After a week...

Alice Hills

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kate v.1 [Main]
Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Alice walked up to the North Tower. She had spent a while in her room getting ready, having put on make up etc. She was dressed in what she viewed as normal clothes, skinny jeans, a long tight top and her hair loose. The effect was pretty, what with an assortment of muggle bracelets and long necklaces that she liked and commonly wore. She was fashionable, that was true, but she never overdid it like some people she knew. She had arranged to meet George up there, havign found it a quiet and mainly unused part of the castle. She also liked the view and thought it more romantic that the common room. Being organised, she had gone down to the kitchens and asked the elves for a little bit of food. Snacks, for she had missed the evening meal having been too engrossed in her book. Opening the door slightly, she put the basket down and walked over to the window, her back to the door.
George had readied himself quite carefully, putting on some better clothes ( that he had never done ). It had been a week since he and Alice got together and he had changed a lot - he had started to make himself look better, and also was more careful in everything. But, he thought to himself, was what a relationship does to you, and he liked it. He and Alice had arranged to meet in the North Tower, in a quite abandoned part of the castle - it was her idea. George thought it a good place, and they would alone and undisturbed by no one. And it was a far better place than the common room. He entered the North Tower, seeing Alice standing there, a basket of food next to her. She was really magical, he thought, standing there, watching out of the window. He decided to leave her there and watch her for a while until she noticed him.
Alice was still looking at the view. It really was magical. It made Hogwarts, well Hogwarts. The lake, the trees, the forest and the mountains. She had heard tales of friends who had gone into the forbidden forest, but she wouldn't go in there, no, it was forbidden. She glanced down at her watch, wondering where George was when she had the feeling that someone was watching her. She turned around quickly, catching sight of George. She smiled, wondering how long he had been there for, just watching her. Walking over, she greeted him. "Hey. How long have you been here?" She asked, wondering if he had made himself known but she had been too caught up in her thoughts to realise. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear gently and smiled, bending down to move the food basket. She had noticed over the past week how nicely George was dressing now. It wouldn't bother her, but she did like the change for the better. He looked better in her opinion.. "You look nice." She said, smiling at the strange way around that this compliment was going.
George blushed, though he often did when he was with Alice. But that wasn't any problem - it was something normal, he guessed. " Thanks. You look even better. " he complimented, as he always did - though when he said it to other girls sometimes he didn't mean it, but with Alice - he always did. She was really someone who could not look bad, even if she had woken up three seconds ago. " I just decided to watch you a bit and not disturb you - you seemed quite deep in thoughts, and I hate to disturb someone that way. " he smiled and went over to her. " Good idea with the basket. " he said, as he noticed it there - it just made everything so much more romantic.
Alice laughed softly as he blushed. It was quite sweet actually, something that she hadn't expected. She smiled at his compliment, but she was really pleased that he had noticed that she had made an effort. She shrugged as he mentioned the basket, for it hadn't been a big thing, just a little extra that Alice had brought for practical use rather than a romantic extra. She tugged his hand and pulled him over to the window. "isn't it beautiful." She said, indicating her hand towards the view. Letting George look at it, she turned to him and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Smiling again, she carried on holding his hand and looking at the view.
" It's fantastic. I've always admired the view. " George smiled at she kissed him lightly. It was so magical. He kept thinking that every time she kissed him. And this really made the view more magical - being here with Alice. He turned towards her again and kissed her, this time for a longer time.
Alice had been hoping for a kiss, and wasn't disappointed. She smiled at him and kissed him back, enjoying the sensation. She pulled away slightly, and walked towards the basket. Picking it up, she perched it on the windowsill and smiled. Opening it up, she produced some sandwiches and drinks. "What do you want?" She asked, smiling at him still.
" Whatever you provide, my lady. " he said, in a sort of a medieval way - he liked to act like someone from a book, film, or from history all together. Just like he had done on the lakefront just a week ago, like Romeo asking Juliette. He enjoyed it quite a lot. And with Alice, she did like books and knew a lot, and it was nice to do it with her. He smiled at her and sat on the ground and held out his hand towards her.
