- Messages
- 104
- OOC First Name
- Cole
- Age
- 1/2004
Adelaide Reid Nacht

{ I'm a Little Bit Drunk You're A Little Bit Stoned }
I'm a Little Bit Restless We're Both Alone Tonight Tonight
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basics. basics. basics. basics. basics
& name;
Adelaide Reid Nacht
& nicknames;
Addy - A common nickname for her name sake
Delly-Bear - Her father used to call her this, though now it might be reserved for someone more special
Dr. Nacht - A name she acquired after earning her muggle medical degree
& year;
& birthday;
January 23rd, 2004
& house;
Adelaide did not attend a magic school as she is a squib
& sexuality;
& martial status;
Addy is single, and unsure whether she is really looking or not. Though she would love to settle down and start a family.
& wand;
None, as she is a squib.
& blood;

{ Forget The Day You've Had Forget The Loves You've lived
Oh You And I Are Experts At Pretending To Be Kids
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features. features. features. features.
& hair;
Adelaide has semi-long, dirty blonde hair that changes colors in different seasons. As the weather becomes overcast and cold in the winter, her hair is a bit darker; and in the summer it becomes bleached by the sun. Adelaide has her bangs cut so that they are off to the side, and she often pins them back while she is at the hospital. Adelaide has thought of dying her hair darker, but she has not actually gone through with it. There are some days where she feels ambitious and does new and fancy braids, but those days rarely come.
& eyes;
Adelaide has been blessed with large, round, blue eyes. She feels that they are a bit too big, but many girls from the village envied them. She rarely wears glasses, but when she does they frame her eyes wel, and the light that is reflected through them make her eyes look a lighter color. They do look lighter in the winter, and when she wears her doctors jacket as well, but when she wears darker colors they remain a deep blue.
& face;
Addy has a relatively round face, which gives her a more childish appearance. She has slightly chubbier cheeks than she used to, and light laugh lines around her eyes and mouth. She takes very good care of her skin, using natural remedies and what not to make sure it's well taken care of. On her lower jaw she has some scarring from a farming accident that she encountered when she was young.
& build;
Addy is small, to say the least. She stands at about 5'4, and thin. She carries herself with confidence whil at work, though outside of her job it is obvious that she is self conscious about her scars. She is not muscular, but she is lean.
& distinguishing features;
The scars on Addy's collarbone, shoulder, and chin are the most distinguishing marks she has. She does have slight dimples in her cheeks as well, but they are not noticeable unless someone is staring.
& clothing style;
Addy works all odd hours of the night as a doctor, but in her down time, she enjoys conservative clothing. She wears big sweaters and boots often, hardly ever wearing tank tops. When she is at home she enjoys wearing long t-shirts, and sometimes even wears shorts. When she is working out she still tends to wear a parka, as she feels that her scars are unattractive. She takes great care of her clothing so that she does not have to constantly buy it, though she has to admit that she does enjoy shopping on the weekends. Adelaide is not the most fashionable person, her clothing is practical and often vintage, as she was raised for half of her life in an Amish village.
& play by;
Emily Kinney <3

{Wash Off All Your Grass Stains I'll Pull Off My Shoes}
Let's Love Like We Are Kids All Shiny And New
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personality.personality. personality
& likes;
The smell after it rains, rain in general, the way her eyes look when it snows, running, her job at the hospital, working out, reading by the fire, laying out and looking at the stars, dancing (like she would when courting ceremonies were held).
& dislikes;
Her scars, the way her eyes look when she wears makeup, being thrown up on, rude doctors, nurses who can't draw blood, people who bully others, her parents, the restrictive ways of the Amish communities, becoming embarrassed, immature men.
& strengths;
Kind, great with children, smart, strong-willed, caring, and understanding.
& weaknesses;
Is physically weak, has low self-esteem, Has a hard time coping with loss, is a squib.
& fears;
fires, getting caught in another accident like the one before, being treated like she's a child again.
& boggart;
Her father forcing her to return to her village to be a stay at home mother.
& mirror of erised;
To settle down, though she can never see the man she wants to be with in the mirror.
& amortenia;
Fresh bread, clean linen, and the smell after it rains
& turn ons;
Guys who are intelligent, men who are wonderful with children, light cologne, surprise kisses.
& turn offs;
Too much cologne, guys who are not good with kids, being controlled, being treated as a child, men who don't accept her scars.
& personality;
Adelaide is an intelligent and careful young woman, who has been through a few trails in her life. Addy has kept optimistic through everything, including the night that she got caught in some farm equipment and was put in the hospital. In fact, being put in an outside hospital was what made Addy gain her love for medicine. Adelaide had always loved learning new things, in the Amish community learning was a common practice among the young and restless teenagers whom were bored. Addy happened to enjoy reading, and the things she read about became passions for her. She is a very passionate women, and when she has her sites set on doing something, she follows through. That's why, when she was finally out of the hospital, she began her rumspringa and decided to attend a muggle school.
She grew into a beautiful young woman, but teasing in the school made her self esteem plummet, as she began to hide her scars and her body under layers of clothing. She didn't dare become intimate, for fear that she would not be accepted for her scars; and in a lot of ways became withdrawn as she went through medical school.
Addy is confident as she works, but at home she still feels like that same, self-conscious young girl that she's always been. She curls up alone, and now that she's getting older, would like to change that. She has now been on one date, but things with him didn't work out so well. She has been trying to force confidence, however, it doens't always work out in her favor. She never goes past a hug on the first date, because of the lack of self-confidence.
Besides her confidence, Addy has intelligence nearly beyond measure. She enjoys reading late at night, and studying. She is passionate about being intelligent, and having an intelligent man would only drive her passion higher. She is mainly book smart, as she was very sheltered for the first 15 years of her life. She holds strong family values as well, and still looks out for her younger brother, Ademar.

