After Astronomy

Kaela McIlvoy

Well-Known Member
Kaela walked out of the Astronomy classroom, glad to be done with that class for the day. She headed down the hallway toward her common room, wanting to get some homework done. Her mind had been full of a jumble of thoughts lately, so Kaela walked out kind of fast, hoping to avoid everyone.
Ford walked out of the astronomy classroom confused as ever. He had other plans at this point, though. He hadn't been able to concentrate the entire class because he had been thinking of what to say to Kaela. The results of his last few encounters with Sophia were culminating at this point. He caught up to Kaela, "Hey, Kaela," he said dryly, "We need to talk."
Kaela stopped when Ford spoke to her, her heart stopping. She turned to look at him with a grim look on her face. "Yeah?" she said softly, trying to brace herself for what she was sure was coming.
Sophia walked out of the classroom and immediately looked for Ford. He had left before her and she wanted to catch up and talk with him. However, upon exiting the classroom she saw Ford speaking with Kaela. This should be interesting, she thought and walked a bit down the hall. Sophia stopped in a spot where she could still hear what was being said without being too conspicuous.
"Listen," he said, taking a deep breath. "I'm don't know what to say, but this just isn't working any more; you and me." He seemed to have lost all thought of what to continue with, so he let it sit in the air between them.
Kaela took a deep breath and looked down at the floor. She was unable to stand the sight of Ford, her chest physically aching. Although she had to admit that the relationship was a dud, it still hurt that it was over.

"Yeah, I agree," Kaela said softly, staring at her shoes. She was trying with all her might to fight back tears.
This isn't so bad. Ford thought to himself, She's not crying or something. He nodded, "Well, in that case, I'll see you." He said stoically and walked past Kaela in his previous direction.
Kaela opened her mouth to say 'see ya,' but nothing came out. Instead, tears began to stream down her face and she turned, nearly sprinting toward the common room.
Sophia smirked as she listened to Kaela scamper away down the hallway without so much as a word. She turned and walked after Ford, soon catching up with him. "Greetings Ford," she said plainly, her pale face now back to its emotionless state.
Ford turned as Sophia spoke, a brief look of surprise flashed across his face, but to notice it, one would have had to expected it, for it quickly reverted to an aloof and bored expression. "Hello Sophia."
"How are you doing?" she asked casually. As Sophia was waiting for an answer she spotted a flier on wall behind Ford. She stopped and walked over to it, reading it.


"Interesting," she said as she looked at the poster. As not only a member but an officer of the Sorority Sophia was no doubt expected to attend. An idea came to her mind, but she kept her expression passive as she stared at the flier.
Ford followed Sophia's eyes as she read the flier. "Aren't you the Judicial Chair of the Sorority?" Even though they hadn't been dating for about a year, Ford recalled that her position had been rather important for the girls.
Sophia moved her golden eyes from the flier to Ford, turning her body slightly toward him. "Yes, I am. Because of that I am required to attend the event. I only hope it will not be too terribly drab."
Ford felt a familiar haughtiness and apathy returning to his veins as he stood there with Sophia. "Do you want to go to it with me?" Ford cocked his head.
A slight look of surprise came over Sophia's face. "You would go to the Banquet with me? But what about Kaela?"
Some figment of emotion pulled inside Ford, but he ignored it, "We broke up." He declared plainly.
Sophia of course knew that they had broken up, but she wanted to hear Ford say it. Also, she did not want him to believe she had been listening. She looked at him with interest, her golden eyes showing only the slightest hint of emotion.

"Oh, that is too bad," Sophia said plainly. "What happened?"
"Just drifted apart, I suppose," Ford said. Inside, he was surprised to find some sense of remorse, but he was speaking the truth, to his mind, anyway. He didn't feel the same way about Kaela as he did before. Intellectually, he was coming to the realization that he was conversing with the final catalyst in the conclusion of that relationship, but he was prepared to deal with that entirely in the middle of the hallway.
"Oh," Sophia said, unsure of what else to say. "So, is it all right for you to go to the Banquet with me though? It is awfully soon."
Ford shrugged, the slighted waver in his voice revealed some remorse and regret for his actions, but he covered it well, "It's alright," he said.
"Are you sure?" Sophia asked with a bit of concern in her voice and her eyes. She needed to know that Ford wanted to go with her.
Ford nodded, "Yes." He confirmed confidently.
Sophia smirked, glad to see that Ford was confident in his answer. "All right then, it is settled. I will buy the tickets tomorrow."

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