good friends always knew each others birthdays.
Immy nodded at this. She knew that if anyone in there year might have to drop out it would be her. She had many other things outside of school which could come into play of her leaving. Immy smiled. She was going to try hardest to not leave.

"16th May." Immy said with a smile. "Whens yours?"
Renesmee was usually very attached to the little number of friends she had even if they didn't think of her as much.She hoped that none of her friends ever left because she would be very very sad.

"Mine's on 28th February."she told Immy."Do you have any siblings?"she asked.
Immy gave a small, slightly fake cough. She hated that question. Should she mention her brothers, or just leave them out completely. Immy knew that to make friends it was probably better to leave out many of the details about her family.

"I have a sister, she's called Pixie" Immy said smiling brightly. "What about you?"
Renesmee thought that the name was a bit odd but many of the people in the wizarding world had very odd names.She had a very odd name herself.

"I have an older brother,Jared,but he's more of a pig anyway."she said with a grin.She really liked calling her brother a pig."So what do you parents do?"she asked her.She seemed to be the one asking all the questions.
Immy nodded and gave a small smile. Her parents. Immy was actually unsure of what her father actually did. She hadn't spoken to him in a little while and had forgotten. As long as there was money coming in. Her mother on the other didn't work and never had.

"My mother's a housewife and my dad's a boss in a large factory. I think. I forget. You?" Immy said with a scratch at her head. "Do you get on with your parents?" Immy asked curiously.
"Oh facinating.He's a muggle isn't he?"she asked Immy.She wondered what kind of muggle item did her produce in the factory.A trip there would be facinating.Renesmee didn't know much about how muggle items were actually made.It was surely an interesting subject.

"My father's a member of The League of Monster Slayers.The thing they do is get rid of creatures that are giving trouble to the muggles.The work is dangerous and my mother does not approve of it.She is a housewife but she also gives tutions to younger adult witches on Household spells."she told Immy.She knew her father sounded like some action hero but his work was dangerous and she was always afraid that he might not come back home when he goes on a mission.

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