Alternate RP After All These Years

This is a roleplay outside of the site's canon.

Jai Michaels

Soft | Chef | former Puff
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
His forever
Set during Jai’s and Chal’s wedding

Jai couldn’t believe that after all these years, they were finally here. They finally got married, the ring that Chal got him finally wasn’t just serving as just a memory of him, it was his actual wedding band. Something he couldn’t have even dream of when he was a teen. Yet, here they were. At their wedding, the most special day of their lives, at least one of them. Jai and Chal had arranged a beautiful zen garden for their wedding at their house. Well, Chal had made the garden, Jai was more following Chal and looking at what he was doing, he was trying to lend a hand where he could but well, Jai was a cook after all. So he had cooked a lot of food, Japanese, English, a little bit of everything. He also did his best to include foods that he and Chal used to enjoy back at Hogwarts before their break up. They even had tea ceremonies there, Jai loved it all.

However, what was something that Jai gave his everything to, he went back to Japan to find his parents old cups of sacred sake, something he didn’t accept when first getting married but Chalcedony was the person he wanted to give it to. The only person that Jai had ever loved and he had no way of saying it in the more meaningful way than this.

So after the reception, Jai took Chal, his husband, aside down to the sweet old Wisteria, the plant that symbolised their love through all the years. He had left there a big masu of wooden lacquer wood that held a special Sake set made by his parents. They made it many, many years ago to Jai’s first wedding but he refused to use it, and now it was time for that. Of course he wasn’t gonna make the big ceremony of sake sharing, so he just had tea with him to use it on the sake set. “Chal, come here, I need to show you something,” he lead his husband with him to the planned surprise.
Chal had resigned himself to life as a bachelor long ago. The crazy old cook with little more company than an army of his sisters kids and grandkids and great grandkids and a home full of plants. But then the unthinkable had happened- his nephew had come sauntering in one day with his lost love in tow, and everything Chalcedony thought he'd known had been flipped onto its head. And now? Now he was still a crazy old man with more plants than sense but somehow- somehow, miraculously, he was dressed in his best suit with the man he'd spent a lifetime loving on his arm.

Chal felt like a shy schoolboy, just trailing along wherever Jai had the will to pull him. Chal was still half convinced he'd died and this was just his heaven. He couldn't keep his eyes off his husband, hardly believing the thought even as Jai laughed and smiled and they milled about with their guests. Eventually, he was pulled somewhere. Chal didn't really take notice of much, too busy staring at Jai like a silly little kid. "Hm?" He managed, just reaching out with the intent to brush Jai's hair behind his ear.
Jai couldn't help but smile at Chal. "God, you're my husband now," he murmured as he let Chal brush his hair before leaning in to kiss him. It was his husband, like it was supposed to be. Jai was Michaels now. Jai Michaels... he loved how it sounded, not like he was just dreaming about that his entire life but now it was real. Jai Michaels was real. No Jai Chen anymore, it was Jai Michaels. Through and throughly his Jai. "Sit down, I have to show you something," he pointed towards the pillows he had put under the wisteria. As much as Jai wanted to be closer to Chal in the moment, he sat in front of him, having a big sake box witj masu right in between them that he carefully opened. "This is sacred sake set. My parents made it themselves back when we both were in Hogwarts. I was supposed to use them for my first marriage but I always thought that I wanted to give them to you when I met you. I just knew I will eventually see you," he softly spoke as he pulled the sake out. Back in the days, his family didn't have enough money to buy them somewhere expensive, so his dad made them and mom painted them for Jai. "In Japan we have a tradition "Kagami biraki" when at wedding we drink from three different masu cups, I have the sake ready and would you want to do the tradition with me? After that, the set is yours," he knew that Chal will agree but just in case, he decided to ask before pouring.
Chal chuckled, kissing Jai gently. He let himself be seated, still just watching the man with his quiet love clear in his eyes. He did eventually lower his eyes to see what it was his husband was referring to. His breath caught and he reached out, stopping just before his fingers could brush the sake set. "They're beautiful," He agreed gently, nodding his assent. He shifted a little nervously. "Is there, ah... a certain way to do it?" He murmured, peeking up at Jai. He didn't want to mess it up if it meant so much to his love.
Jai saw the look in Chal's eyes and he quietly said: "I love you too," before starting to explain the tradition. "Well, it's usually a ceremony and all that but I didn't wanna do it that way. So... we usually drink 3 sips of sake from the masu, you take three sips from one masu, then I take three sips from the same masu, then we move to the second masu and then to the third. We move from the smallest to the biggest," he shortly explained what they were gonna do first before moving to the next part. "Here you see the cups, they are the ones my parents made. Masu are these little wooden boxes. We put the cups in the masu and then fill so much that it's overfilled and then take the cups out and drink from the box. Sake is just a little bit stronger than wine," Jai finally started to pour the sake in the cups. "The three sips mean sealing the marriage."
Chal smiled softly, his eyes tracking Jai's movements as the man explained what they were doing. He shifted, trying to fold his tall, aching frame a little more comfortably in his seat. He hummed, nodding to show he understood. "I've had sake before, Jai," He teased with a gentle smile. "I'm old, not ignorant," He laughed lightly as he adjusted his glasses on his face. "Is it a special kind of sake?"
Jai shook his head and blushed as he chuckled at Chal's answer. Of course he has had sake, it only made sense, he had no idea why he had assumed that his husband had never tried sake and he had to explain it. "No, just a normal sake, nothing special. The special moment is in the tradition itself," he answered to Chal's question before giving him the first sake. He wanted Chal to start it so he would have time to make sure he felt comfortable with everything.
Chal chuckled softly, and followed Jai's instructions. He took the first sip of sake almost reverently, keeping his eyes on his husband. He smiled warmly as he set it back down. "Is it now your turn?" He murmured softly, not wanting to mess this up. He could vaguely recall studying this when he was younger, but it had been so many years the details were a bit lost on him. He really should've brushed up on his reading since he and Jai had been reunited, but he'd been a little sidetracked with the wonder of it all.

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