- Messages
- 41
- OOC First Name
- Claire
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Sexual Orientation
- Heterosexual
- Age
- 12

A D E L A I D E ;; J A N E ;; H O N E Y S E T T ;;
- ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥-
So I'll play my hand at life believing / Every win and every loss is teaching
Me to paint my world in color / To see its beauty through the eyes of others
I wanna hold the whole wide world / Right here in my open hands
Maybe I’m just a little girl / A little girl with great big plans
- ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - {♥} N A M E {♥} - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ -
[FULL NAME] Adelaide Jane Honeysett
[NAME ORIGIN] Adelaide is the English form of a Germanic name, meaning "noble natured".
[NAME REASONING] Adelaide was named after the city where her mother met her first love (who was not, incidentally, her father).
[NICKNAMES] Adelaide's name can be shortened to Ade, Addy, Del and Delly. She encourages people to use these nicknames as she prefers them to Adelaide.
- ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - {♥} A G E & L O C A T I O N {♥} - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ -
[DATE OF BIRTH] May 1st, 2038
[PLACE OF BIRTH] Surrey, England
[CHRISTENING NAME] Adelaide Jade Honeysett
[STAR SIGN] Taurus (Taureans are known to be fierce, stubborn, fussy, and enjoy home comforts. This is all very true of Adelaide. Taureans or also known to be patient, thoughtful, and laid back. This is not true of Adelaide whatsoever.)
[AREA OF RESIDENCE] Christchurch, NZ
[HOUSE] Adelaide lives in a two-bedroom house with four siblings (including a very young infant) and her mother. She shares a room with two of her sisters. It's cramped, but on the plus side, she's incredibly close with them.
[DIALECTS] English
[ETHNICITY] African-American, European
- ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - {♥} A P P E A R A N C E {♥} - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ -
[HEIGHT] Slightly below average
[WEIGHT] Slightly above average
[HAIR COLOUR] Dark brown
[HAIR STYLE] Curly; she sometimes wears colourful clips, pins, and hairbands
[EYE COLOUR] Dark Brown
[CLOTHES STYLE] Adelaide rarely gets to choose her own clothes; they're either handed down to her by her mother/sister, or bought second-hand. As a result she tends to wear bright, mismatched clothes that don't fit her very well. She often accessorises with plastic jewellery in equally obtrusive colours. Her favourite shoes are sparkly jelly shoes, and she almost always paints her toenails.
[TATTOOS] None, and no plans to get one
[PIERCINGS] Adelaide was pressured by her mother into having her ears pierced, however she rarely wears earrings as she finds them itchy.
[DISTINGUISHING FEATURES] Adelaide has a very large birthmark on her back.
- ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - {♥} O C C U P A T I O N & E D U C A T I O N {♥} - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ -
[PRIMARY SCHOOL] Adelaide attended a number of muggle primary schools as she moved around frequently.
[SECONDARY SCHOOL] Hogwarts New Zealand
[HOUSE] Gryffindor
[FAVOURITE SUBJECT] Undecided, but most likely Herbology, as it's interesting and she isn't likely to make mistakes
[WORST SUBJECT] Undecided, but probably Potions, as the consequences of making a mistake are quite severe
[WORST PROFESSOR] Professor Styx; she finds him scary
[FUTURE CAREER] Adelaide isn't sure what she wants to do when she grows up.
[FRIENDS] Adelaide's best friends are Wendall Layton and Chase Warrick. She met them on the platform on her way to Hogwarts when Wendall fell down the gap between the train and the platform and she and Chase rushed over to pull him out. She is incredibly trusting of her friends, and would do almost anything to please them, even if it went against her morals. Though she is loyal to Wendall and Chase, she wouldn't mind making more friends in the future.
[WAND] -
---Core: '
[PETS] None. Adelaide can't afford a pet, though she would love a dog one day.
Charms: N/A | Transfiguration: N/A | Herbology: N/A | Potions: N/A | DADA: N/A | History of Magic: N/A |
CoMC: N/A | Divination: N/A | Ancient Runes: N/A | Astronomy: N/A | Muggle Studies: N/A | Arithmancy: N/A |
- ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - {♥} R E L A T I O N S H I P S {♥} - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ -
[RELATIONSHIP STATUS] Too young to care/single
[SEXUAL ORIENTATION] Too young to care
[CRUSHES] None so far
- ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - {♥} H E A L T H {♥} - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ -
[ALLERGIES] None that she knows of
[EYESIGHT] Perfect

P E R S O N A L I T Y ;; W A N T S ;; F E A R S ;;
- ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - ♥-
- ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - {♥} P E R S O N A L I T Y {♥} - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ -
{♥} Clingy {♥} Sacrificing {♥} Gullible {♥} Empathetic {♥} Obnoxious {♥}
Adelaide can't stand being alone. She has to be surrounded by people at all times - preferably fun, exciting, uplifting people - or else she quickly starts to feel bored and unwanted. This leads her to crave love and validation from anybody who'll offer it, and as a result she often comes across as clingy and overbearing. When she makes friends, she expects them to be her friends forever - she can't understand disloyalty and gets incredibly upset when someone she loves and trusts betrays her. She looks for the good in everybody, to a fault; she'll often disregard red flags about a person because she wants to believe they're good underneath. This is especially true if that person has ever shown her kindness.
Adelaide always needs to be the hero. She longs for praise and attention, and will unconsciously seek it by being unnecessarily heroic. If she can 'save' or 'fix' somebody, it boosts her self esteem, if only temporarily. But her motives for helping others aren't entirely selfish. She's highly empathetic, and hates it when people around her are sad - especially if there's something she can do about it. Her biggest fear is that she will upset somebody, and her need to please everyone around her often causes her to burn herself out, and to be taken advantage of.
Having neither an indoor voice nor an understanding of personal space, Adelaide can often come across as obnoxious. When she's having fun, she rarely realises how loud she's being. The faint of heart and the touch-averse are not likely to befriend her. However, those who do become her friend will be fiercely protected by her for as long as they are loyal to her in return.
- ♥ - ♥ - ♥ - {♥} F A V O U R I T E ; T H I N G S {♥} - ♥ - ♥ - ♥ -
[COLOUR] Adelaide's favourite colour is pink. It's bright, cheerful, and makes her happy. If it's glittery as well, all the better for it.
[PLACE] Adelaide's favourite place is at home, with her siblings. She is highly attached to her home comforts, and feels most secure when she is surrounded by her family, who love her very much and makes sure she knows it.
[NUMBER] Eleven. No real reason - although it's the age she was when she received her Hogwarts acceptance letter.
[DAY OF THE WEEK] Saturday has always been Adelaide's favourite day. The shops are open, there's no school, and she can stay up as late as she wants. This has changed now that she has come to Hogwarts, however, as she has classes on Saturdays and Sundays. Her favourite day of the week is now whichever day she gets to lie in on.
[TIME OF DAY] Any time of day, as long as it isn't the morning. Mornings are the worst.
[FOOD] Adelaide loves food. She's a comfort eater. It would be too difficult to pick one food to call her favourite.
[DRINK] Chocolate milkshake.
[SEASON] Summer. She associates summer with long holidays, swimming, water fights, playing in the garden, and staying up late.
[WEATHER] Sunny. Adelaide tends to feel sad if it's raining.
[SMELL] The smell of a roast dinner cooking.
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