Adult characters

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Well I've not done this role-playing thing in a while so it may take a bit of getting used to :) Ruby's my only character at the moment and will be until the start of the new school year, when her younger sister will come along. She's 23 and only recently moved to New Zealand, I've not quite decided what she's going to do yet, job wise, so I'll be keeping an eye on the applications page. She's friendly and easy to get along with and if your interested you can read more about her here. I'm basically just wanting her to get to know some people, to start the ball rolling with her and develop her a bit more. If anyone has any ideas for an rp I would love to hear them :)
James would quite-happily be her friend, and I need to get rp'ing again so this would be the perfect-opportunity to get-started. :D

James is kind, funny, and naturally-flirty. - James being James, he will automatically see Ruby as an opportunity to have a bit of a one-night-fling. But it's guaranteed that as long as Ruby sets him straight, then they could become great-friends. :)

It's about time that James had a female-friend that isn't a girlfriend/a fling. :)

Tell me what you think. :)
Misty & Ruby
I've decided to revive this character here, Misty, and I think they could be friends.

Misty is bubbly and fun-loving, she stands up for herself, and is very loyal. The words, 'I can't' almost never appear in her vocabulary, as she is competitive, and has many rivals. She is a Metomorphmagi (is that how you spell it?!?!?) so she has fun with that. She is very kind, and funny.

Tell me what you think.
I think that Ruby and Lily could have some fun and get into some trouble together. I also have been on hiatus from rping for a bit now and am looking to get back into the swing of things.

Lily lives in Canada with her husband, Sumner, but spends a lot of time in New Zealand because of her store, Gladrags Wizardwear. She floos back and forth between locations currently because she is in the first trimester of her pregnancy. She also is on maternity leave (which may become permanent) from her professional Quidditch team, Woolongong Warriors, where she is a chaser.

Just as an idea, I could see all four characters in this thread rping together. Maybe something in a pub or restaurant where they end up sharing a table? Or run into each other at the Mall? I am up for something good and fun and maybe a bit of mischief. :D
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