Afanasy Petrokov II

Afanasy Petrokov II

Well-Known Member
Full Name:
- Afanasy Petrokov II</FONT></COLOR>
Date of Birth:
- 26/11/1991​
Current Age:
- 35
Basic Appearance:
- Afanasy is a fairly tall person, though he has a scar on his left arm which his father gave to him when he was really little. He has brown eyes, and is skinny.
- Afanasy likes to consider himself as better then everyone else, and anyone who is below him as lesser beings. Most of his family do just that, as well. He prefers to keep to himself, but enjoys going out to cause trouble. Being allowed into the Death Eaters has only reinforced his feelings that he is better then everyone else.
- Afanasy has a rather large family. Made up of Russians, just like him. His father is named Afanasy Petrokov, just like him. The main people in his family he spends time with are Sofiya Petrokiv, Gavriil Petrokov, and Polina Petrokov.​

- He absolutely despises pets.
Area of Residence:
- Russia.​
Blood Status:
- Half Blood.
- He was brought up into a family of Russians, and a rich family at that. That knowledge has made most of his family think of themselves as better then everyone else.
Special Abilities:
- None.​
Interests or Hobbies:
- Does causing mayhem count as an interest?​

Additional Skills:
- None.
- He has good ears, and is able to hear people coming from a mile away. He is also quite fast, and able to avoid things if he needs to.​
- He will protect his family no matter what it takes. People could play on these feelings.​

Describe your character in three words:
- Up-Himself, Smart, Calculating.
Favourite place to be:
- Away from other people who could annoy him.​
- Only has 'acquaintances'.​

Hogwarts House:
- Attended Durmstrang.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Wanted to be a dark wizard since he grew up, tried to get the teachers to teach his as much as they could.​
Best school subjects:
- Charms, Herbology.​

Worst school subjects:
- DADA, and Astronomy.
Extracurricular Activities:
- All he really does is he tends to fly his broom in his free time, and if he's not doing that he's usually just wandering around looking for people who might be fun to duel.​
- He thought of his graduation ceremony as a waste of time.​

Current Job:
- Death Eater. Otherwise unemployed.
Plans for your future:
- Remain a Death Eater? Maybe get a small job on the side as to remain inconspicuous.​
Your Patronus:
- A dog.​

Your Patronus memory:
- His first kill.
Your Boggart:
- His father.​

Your Animagus:
- Wolf.
Mirror of Erised:
- Him as the most important person in the world.
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A page from your diary:
- Dear Diary,

Today I was crusing through a bar, and there were a hell of a lot of people in there who were trying to start fights with each other. Most of them seemed like they were drunk and had no idea what they were doing. Why do people always seem to be like that? Why can't I just knock them all out and leave them there? Some of them need a lesson in what can happen if they continue to do things like that.

- Afanasy.

Well I have not comment a deatheater before and so this will be fun. You know how much I enjoy this setup but I must say it again it is easy to read and understand and do to the simplicity of this Development it leaves plenty room for growth, so with that let us begin shall we:

Your father sound like a cruel man and his relationship with you seem to help influence the darker side of life, but when did you two fall out with each other? You also speak of a scar that he caused, was this do to a fight? or a punishment?

You are a russian I understand, where you born and raised in Russia? If not then where did you hail from?

You attend Durmstrange, was that a personal choice of yours? If so why did you choose to attend durmstrange?

When you speak of 'acquaintances' do you mean romances or flings? I am getting this from the fact that you are single and not looking? Do you think that you will ever settle down and start a family of your own?

Why no pets?
Your father sound like a cruel man and his relationship with you seem to help influence the darker side of life, but when did you two fall out with each other? You also speak of a scar that he caused, was this do to a fight? or a punishment?

Afanasy and his father fell out shortly after he graduated from Durmstrang, when he struck him causing the scar you also commented about. He struck him out of a drunken rage, and shortly after Afanasy stunned him and walked out of the house. He absolutely despises his father for hitting him, and him being able to cause pain to him is what makes Afanasy think he is better then everyone else.

You are a Russian I understand, where you born and raised in Russia? If not then where did you hail from?

Yes, Afanasy is Russian. He hails from Russia. He was born there, and he only really left to go to Durmstang. Other then that, he was raised there.

You attend Durmstrang, was that a personal choice of yours? If so why did you choose to attend durmstrange?

Yes, Afanasy chose to go to Durmstrang himself. He knew they had a reputation for the Dark Arts, and that was something he had been interested in since he was little. His whole family is something that pretty much revolves around those arts.

When you speak of 'acquaintances' do you mean romances or flings? I am getting this from the fact that you are single and not looking? Do you think that you will ever settle down and start a family of your own?

He means people you would call friends, he really doesn't have the time for them, and the way he sees it he doesn't need them. Anybody he spends time with is nothing other then an acquaintance for him.
I don't believe Afanasy will end up settling down, due to the fact that he really doesn't see the point in any of that, and he doesn't bother with love.

Why no pets?

Afanasy doesn't like pets, they irritate him to no end, and he doesn't like the whole idea of having to take care of them on his own. He would keep them if he had servants or people like that to look after them for him.
Round two

Your father drank, did he drink alot? when he did drink was he often violent and cruel towards you? Where was your mother when he was drinking?

Who is your relationship with the rest of your family? Is there anyone that you are close to in your family?

How was life a durmstrange? Did you graduate from school? Did you have friends growing upp or have you always been a loner?

how were you drawn to Dark magic? Did you have an role models in the deatheater circle that you looked up to? ( like voldermort or bellatrix from old, or you can make one up that is non canonical) When did you become a deatheater and why?

Who was the first person you killed and why? How has the memory effected you as a character?

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