Adoptive Family!

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Lamia Lewis

Well-Known Member
I am in need of a character who doesn't mind a bit of a challenge.
This is Lamia, and she is a bit of a hard-case. Lamia was kicked out of her parent's house, as even at a young age, she's rude (to put it nicely).
To be as far away from their child as possible, her oh-so-lovely parents sent her to good ole' NZ.
This is where you can come in!
Lamia needs a foster/adoptive family to take her in. After awhile, Lamia would probably get very attached to the parent if they showed her love. It will take her quite a bit of work though.

On another note, I am also looking for someone who would put up with the harshness that is Lamia for when she attends HNZ. Once a friend, Lamia is super loyal and very protective. A girl would probably be the best to begin with, but I am not objected to a boy.
Also, any victims willing to be bullied by Lamia, hit me up. I know the new year doesn't start for awhile, but keep me in mind!

Donna :donna: ^_^
I have the le feys if you want they can take her in. They take in anyone who needs it. And the tougher the better.
When Lamia enters HNZ, maybe Ai can be her friend... A bit of crazy idea, I know, but it's worth a shot.. xD .. Ai can act like an older sister if she wants to be since she is protective of her friends too.. :p

I have the Kalforovich's if you still need a family. The head of the family is the mother; Taneaka. Since her husband died she has thrown herself into raising her children as well as the children of a family friend that died. She wold happily take in more children and would probably actively encourage her brutally honest and mean behaviour. If she came to this house she would be surrounded by other children though it's a huge house so she wouldn't have to talk to them if she didn't want to, almost all of the other children have huge mean streaks as well and would probably provide good company for her.
Le Fey's & Lamia
I think that the Le Fey's could be a good match, as long as they don't try to 'stamp' the meanness out of Lamia. That would turn her in the opposite direction running. If they could accept her for who she is, then I think it would work haha.

Ai & Lamia
I guess this is dependant on how Ai would treat Lamia. If Ai were mean, Lamia would give it back and a friendship would be down the toilet. Lamia needs someone, as I said above, that will accept her for who she is, and not bully her back. Bantering would be fine, but Lamia doesn't like to lose, and hates it when people are mean to her.

Kalforovich's & Lamia
I am unsure as to how Lamia would react to a 'mean' family if you know what I mean. Lamia would want to feel like she is the queen bee, and would cause a lot of fights in the house if anyone were to be mean to her.
Elsa could be a friend to Lamia? I mean I'm assuming she'll be in Slytherin by her personality, and I know never to assume with the Sorting Hat :p but while Elsa can be sassy and kinda snarky, she'd respect Lamia's attitude and know not to try and fight her because she's be more impressed than anything. Elsa's not generally the type to get in to fights anyway, she'll stand up for herself if she thinks she needs to bother but generally she's pretty relaxed. She kind of just ends up taking people under her wing and looking out for them (that's exactly what her mother does, though her mother is more genuinely kind, Elsa just quietly watches over people). So yeah, she could be a friendly mentor if you were interested?

(I know I'm a slack RPer I'm sorry ahaha)
Elsa & Lamia
Elsa sounds absolutely perfect! And tis quite alright, I'm pretty slack myself ;)
Nah but sounds awesome dear, we shall definitely set something up at the beginning of the new year!
The le feys and Lamia.
I don't think trying to stamp the meanness out of her is the le feys style. They are much more of a "kill them with kindness" sort of family. If she is mean they will not react much so long as she doesn't hurt the other children (nettie and ruby mainly) even if they do react it would probably be something like sending her to her room or asking her to help them with some job or another but that would be rare. Mainly they would hope she works out on her own that she doesn't need to be mean for them to like her.
Ai's rarely mean now... :r ... xD ... She'd treat Lamia as a friend and little sister in Hogwarts...
sure I can start. where do you want it to be?
somewhere general, or one of the magic areas?
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