Adele Needs...:)

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Adele Smith

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather: 40 Galleons
Adele is my Main Character and has recently been through a break-down in her life, as her and Riley have split up.

Adele is devastated, as much as she knows that the break-up is her fault, as she cheated on Riley. But she is gradually getting through it, and things are starting to look up for her. However, since most of Adele's friends were only friends through Riley, Adele is finding herself incredibly alone for the first time since her and Riley broke-up. Adele is in need of some friends...male/ get her feet back on the ground, so she is able too get back into the realities of being a Single Woman.

Adele, although a little depressed at the moment, is a really lovely girl, who enjoys other people's company. She can be selfish to other girls if they don't get along, but Adele has stopped trying to be the best since being single, so is genuinely friendly and thankful to those who talk to her and become friends with her.

I'd also like Adele to have a Best Friend. (Preferably Female.) Someone who can help her take care of her son, Lowan, a young toddler. But also someone who Adele enjoys having a good time with. Someone who enjoys partying as this is the sort of thing that cheers Adele up a little bit.

Thanks. :)
I sent you a PM, its about Kasey and Maddiie. Hope it works out for everyone :)
I have Gerard who is incredibly hyperactive but a genuinely nice guy who would sit and listen to Adele and try to help her out with any problems she may have. I know he's male but he's also great with kids since he is so hyper active and sometimes dresses up as a superhero and could maybe help out a little.

I don't mind. Hope this helps :)
I can offer Isabella Parker as a best friend if you like. She can help with Lowan and she's a party person as well, so she can easily cheer up Adele. Isabella is an outgoing person, she doesn't let anyone stomp her down and stands up for others, so in this case, it will be a big benefit for Adele. :) Let me know.
Gerard if you could start that'd be great.

And Hamza - Yeah Isabella sounds great. :) Most of Adele's friends are/were male, so a best-female-friends would be good for her to rely on :)
Sure. :) Am a bit busy at the moment with work and stuff but will get to it later. Feel free to remind me if I forget. :)
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