{ Shoots And Ladders, Game Of Chess Connect The Dots Upon My Neck
Climb The Stairs And Take A Chance Pretend We're At Some High School Dance
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history. history. history. history. history
& nationality;
German-Italian, with some Scandinavian blood attributing to her blonde hair.
& parents;

Name: Gustav Louis Nacht
Age: 42
Occupation: Runs an Amish grain store
Blood Status: Muggle
Relationship: Addy has not been in contact with him since she left the village, as he has not forgiven her for disrespecting the family in such a manner.

Name: Katalina Adele Nacht
Age: 42
Occupation: Stay at home mom.
Blood Status: Half-blood (Secretly)
Relationship: Addy and her mother are still in contact, and have been close for a while. Adelaide knows her mothers secret, and it to tell Ademar only when the time is right.
& siblings;

Name: Ademar Nacht
Age: 20
Occupation: Graduated from a wizarding school; now looking for work
Blood Status: Mixed blood
Relationship: Addy loves her younger brother with all of her heart, and has grown closer to him now that they live together. She hopes the best for Ademar in all that he does, but worried about him leaving her side.

Name: Rowen Maria Nacht
Age: 24
Occupation: Runs a daycare in the Amish community for wife's with deceased husbands or vice-versa.
Blood Status: Muggle
Relationship: Addy and Rowen haven't talked in a while, but they both shared a love of books.
Addy also has two younger brothers, though she barely knows them, and an older sister who also left the community; she is not in contact with any of them.
& history;
Addy's history is relatively normal for the first 15 years of her life. She lived in a large, hand made house, with her large family in an Amish community. Adelaide's life was rather dull as she spent her days studying and tending to the farm animals. Her life didn't change until the first time she was to operate a combine tractor. Normally women did not do that kind of work unless the head of house fell ill, and Addy being the only one with a job, was to be taught how to do so. When one foul slip up sent her to the hospital, Addy's life was changed forever.
Her brother was found to be a wizard and exiled while she lay injured in the hospital. Adelaide made a decision right then and there that she would take her leave from the village. She was sad not to be able to see Ademar off to school, but now she had to begin her own life, a life as what is called a squib.
In school Adelaide got perfect grades, however the scars from the accident were heavily talked about, and she began to withdraw from her classmates, not wanting to hear it anymore. She made it through high school, graduating top of her class, and moved on to study medicine, wanting to save the lives of those, as she was saved. She got her degree as a nurse, and while going to school began working in a muggle hospital while her brother studied magic. On summer holidays he would stay with her, now that they are in contact he continues to do so.
Addy has remained shy about her appearance, and through her dating, is often quiet and self-conscious. Adelaide knows she wants to start a family some day, but worries that her scars will get in the way of her happiness. Even so, as a doctor she is confident and works well with her patients. She is known for her colorful scarves even, that she uses to distract from the scars. The other scars, only one man has seen, and Adelaide and he do not speak anymore. They are on her back, and perhaps this is what keeps her from letting them in the door of her house.
& role playing sample;
Adelaide had been asleep for about an hour and a half when her phone went off. She thought it might be work trying to call her in, so she ignored the first two rings. After a few moments of holding her eyes shut, she looked over at the table beside her bed to see who was calling. it wasn't a number that was programmed into her phone. "Hello?" She answered groggily. When she heard the voice and introduction, she sat up in bed immediately. "Mr. Williams?" She stated, she had a knack for remembering names. It was a big part of her job after all. "Blood, what?" She asked, not awake enough to ask what color it was, but awake enough to know he needed her. She heard him sound like he was throwing up, and she heard splattering against the ground. She let her eyes draw wide open, and was already logging in to her account to get the patient records up. "Mr. Williams, Mr. Williams!" She exclaimed. He had passed out, and Adelaide became concerned for him. Just barely grabbing her keys and a coat, Adelaide left her house, still in her PJ's. It wasn't very far from her apartment, and Adelaide sped slightly to get there. Her messy waves and curls flopped in her face, as the little, yellow beetle pulled up to a parallel parking space just a bit from his house. She was so worried for him, she hoped she would make it in time to help him. What if it was internal bleeding, or the effects of acid erosion on his esophagus? Adelaide let her head fill with worry as she approached him, laying on the bench.