Alice smiled. She felt the need for some good Shakespeare, so decided to go for one of her favourite parts. Most people found her odd as she knew some bits of Shakespeare off by heart, and she didn't care, but she wondered what George would make of it. " Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss. " She quoted, placing her hand in his as the words said.
" Ah yes, Shakespeare always wrote great books and plays. I enjoy them quite a lot. " he said as he pulled her next to him, smiling at the line she had just said. He really admired her for knowing so many lines from Shakespeare, though from what he had learned, she had read them a thousand times. " Well, it's been a week. " he said, not daring to believe it. " Isn't it strange how much we've changed? At least I know about myself, you're the same beautiful and friendly girl I met a few weeks ago. " he smiled again at her.
Alice blushed at his compliment. "Wow, a week." She said thoughtfully, wondering how many more 'weeks' or months they would have together. She smiled and leaned over to kiss him softly on his lips. Pulling back after a few seconds, she picked up a bottle of pumpkin juice and some glasses and poured 2 out. "To a week and hopefully many more." She said, smiling as she handed him a glass and sipped her own drink. She liked the taste of it, but preferred butter beer, a luxury for when she was in Brightstone Village.
George blushed as well, not knowing why. But still, it happened all the time with Alice - she just had that strange effect on him. He was really happy with her. " Thanks. " he said as he took the pumpkin juice and sipped from it. It was quite grand. He did like it more than butter bear, but the latter was also quite good - it made you warm on the inside. Though perhaps being with Alice did the job better than butter bear, especially when she lent to kiss him again. " Hopefully many more, yes. " he said at the toast and inevitably he thought of what it would be like when or if he ever broke up with Alice. Normally, a relationship wasn't meant to last long, but he really hoped this one would last at least a year.
Alice smiled as he blushed, it was sweet. She nodded as he took the glass and echoed her toast. She wondered what he was thinking about, for he seemed deep into his own thoughts. Knowing how annoying it was to be interrupted in a thought process, she stayed quiet and sipped her pumpkin juice. She wondered how long they would stay together. As she had already been in a relationship, she wasn't sure whether this one would last or not and for how long. She liked George, a lot and that is what gave her the confidence. It was too early for anyone to talk about 'love', and at their age it probably wasn't expected to be an emotion felt, but she knew that love would come and soon. She hoped.
George figured, after thinking for a while on the same subject he had before, that the fact that he liked Alice very much, and of course, if she felt the same way, for which he was sure, everything would be fine for now. He sipped again from his pumpkin juice, and wondered what to talk about. A thing about having a girlfriend had always worried him - the fact that every now and then he wouldn't know what to talk about. But he guessed that with Alice that wouldn't be a big problem - after all, she wasn't one of those divas that befriend someone just because he's cool or has a lot of money - they were together with Alice because they really did like each other, or at least he hoped that. But now wasn't really the time for such dark thoughts. " So, tell me a bit about the school you were in before you came to HNZ. " he asked, smiling at her as always.
Alice smiled and swallowed her pumpkin juice that she had just drunk. She wondered for a minute, what to say, but she started talking and it all flowed on quickly. "So it was a nice school in Oxford, and it was quite old fashioned. It had about 50 students in each class and 6 years of school. The head teacher was close friends with my mum as my mum works there still. I had her to teach me one year, and it was really strange to be honest, she never chose me for fear of making a special student or a favourite. If anything, she went the other way. But i had a lovely time there, i knew everyone in the school and the majority of us got on, except for a little gang of people which revolved around Isobel. I hated sports at the school, and the sports teacher told me that i was so bad that i didn't need to go to lessons, so i had extra music lessons instead. That is where i learnt the violin from as i already had a piano teacher outside of school. I never cared for sports, and still don't. It was a nice school and i miss it, but nothing beats here." She said, smiling and looking around at the place that she now viewed as home. "My dad made up a story that i was coming to a special school in New Zealand for talented students. Well, i suppose that is actually true, but that is where my friends think i am now. And apparently Isobel has come away to a special sports school. She obviously loves the attention and keeps training to live up to the story." She added, trying to give Isobel a little bit of credit, for she wasn't all bad.
