Adrian Maley

Adrian Maley

mortician • arithmancer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Curved 13 Inch Whippy Vine Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
Full Name:
- Adrian Valen Maley

Date of Birth:
- January 3, 2019

Current Age:
- 18

Basic Appearance:
- I stand at a strong 5'7". My most notable feature would be my lips because they are big, but they are fitting to the rest of my face. My physique is slim and dainty. I have a very straight posture, and my face often looks very serious. I don't look very dangerous physically. However, that is not true. My iris' are a darkish gray/silver. St. Mungos said that I my eyes would become darker as I grew older, but they ended up staying that way. The rest of my family's eyes are hazel or brown. I am the first to have such a light eye color. My hair is dark brown and wavy, but I like to keep it straight. My face is oval shaped, and my eyes are smaller then average and almond shaped.

- Adrian is selfish and very territorial. She is the only girl out of five older brother. All of which attend Durmstrang. She feels like she is belittled and looked down upon in her family. She wants to be different and show how talented she is without being compared to her brothers.

- Father: Radius Adrian Maley
Age: Unknown, she honestly doesn't care how old her father is.
Educated: Durmstrang
Bio: My father is always spoiling my brothers. He is so annoying. He tells me to man up, but that is impossible because I am a freaking girl! I got my name from him.

- Brother: Alexander 'Crush' Felix Maley
Age: 16
Educated: Durmstrang
Bio: Crush is annoying and aggressive. He is always going into my room and messing with my things. We call him Crush because he is he is very burly and strong. He is not super-humanly strong, but he can break a table with his fist.

- Brother: Andrew 'Styks' Markus Maley
Age: 16
Educated: Durmstrang
Bio: Crush's twin. He is younger by 3 minutes. He was dropped on his head a couple of times is what I am told. We call him Styks because he is always climbing trees, and he is very flexible. He is a little slow.

- Brother: Markus 'Cutie' Andrew Maley
Age: 14
Educated: Durmstrang
Bio: His nickname may be Cutie, but he is the devil in disguise. He is always pulling pranks on everybody. He is always invading my room like Crush. He is tall, lanky, little muscle, and glasses, but watch out. He is DANGEROUS

- Brother: Felix 'Mint' Radius Maley
Age: 14
Educated: Durmstrang
Bio: Mint and Cutie are not twins. Soon after mom had Cutie she got pregnant wit Mint. He was a premature baby also. We call him Mint because honestly, he is so fresh and smooth. He has gone through so many girlfriends it is unhealthy. He had his own journal with pick up lines and advice on how to pick up girls. I advise that all girls steer clear of Mint.

- Brother: Mishalka 'Ninja' Alexander Maley
Age: 13
Educated: Durmstrang
Bio: Ninja is well, a ninja, sort of. He can take things from you without even making a sound. He is the quiet one of the bunch, but he is still quite annoying. It is like he never talks. Healers say he is fine, but we think he has some serious mental issues. He can perform non verbal magic with ease. He has not talked since he was 3, so we think. Basically he is a mute.

-Mother: Mishalka Ann Maley (nee Garners)
Age: Unknown
Educated: Beauxbatons
Bio: She and father need to get separate rooms, I swear.

- None. Maley's have a high dislike for animals. Reasons unknown

Area of Residence:
- Dunedin, New Zealand

Blood Status:
- Half Blood. My mother is Muggle born.

- My mother is Filipino, so I am half Filipino.

Special Abilities:
- I am very patient and tolerant until you pull the last straw. Does that count?

Interests or Hobbies:
- I want to become an animagus. I am also interested in ballet. I sometimes sing in my spare time, but most of the time I am studying so I can show my brothers up one day.

Additional Skills:

- Determined, Devoted, Willing, and Strong Willed.

- Selfish, Lonely, Holds Grudges, and I never forget the wrong that is done to me.

Describe your character in three words:
- Selfish, Lonely, and Determined to shine.

Favourite place to be:
- In the common room.


Hogwarts House:
- Slytherin

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- I want Hogwarts New Zealand to give me a better education than my brothers.

Best school subjects:
- Transfiguration
- Potions
- Herbology

Worst school subjects:
- History of Magic
- Charms

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:

Plans for your future:

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
- Me with a light aura surrounding me. I want to be a light to the world even though I am selfish.

A page from your diary:

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