Adelaide did notice something strange about his appearance, even from afar. He was dressed nicely, well groomed; he looked nothing like someone who was truly sick. She still approached the bench with caution, she needed to get him help if he was really sick. she looked around for signs of blood on the ground, or anywhere near the area, before Damon sat up and she jumped. She wasn't expecting him to sit up smiling, and Adelaide soon felt a bit of rage baling up inside of her. The words that escaped his mouth were followed by a limo, and she couldn't decide whether to be very upset, or be flattered. "You called me here, to be your date to somewhere, while I am in my pajamas, with my hair messy, and on my day off. You are..." She paused looking at him. "Different." She finished. she couldn't say no, after all, no boy had ever asked her out before. And he had went through so much trouble. "What do you expect me to even wear to wherever we're going?" She asked, crossing her arms over the buttons on her jacket.
{ And Kiss Me Like You're Not Sure Leave My Answers Baby, I've never done this before
And We'll Love Like Kids; All Shiny And New <3.
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favorite. favorites. favorites. favorites. favorites.
& Hobby;
Adelaide enjoys reading and learning languages, but her favorite hobby would be playing the piano and singing. She doesn't feel as if she's much to brag about, but she still enjoys doing it.
& Number;
Addy loves the number one. It's the number of times she believes he should fall in love, and the number of right answers most of the time. It's also the number of times she wants to be married
& Drink;
Adelaide has a guilty pleasure of fancy wines. She doesn't get drunk often, usually only getting buzzed, but she enjoys them nonetheless. It helps her feel a bit better after a long day.
& Food;
Strawberries or maybe even chocolate covered cherries. Sweet and fruity are the best combinations to please her.
& Animal;
Adelaide is a sucker for a sugar glider. They are petite and cute, and also easy to take care of. Maybe when she has her own place, she will own one for herself.
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credits. credits. credits. credits
And We'll Love Like Kids; All Shiny And New <3.
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favorite. favorites. favorites. favorites. favorites.
& Hobby;
Adelaide enjoys reading and learning languages, but her favorite hobby would be playing the piano and singing. She doesn't feel as if she's much to brag about, but she still enjoys doing it.
& Number;
Addy loves the number one. It's the number of times she believes he should fall in love, and the number of right answers most of the time. It's also the number of times she wants to be married
& Drink;
Adelaide has a guilty pleasure of fancy wines. She doesn't get drunk often, usually only getting buzzed, but she enjoys them nonetheless. It helps her feel a bit better after a long day.
& Food;
Strawberries or maybe even chocolate covered cherries. Sweet and fruity are the best combinations to please her.
& Animal;
Adelaide is a sucker for a sugar glider. They are petite and cute, and also easy to take care of. Maybe when she has her own place, she will own one for herself.
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credits. credits. credits. credits
Goosey at CAUTION 2.0 made this and she would REALLY
like it if you didn't remove the credit. She worked her butt off and she just so happens
to know a pack of ravenous penguins that she will unleash on you if she finds out you
stole it. And all lyrics go to the band CAGE THE ELEPHANT, and their brilliant song
like it if you didn't remove the credit. She worked her butt off and she just so happens
to know a pack of ravenous penguins that she will unleash on you if she finds out you
stole it. And all lyrics go to the band CAGE THE ELEPHANT, and their brilliant song