" That's a believable lie. " he laughed. Being a wizard could be quite difficult in the tries to hide your true identity from the muggles. " Sounds like a nice school. But you're right, nothing beats here. " he said, and looked again out of the window down at the lawn. " 50 students in class? Isn't that a lot? In my school, we were about 30 at most. " he said, surprised a little.
Alice smiled at George's comment. It was believable in the sense that it wasn't exactly a lie, but she thought that he was implying something else. "It was a nice school." She said, momentarily lost in the memories of it. "Well most of the time we were in 2 classes, but yeh it was a lot." She said, remembering the teachers trying to control the reception students - a hard task with the normal amount, let alone with many more.
" I see. " he smiled, hugging her. He liked the feel of her next to him. Thinking of what to say next, he looked out of the window again, looking for some inspiration. Then he decided to continue with the school talk. " So, what was, say, a normal day there? " he asked, wondering what they had done there.
Alice smiled at the silence and the hug. It seemed nice, sweet and appropriate at the time. She was so lost in her own thoughts that when the question was asked, it took her a moment to come to what was being asked, before she could go about continuing with the conversation. "A normal day? Well, school would start at about 9ish and we would be registered and then go into the hall for an assembly. The juniors went first, and then the infants. After about the half an hour talk, we would go to our classrooms. In the juniors we split off into 2 groups and we would do either maths or english. Then it would be break and go outside for about 15 minutes, before returning to the classroom and doing 2 hours of 3 subjects. The subjects would either be art, music, drama, history, geography, re, pe (on a monday and friday) or PSHE. Then we would have another random break and then lunch. After lunch, we would have science or maths/english - the one we didn't have in the morning." She stopped here, wondering if she had given too much detail. Yes, it was quite descriptive, but she felt that it was deserved, for he did ask about a normal day, and that was what she had given him. "How about yourself?" She asked, wondering what his normal day would be like in his old primary school. It felt strange to be talking about that time of her life, it seemed so far away but at the same time, so near as well.
" Well, not so detailed as yours. No registering or anything would go on there. We just enter the school, go to our classroom, and wait for the teacher to come and commence the lesson. We used to go to different classrooms for the different lessons. We had many subjects and all that. There were breaks of 10 minutes between each lesson, which continued 40 minutes. And after the third lesson, there was a big break - 20 minutes, so we can go and eat something. That's about it. Not so detailed, as I said. " he said, smiling. He was really glad to be away from that school.
Alice smiled at his response. "Wow, i like the sound of your school. Not so strict and structured." She said, realising, as she said this, how similar it all seemed to HNZ now. The lessons would go on for a few hours, and then they were free to do as they liked. No problems with learning either, they all seemed as up to date as they needed to be. HNZ, in Alice's eyes, was the perfect school for her...
" The free time here is more though, isn't it? " he said, thinking out loud " I didn't have that much free time in the old school. We were at two terms - first - we start early in the morning and finish about noon, and the second, starting from noon and finishing about seven o'clock in the evening. What about you? "
Alice nodded, it seemed that George had taken the words out of her mouth. She smiled and shrugged at his question, not really sure exactly what he meant by it. "Well, our school day ran from 9 till 3 everyday, all year apart from the holidays." She said, these latest few words sparking off memories of all the different holidays that she had had. Going to Italy, going to France. Once going to Germany. Although, Alice hadn't really enjoyed Germany as much as she had France and Italy.
" Too long for me. We had mostly six lessons. " he smiled. They hadn't had many excursions or holidays at his own school - they didn't even bother to take them to plays or anything. HNZ was so much better. They didn't need to go anywhere, except Brightstone, perhaps. George hadn't been to many countries in his day - only France and Finland. He stood there silent, lost in the memories.

OOCOut of Character:
Testing out new fonts. :p
Alice smiled and nodded. The conversation sort of came to a halt and she looked around hopelessly wondering what to talk about next. She smiled faintly, wondering what other sort of things they could discuss. They seemed to have outdone all the available conversation for now.

(OOC: Thats fine :p sorry for the lame lame post :( )

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